The beginning of aquarius age?

Now I am no expert in astrology by any means but correct me if I’m wrong. When the energy shifts chaos seems to happen? Yesterday was history for USA as some of you know.

Seeing this in my feed made me feel sick to my stomach. Aren’t things supposed to get better instead of worse now? 4 people died yesterday due to the riot yesterday.

Oh dear, do you even know what you’re starting? :joy::joy:

I think this topic might be of interest to you (it’s not only strictly speaking about the date)

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Do aquarians have intuition of how things will change in general?

In my professional opinion, this has do to with the shifting in energy caused by mars changing signs, from Aries to Taurus. It’s important to notice, not only that, by doing that he activated the Uranus energy - present in the sign since 2018 - but also Taurus is a square sign to Aquarius (where Saturn and Jupiter recently had their notorious conjunction at zero degrees point). This shift from mars - the natural “trigger” of the zodiac - awakened the latent energy of some tension.


This would also be a good time for those in the U.S. to use “Love Gravitation Wave” or “Love Graviton”. Needless to say the collective needs as much love and compassion as it can get at the moment.


If you mean a historical level of gaslighting and political bullshit being fed to the citizenry, yes, you would be right.

And here you are trying to make some big thing over the “riot” (hint, was far from a riot or any of the even more inflammatory words being thrown about), as if it was particularly extreme or unique.

What about all of the chaos this past summer when cities all across the country were burning for months because of BLM “protests”? Must have been some massive energy shifting portal awakening ascensions huh?

What should make you feel sick is the gaslighting and double standards going on. Establishment politicians and big media and big tech are feeding you lies and far too many are still eating it right up.

4 people died at the hands of trigger happy police, but because they have the “wrong” politics and the “wrong” skin color, they are the “bad guys” rather than the “victims” like George Floyd et al.

Things won’t get better until people actually rise up and denounce the lies, the hypocrisy, the double standards, and the gaslighting. It’s not going to happen waiting for some aquarian age to descend. It’s going to take blood sweat and tears, and real courage.


The age of Aquarius began February of 1962. Long time ago.

Yeah 100% agree with everything you said. Not to get into politics but anyone buying the new world order media/liberal fake news garbage is NOT spiritually awake. At all. And Fox is not much better than the other outlets.

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The eleventh sign ofthe Zodiac corresponds to the stellar influence of Aquarius. The symbol ofAquarius is most commonly seen as a water-bearing human - usually male - pouring forth the waters of wisdom. Aquarius can also be represented by a woman with an urn or a vessel in either hand carefully mixing the liquid between these two vessels. The same icon, the same image, is visible in the Fourteenth Arcanum of the Tarot, which we call Temperance. This symbol contains within itself the mystical science, the precise understanding, of alchemy.

Alchemy is a term that directly translated means “the chemistry ofGod,” and alchemy is a process where by forms of matter are manipulated consciously; in other words, nature is worked with in a conscious way, in order to arrive at a transcendental goal. But as with any science, with any chemical process, Will is the determining factor. We can use any science with evil will in order to accomplish a desire, or we can use any science through conscious will in order to realize the purposes and goals of creation in accordance with the Laws.

If we analyze the word Aquarius, we find in it elemental attributes that relate directly to this science of alchemy. The first part is obviously “Aqua,” which of course is water, from Latin, and then we have “Arius” or air. Aquarius as a sign is related to the basic elements of water and air: but air is the main element. Each of the Zodiacal signs is related to an element, and the core element ofeach sign provides the foundation ofthe way that constellation or Zodiacal sign can influence the psyche.

Air is related to the mind, related to the eagle, to the mind that can reach lofty heights. The air, the mind, is related to thought, to intellect, and to Buddhi, the spiritual soul.

Aqua or water is related to the sephirah Yesod. The waters figure significantly in all religions. In particular, it would be a worthwhile endeavor to spend a little time analyzing the appearances of water in the Bible and if you do, you will discover that there are a great number of miracles and magical works in the bible, all of which are related to water. If we look simply at the gospels we would discover that a vast number ofmiracles of Jesus were accomplished by means of water. And this is not accident: it is symbolic, and the water that performs the magic is the water that is being mixed between the two urns in the fourteenth Arcanum. It is the water of Aquarius.

Jesus talks about the water of life which spring up in the belly, which is of course, if you have studied any kind of Chinese medicine, then you have heard of the tan tien, the ocean of chi, which is related with the lower abdomen. This is symbolic of sexual energy. The sexual forces are accumulated and polarized through the sexual organ, which are not merely the external component that is visible on the outside of the body: it is also related to the internal glands and internal chakras, which are related to the lower abdomen.

So the water and the air - or in other words the water and the spirit - are the two elements of Aquarius. In the Gospels, Jesus tells Nicodemus that we must be born again of water and spirit. So what is this Aquarian mystery? What is the deep hidden knowledge related to the water and the air?

Some of you may have heard that very recently we as a race - as a planet - entered into a new age, a new era ofdevelopment. Different groups calculate the passing into this new age in different ways, but all agree that within the last few decades we entered into a new era, the Age ofAquarius, and in Gnosis we assign that transition to February 4th 1962. This transition was the movement out of the Age of Pisces, which we will study in the next lecture, and into the Age of Aquarius, which is the age in which we are now. And as you can easily perceive, since the year 1962, humanity has undergone a tremendous change.

Beginning with that period of time in the early 1960’s, there was a huge shift in our psychological environment; all of our social systems began to change in radical ways. We witnessed huge upsets in the balance of power between man and woman; we witnessed a huge revolution in the way people think about life, but in particular about sex. Starting in the 1960’s this revolution spread around the world: to abandon the previous concept of sexuality, which was stale, which was regressive, which was suppressive. In other words, in the Piscean era, humanity was enslaved by sex, hid sexuality, suppressed it, didn’t like to talk about it, kept everything related with sex hidden, and this is because the influence ofthe Piscean forces.

In particular we find, this was especially true of the Tantric mysteries. Tantra - or true alchemy - was previously hidden from the eyes of the population, and it was only in the years leading up to the dawning of the Aquarian age that the Tantric mysteries began to be revealed in an open fashion. And of course through out the 60’s and 70’s the interest and investigation of Tantra began to increase dramatically, until now. There are a vast number of people who have heard of Tantra and always equate it with sexuality, but unfortunately, the understanding of Tantra in these times is corrupt.

Aquarius is the bringer ofknowledge, so when we entered into the Aquarian age, we entered into a time within which humanity is due to receive knowledge, science, and in a very superficial form we can see that reflected in the arrival in what people are calling the “information age.” In this time, in our economics, in our social systems, we have shifted away from a materialistic basis for our economic health and the shift now is on the information basis: knowledge, wisdom, understanding, learning; this is a very superficial reflection of the influence of the Aquarian era. The heart of the Aquarian influence is in esoteric knowledge, but to understand that, we need to know a little bit about this word “knowledge” and what precisely it is referring to.

We tend to make the assumption that knowledge is related to the intellect, and it is true that intellectual knowledge is a form ofunderstanding, a form of knowledge, that is necessary. But, it is only the bottom, it is the most superficial; the most shallow level of knowledge is intellectual knowledge. So to comprehend why we talk about Aquarius as the bringer ofknowledge, we are going to look a little bit at some Sanskrit terminology, which can open up some doors for us in our understanding.

In Sanskrit, there is the word vidya, and we also hear the word jnana; both of these terms are translated as knowledge. Vidya actually has two meanings, two forms of knowledge are enclosed by vidya: the first is aparavidya, which is simple intellectual knowledge, or in other words lower knowledge. The other form of vidya is called paravidya, and this is higher knowledge, but paravidya is intuitive experiential knowledge. So in the understanding of the two forms of vidya we see immediately the two forms of Kabbalah.

Samael Aun Weor pointed out very clearly that there are two kinds ofKabbalists:

  1. Intellectual kabbalists, who only study theories and memorize things, but have no conscious experience of what they study, and these would be people who are gathering aparavidya, which is intellectual understanding, intellectual knowledge.
  2. The second kind of kabbalist seeks after paravidya, which is intuitive spiritual experience, in other words the direct experience of the truths of the tree of life. They have penetrated consciously into the direct experience of the Kabbalah.

We have another kind of person next to these two, or another form ofunderstanding, called avidya, which is the word vidya with an A in front ofit. Now you will notice that aparavidya is just like paravidya but with an A in front, and avidya is vidya with an A in front. The a means “without,” so avidya means “without knowledge,” in other words, without experience, even without intellectual understanding. And in both Hinduism and Buddhism they say the source of all suffering is avidya, ignorance, to ignore. Ignore is an I with gno, gno from gnosis; I indicates “without,” just like the A in avidya.

If you have studied Hinduism, you have stidied the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is a discourse given by Krisha, who is the Christ in the Indian mysteries, and Krisha throughout the entire discourse of the Bhagavad Gita emphasizes knowledge, but he clearly differentiates two forms ofknowledge. In most translations you will find them as “phenomenal” and “numinous.” And Krishna states explicitly that we need both of these forms of knowledge, both of these forms of vidya.

Phenomenal knowledge is related to phenomenon, manifested things, to have knowledge of our environment, to have knowledge of what we perceive.

Numinous knowledge is of spiritual things: these are vidya and jnana. Vidya would be related to numinous knowledge, to spiritual knowledge, while jnana is just knowing, or knowledge in general. So it is good to understand when studying these scriptures, the different subtleties ofthe terms, and the reason is that our own thinking, our own understanding, is our obstacle.

For example, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, “Spiritual liberation comes through knowing me.” So most followers of Hinduism read that and think in the same way that Christians do, “If I believe in Krishna, then I am saved.” This is false. This is not what Krishna is saying. Krishna is saying by “knowing” me; this is not belief: this is experiential, conscious. Many of us have a hard time conceiving of the idea that you can actually know Krishna personally, but that is the point of real religion: to know for oneself, to converse with the prophets, with the gods, to talk to them, to get answers from them, to get guidance. This is the purpose ofreligious studies really. It is not just to stuff our heads with concepts or beliefs; that is the lowest form ofknowledge, intellectual knowledge, and that is aparavidya, which is low knowledge, it is related to spiritual things, but it is stuck in the intellect. We need paravidya, experiential knowledge, knowledge of the wisdom of the gods through our own direct experience, and to acquire that consciously, not by reading, but by doing it.

Excerpt from this lecture Aquarius — Astrology, a free course

Yeah, the Aquarian forces have been in motions since the 60’s. Whether or not it was exactly 1962 doesn’t matter. It already passed a while ago.


There will be no peace until my brothers and sisters are free.

I have spoken.

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How long will The Age of Aquarius last?

Not sure but it’s the last sign of each rotation around the zodiacal belt, which takes a little over 26,000 years total. At least it’s the last one for before this root race (the 5th) is destroyed and the 6th root race begins, which will begin as a new golden age with select few souls. Right now, we are in the Kali Yuga, the dark age.

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Where’s the rally point?

different perspective

In my opinion, which I am entitled to and you’re free to dismiss.

Nothing magical, I guess you can read something from the stars thanks to astrology, but it’s like reading a software’s digital dashboard full of metrics collected from direct observations of reality and subject to interpretations.

Things like that always happened. The US is at a point of great divide and things like that happened before and will happen again. The information technology changed things it’s true. Technology brought us closer and countries are starting to act like the small towns of long ago.

Some people only see the bad and think this time is different. But there’s always been lies, there’s always been secret societies, corruptions, riots, murder. If we take the case of hollywood, the depravities always took place there, but it was secluded, they didn’t need to hide, they could do a lot in plain sight between fellow creeps. Worst case scenario, a rumor spread by a witness to a few friends and family members turning into a vague rumor.
The only true power of government is violence. That’s why you follow the law and pay taxes, because of the threat of violence. Brainless mobs convinced that their guy is the savior, well it’s as old as the concept of communities. It’s just more obvious and exacerbated by attention seeking medias.

Maybe there is an aquarius age, but how much does it tell you beyond “the same cycles keep repeating themselves with technological variants” ?

A lot of people interpret theses last few years against the few peaceful moment in american history that happened in between wars, but from the colonial era, Tocqueville’s observations, the civil war, the social divides, every time they launched a new federal administration to be contested, segregation, the financial crisis and incessant foreign conflicts. If it’s not occupy wall street, it’s occupy washington.

If it’s not the americans vs the british, it’s the native vs the migrant, the liberal vs the conservative, the unionist vs the seditionist, man vs women, ethnic group 1 vs ethnic group 2. Communist vs capitalist.

Praise your lord that they’re not putting millions of you on a boat with a can of soup and a rifle to die on a beach, jungle or desert. Say thank you that the oligarchs can’t kill you and your familie anytime they want. Appreciate the fact that big companies don’t break your windows or burn you shop in the night. Say thank you the military is not shooting protesters by the hundreds and calling newspapers owner to tell them to shut the f up about what happened. You are free to say what you want, even if nobody listen, that’s amazing. You’re free to chose what career you want, you’re not just an extra pair of hand for labor or a pension fund for your parents. How great is that ? You can marry who you want (if you want to lol), how great is that ?

We have it pretty good and sometimes I’m getting fed up of people living in the most free and prosperous country ever crying because the government is not doing everything they want. Wake up !
You could be starving to death, have to bow to a warlord, get decapitated at whim by a ruler above the law.

That’s what happens when people have it too good for too long, they stop being rational and they actually want things to be 100% like promised. The brochure was not mean to be literal. Nobody before had it as good.
The kings just a few centuries ago used to make 10 baby to have 1 or 2 actually surviving. They had the best healthcare possible. Kings used to have bucket of crap in their bedroom, every street smelled like piss and coal used to irritate their eyes.

LIFE SUCKS, OK WE GOT IT! Try to make it better, start tomorrow morning, behave yourself and clean your house or appartment


Also think it’s related. The stuff people feel cheated of are a recent thing. There never was radical free speech without consequences like on the internet. That started a few decades ago, people can just put their junk with fake names and zero accountability forever. The internet turned into a lawless states where people can release their inhibition and do whatever with their alter ego.

Nowhere in history would people have envisioned a megaphone to scream whatever garbage they want for free and anonymously where millions or billions of people would hear it as equal to the megaphone of the supreme ruler of the land.
Of course the internet wouldn’t stay like that, of course they’d regulate and censor again. It’s only shocking to the people who grew up with the internet and don’t know anything else. Still better than one way medium like the newspaper and only hearing from paid editors and critics without being able to talk back.


I’m sure at least some would find more meaning in that than doing their make-work jobs. Either way, why is someone owed a thank you for not abusing my life?

They can, they simply choose not to (for the most part!) because it is more useful and profitable for them to keep you alive slaving away and consuming.

No, they have more elegant and subtle ways of ensuring that small businesses are kept in their place. The current pandemic has already ended the dream of owning one’s own business for many, and could change the business landscape permanently such that small businesses are even less able to compete.

Don’t need to shoot protesters or strong arm the media, when the media is in the government’s back pocket (or the government is in the media’s, depending on how you look at it). Keep more people slaving away and consuming… avoid people waking up thanks to the shock of violence.

The most effective prison is the one you don’t realize you are in, as the saying goes.

Only until you are canceled. Or do you include that in “even if nobody listens?” Not much of a gift to be able to say anything I want to the four walls of my room, or in my own head. That is a gift of the universe, not our rulers.

Some would argue that the career has to pick you as much as you pick the career. In most cases you must be accepted by employers, coworkers, others in the field, clients, etc. And the government can, and does, administer licenses for many fields.

And again, don’t forget about cancel culture.

Think you’re grossly misrepresenting / hyperbolizing.

To some up my criticisms in the broadest sense, I think you are choosing to prioritize physical survival over something like mental or spiritual satisfaction / fulfillment.

And, while yes the emphasis on being fulfilled has risen in recent, more physically comfortable, years, it certainly is not an entirely new perspective. All throughout history there have been people who found it difficult, if not impossible, to play along with the prevailing social order, just for the sake of the “privilege” not to be abused.

The other big criticism I had (which comes even more into light in your second post which I am not going to quote) is that you are conflating “how things have always been” with “how things should be.”

You are right, for example, that the kind of opportunities for free speech, communication in general, and anonymity have never existed before very recently (even the idea of free speech is only a couple hundred years old). However, that does not mean that people necessarily should be expected to be happy or willing to go back to a previous situation when it has been shown that present capabilities allow for a new situation that many feel is a better one.

I lied, I am going to quote one part of the second post.

If things continue in the direction they’re going, with regulations and censorship which you seem to endorse, then the internet will become a one way medium, at least for many. In the last year or two companies have eliminated comments sections from news and magazine articles, eliminate many forums / message boards, pushed for greater censorship on remaining forums and social media through various means (direct and indirect), purged “bad actors” to increasing degrees, fired employees that the angry mobs want “canceled”, and used paid influencers and paid forum posters to create content and seed discussions favorable to companies in question.

We are moving towards a more and more “perfectly” curated, socially engineered, internet where many people will either be unable or unwilling to talk back in any significant way. And those that do talk will mirror the companies they talk to and about. They will “keep things light and positive.” They will be “inclusive” and “inoffensive”. They will stick to so called “constructive criticism.” They will make sure their posts avoid anything politically incorrect (or in other words off trend).

Why do you do that ?
I’m not doing another back and forth, you said your thing, I said mine.

Why do I engage in discussion on a discussion forum?

Don’t force me back into sarcasm

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