The Benefits of Slower Brain Activity: A Study on US Army Green Berets

Biocybernaut Institute has tons of research on the subject. Here’s an example with alpha waves, their first training:

After alpha, they train people to stay in theta, and if deemed fit they sometimes invite people to closed delta trainings, resulting in very high delta during waking hours (which, perhaps surprisingly, doesn’t make one sleepy or less alert – quite the opposite!).

Slower brainwave frequencies are rather mysterious in this regard; it turns out that extremely high frequencies “ride” on the slower brainwave frequencies. In short: slower brainwaves appear to be the holy grail of living.


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Clicked :stuck_out_tongue:

Will look it later on as these matters are of my interest.
Most of the cultures that preach spiritual practices advise about breathing slowly, eating less, keeping track of the mind and all of that. This is to be able to modulate the brain activity.

If it is not always running around it becomes focused and that’s largely overwhelming! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the share, will view it later, bookmarked :slight_smile:


Clicked too :)

I’m from/live in a country where anything related to army has always been and still is very, VERY present in everyday life. In some positive ways… but also in extremely negative ways. Not only talking about internationally famous clichés first coming to mind. No, it’s more complicated than that. More hidden in some details, even those which seem not related to army.

Also, whenever I’m with men from my country, there’s almost always at least one of them who starts talking about his military service days… for hours… Non stop. Which I can understand, since it’s both a traumatizing and “enriching“ experience for many of them.

But I’m overdosed :) So when I see the word “army”, I’m not always enthusiast straight away. It may be the case for other people here as well.

However, you can be sure that your work for this community and your interesting contributions are appreciated.


Damn, I bet brain control relies a lot on manipulating brain waves to extreme precision’s of different personality traits

(Assuming it’s real lol)


Recently I bought a headset that uses electromagnetic pulses to influence brainwaves.

It works even when I put it under the pillow. If on the Theta setting, I experience intense dreams at night with great recall.

Considering how many electromagnetic fields we’re exposed to all the time, they probably do influence our brain activity to a great extent.


Hey noah,

Can you share which have you bought?
Can be through PM to avoid advertising, etc…

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No need, it might help others.

It’s called NeoRhythm:

This is relevant for the kundalini thread as well, because Itzhak Bentov wrote in his book that 4-7 Hz. stimulation with magnetic pulses can awaken kundalini in susceptible people.


You are actually right.

In some OPS the individuals needed are expected to be in a certain mental state. Whereas their decisions are precise and due to attention. So much participants are brought into hypnosis and self-hypnosis to be trained.

Only a few that excel the neuropattern metrics measured were later brought into the studies and tests.

They’re unawarely focused, not just because someone told them to. And that is attributed to the brain waves, which tend to sync both hemispheres and allow them with full control over themselves and “reality”.


Any incompatibility with audio listening or anything we should know?

Well, you can’t use the NeoRhythm at the same time you use headphones because the magnetic fields interfere.

Other than that, no, I don’t think so. It’s just a brainwave entrainment device, like binaural beats but much more effective.