The Black Sun 🌚

But in difficult times, one must not forget - within the Black there is the possibility of the Golden, and purification will surely come.

Solniger (Black Sun) is an ambiguous symbol. From the very beginning, it is not clear what this phenomenon is and where its origins are. It is present in some mythologies, but more often than not, somehow inaudible, marginal, hidden.

In the Middle Ages, this sun appears in European esotericism and alchemy, and in the 20th century almost everyone from C.G. Jung to H.P. Blavatsky writes about it. This is quite strange, because for a powerful image to appear in culture, you need a good reason.

In the 20th century, the Black Sun was extremely popular, and its symbolism was used by the ideologists of the 3rd Reich, the New Age, the Scandinavian and Slavic neo-pagans, the adherents of occult knowledge of the East and the West, theosophists, “Hyperboreans” and Freemasons.

In many esoteric forums, the Black Sun symbol is often attributed to the culture of Ancient Babylon. “Venerable esotericists” write about divine light and the gateway to the gods. Ideally, it burns out all false knowledge from the soul, showing the way to the Spiritual World.

The symbol was also popular in German neo-pagan and Nazi mysticism, but a closer examination reveals that the Black Sun does not allow ideologies such as those promoted by the Third Reich to prevail. Unfortunately, the swastika and, in fact, the Black Sun have been tainted, as have other solar symbols. The once positive, albeit dangerous, symbol has become taboo, because there is no limit to humanity’s destructive power, nor is there limit to its hypocrisy and ignorance.

The Black Sun is a swastika, that is, one of the variations of the universal solar symbol, which was used by almost all cultures of antiquity. Graphically, the Black Sun includes twelve broken rays of equal size and shape. Some scholars have suggested that these are not just rays, but stylized runes Sol (Saulu) from the all-German runic series. Perhaps the number twelve may be associated with the twelve months.

Black Sun rays are coming out of the center of the symbol, pass through the inner circle and rest in the outer. Traditionally, esotericists believe that the circles symbolize the transcendent and transcendental respectively, both in man himself and in the world around him. Nevertheless, in different societies the interpretation of different graphic elements of the Black Sun can have significant differences. Many aspects become the subject of numerous speculations on the part of pseudoscientific societies and occultists, striving to reveal to people the next “secret behind the seven seals” in order to make money on it. As a result, the Internet is overflowing with a wide range of scientific assumptions, which quickly acquire a mythological context. Some theories seem blatantly far-fetched, others seem quite plausible.

Kolovrat is a symbol of rebirth like the Sun, committing the circulation in nature. Inverted Kolovrat helps to pass this stage through the destruction of the old, renunciation of the heavy burden of the past. In some sources there is an interpretation that the deeper meaning lies in the construction of the “Black Sun”: it is three Kolovrat, superimposed on each other, carry the fundamental basis of the process of “Becoming-Being-Passage”, which determines the stages of personal development, comprehension of the hidden occult knowledge. 12 rays symbolize the roundness of this comprehension, the infinity of cognition.

The powerful concentration contained in this symbol reveals a person from a completely different side. The symbol is a symbol of the power of the Sun and the power of the Spirit. “Black Sun” promotes the realization of hidden reserves and abilities without getting carried away into mysticism. Expanding the consciousness, it does not distort the perception of reality. Transformation of personality in the process of comprehension of secret signs does not bring damage to the person himself. "The Black Sun burns out illusory perceptions and false knowledge, leaving the essence itself so that consciousness can move forward in its development and perfection.

Alchemically, the Black Sun corresponds to an intermediate state in the transformation process. Staying completely in the material and lowly state both of the consciousness and the body - it is impossible to pass through, to go to another state, one must cross certain gates behind which there remain superfluous shells burdening the spirit. The Black Sun plays an important role in all this, it is a symbol of transfiguration, it represents the drama of returning to primordial matter, death, before gaining a pure, renewed and more perfect nature.

In addition, this NFT helps us learn the truth of life and recognize the lies disguised as truth. Thanks to it, one can also get rid of the dark past and “step” into the future without having to carry this heavy burden. The meaning of the Black Sun is also to protect people from evil forces. It also helps to learn something new for yourself and gets rid of misconceptions, promotes the disclosure of hidden talents.


Corrected 118 copies thx @Zen


Any description?


will be :)


I added an abbreviated version of the description, I would also consider this NFT in terms of: An alchemical revision of all life and self, connection with our roots and so on


also dedicated to connoisseurs - “Black Hole NFT” and dedicated to my friend Baya


Congratulations, @Ugninis ! Thank you for making this into a community project. Thank you, Captain for this gift. :pray: :blush:
You have created another NFT that will help one with their transformation process. I’ve been waiting for this since the last time we chatted. :clinking_glasses:

@Baya and @Zen … the total copies are 120.


:sun_with_face: :grin: :pray:


haha… yes, but very different colors now! I love Captain’s design… as usual. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@Ugninis who’s image is that in the middle?


this image was in the document, at the very top. And you read it :)
I don’t remember where I found it, either on google or on another forum… :grin:


ahhh… i’m forgetting it then. Will need to read it again after I loop Brain Dancer first. :joy:


I didn’t understand the question because I was looking at the image I posted
sorry @Starlight :laughing:

thank you, bro @anon13773280 :pray:


All good! Yes, I was speaking about the NFT image. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


:sun_with_face:Instant purchase! Thank you @Ugninis

:fire: :fire: :fire:


Beautiful, beautiful
Just, beautiful :pray:t2::sparkles:


Thank you @Ugninis for making this available for the public! :pray:


Thank you @Ugninis for another brilliant project!

And for making it available for the rest of the forum.



No, that’s definitely not him.
The (common) symbol of the black sun itself looks like this


but you have to agree, there’s nothing like that on the mandala
it was a strange night, as many things “surfaced” (strange memories and insights and so on)

When I woke up, I let the image go through an image search service
this is easy to do on your own.
the first and second thing I got as a result:


this is the same ancient magical symbolism
another bomb from Captain, multifaceted ancient alchemy :)

i wrote this in a group, i think it’s also included

also, as a colleague just said, "the subconscious limits removal tag can now be sold lol




wild stuff