The Black Swan NFT

The draft name of the project was “The Dark Triad,” as it consists of three main interconnected “dark” parts…

Darkness is directly associated with night, twilight… It is a time that causes few pleasant associations in the minds of very many people. This time of day is associated with something unknown, gloomy, dark, cold, unkind or even evil. With the twilight of the night our ancient ancestors in their legends and legends associated various dark forces: the spirits of the dead appear at night, turning people into monsters occurs as a rule at night, vampires hunt only at night, etc.

Sit in the dark, preferably in the lotus position-if you can. The darkness should be absolute. Then stretch out your arms and try to feel the darkness at your fingertips.

Feel its power, its might. Then slowly breathe in, drawing in through your fingers the power of darkness. When you feel how the power enters you, you can put your hands down and then just breathe the darkness, drawing it in not only with your lungs, but with the whole surface of your body. Try it, and you’ll see how good it feels…

It all started quite a long time ago, when a friend and I were chatting in private correspondence, and we touched on the concept of black swans in passing. It was just an idea.

A few days later I “accidentally” saw this online:

Black Swan

A group was formed, but at that time we had not yet imagined a coherent design. And we got an explosive mixture :)

In the Middle Ages the assumption of the existence of a black swan in nature seemed absurd and became a metaphor for something absolutely impossible. The black swan was considered an exclusively mythical and fabulous creature. In 1697 a Dutch expedition discovered a population of the most real black swans in Western Australia. For ornithologists, this discovery came as a great surprise.

Black swans are associated with the energies of darkness at night. It is a symbol of everything rare and unusual. By the way, it is a very ancient totem of life force.

In Slavic culture, the Black Swan is the bird of the goddess Mara (Goddess of Winter and Death). In contrast to the white swan as a symbol of daylight and Life, the black swan in some legends is a symbol of darkness.

I n f o

In Slavic mythology, the goddess Mara is associated with the seasonal rituals of dying and resurrection of nature, as well as with the rituals of evoking rain. The goddess of harvest, fertility and death, the patroness of witchcraft and justice. She was perceived as a being situated far above the layer of reality in which it is possible to operate with the concepts of “good” and “evil”.

The goddess Mara is one of the universal-fundamental principles of the universe, the cornerstone of existence, the unity of life and death, “obligatory” evil. Mara was revered and celebrated no less than the other gods. She is the point of balance. This is a very strict and principled goddess, she does not forgive lies and treason. She does not tolerate carelessness, slovenliness, scandal and pettiness, and is rarely lenient to the shortcomings of those around her).

The Slavs lived in peace with any gods. They believed that any death is only the beginning of a new life. So winter, no matter how severe it was, it was always replaced by a beautiful spring.

Often she is referred to as Morana or Marena, and the Eastern Europeans call her Morzhana or Marmuriena. By the way, if you take the famous legends of King Arthur, there also appears Morgana, and it may well be that the legends are all based on the same character from Slavic mythology.

In addition, the Slavs paid special attention to Mara during the long winters. Through appeals, prayers, requests, or entreaties, people turned to the goddess to have mercy on her and help them. It was Mara who could tame the winter cold and cure any ailment.

Mara was the goddess of balance, honesty and justice. It was she who punished oath-breakers who promised, made vows, oaths, but subsequently did not keep them.

Another version of the concept of Justice


Black Swan Magic and Energy

It is the energy of elegance, grace, grace, beauty, devotion, love, loyalty, faithfulness, calm, creativity and transformation. The swan will help not to resist change and transformation, because it is to surrender to the flow of life and be in acceptance.

The energy of independence and pride. The energy will help when faith is lacking. Faith that there are miracles in life. It is an opportunity to find inner bliss.

The black swan is a graceful reminder to leave any position in which you feel powerless and at the mercy of outside forces; it’s time to reclaim your personal power. It is an additional resource to get through your powerlessness and elegantly change any unfavorable situation.

It is the key to see and feel the inner beauty of the world around you. The energy teaches acceptance, to see the intent of the natural Forces of life, to trust yourself and to give yourself to the vital flow of life. Energy will help you to develop your intuitive abilities, to be flexible in relation to any situation. It will teach you to respect the laws of nature and feel them within yourself.

Swan will teach you to pass all obstacles in your way with grace. He will teach to see life in himself as a certain deep meaning, teach to find secret meanings where they are not seen by others, teach to see the fragility of life, love yourself, respect yourself and your life.

The energy of the black swan combines the elements of air and water, pushing the wearer to high ideals and to perfection. If necessary, it can add uncompromising, cold and unapproachable.

The energy of the black swan will teach self-sufficiency and remove any vanity about survival. You will always feel the atmosphere of danger beforehand and find a quiet safe place. By the way, swans recover very well and heal themselves.

The swan will teach you to see through any life situation and teach you not to absorb negativity, but to let all the troubles pass through you and swim forward without holding anything back. It will teach you to be emotionally literate, to be able to manage your emotions, not to ignore them, but to be aware for the sake of transformation.

The energy will fill you with a magical, mysterious and mystical aura and give you the brightest personality. If necessary, the black swan will easily close your inner world from prying eyes.

Black swan will help you protect “your territory” from “strangers”. Woe to the person who will try to enter your territory uninvited and with evil intentions.

It is the energy of external beauty. It is the energy of elegance and grace and distinctive style. It is an opportunity to attract the right kind of attention. Mystery, mystery, audacity.

The energy is great for meditation, analysis and altered states of consciousness. It is an additional resource to develop your personal power, an opportunity to noticeably change your surroundings, to build bridges between worlds and to access new energies. New discoveries in the world of magic. This is the key to noticing the amazing things that are constantly happening around you. Help you accurately interpret the secret signs that life gives us. A guide to the worlds of subtle matter.

Elegant and short concept of "love



Taleb copcept

In 2004, in his book Fooled by Randomness, the American economist and mathematician Nassim Nicholas Taleb (he was a stock market practitioner) put forward the concept of Black Swans - these are sudden and large-scale phenomena that dramatically change the course of history. These include wars, financial crises, the emergence of the Internet, etc. It is impossible to predict them, but you have to know how to live with them. And with the right handling, you will catch your Black Swan, which will literally become “the bird of happiness of tomorrow.”

“Black swans” can be global or personal, positive (e.g., the emergence of the Internet) or negative (the coming to power of Adolf Hitler). They include wars, financial crises, unexpected death, a chance encounter in an elevator, winning the lottery, meeting a life partner, contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, etc.

According to this theory almost all significant scientific discoveries, historical and political events, achievements of art and culture are “Black Swans”.

Black Swans are unpredictable occurrences that give impetus to history and change everyone’s life, whether they want to or not. Taleb is convinced that success depends directly on how one deals with such situations.

The central message of the concept is that the danger lies in human blindness to chance, especially large-scale chance. We are all mostly focused on the small, apparently believing that the small will make the big, and then the result will come. But it’s easy to get bogged down in the small without getting to the big.

The “black swan” theory is a metaphor for surprises that have great effect but are rationalized, so they seem insignificant. Events happen in life that are almost impossible to predict or are incredibly rare.

The black swan in your life may be an event that happens outside of all your normal expectations and that you may at first try to explain away.

Black Swan is lucky probabilities, events that will have a tremendous impact on your future life. In everything. Always.

I will leave the next (third) component of the project undescribed…


It is a strange attempt to realize and combine what at first glance cannot be combined. But it is at first glance. All the parts of the project are somehow closely related. So many differences and so many similarities.

Power and protection… The mother, the power of the night and the darkness of the moon. The magic of understanding the night, getting rid of fear.

A call to encourage people to understand the power they have, to recognize it, and to free them from fear of shadow and darkness… When you are at a crossroads in life and need the fresh cool energy of darkness, these three parts of the project will make a perfect combination to solve any problem.


I like this very much, actualy I am very, very interested


Og @Ugninis
How can I express my gratitue towards you and Captan
Your project NFTs have been changing my life so so much.
You can’t even imagine how these NFTs have been helping me.
They’re magnificent. They’re beautiful, and strong and effective.
Bow to Captain and to you, you guys are changing my life!!!


:heart_eyes: Black Swan family at Parque Dom Carlos


Hey @Ugninis I know i’m not entitled at all but i aquired a copy and really want too know more,
would you allow me access too the group or any other source too learn more of what too expect working with this nft?


We visited Parque Dom Carlos yesterday, and were so happy to see that our Black Swan “Ugly Ducklings” are getting big! Their beaks are pink now and they are growing pin feathers!

(We make sure to bring plenty of bread for the ducks and fish, too!)


Gotta mad skills over here bruh


Actually its “Taleb” and “concept”

Thank you for noticing, I have corrected

Also, don’t forget to periodically in your free time check for errors and inconsistencies in all sources of information available to mankind. It will help many :) Thank you again! :pray: