The blocker shield

Aha. Clear. Thanks again.

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I will give this one a shot, I’m getting attacks often. Two of my shields are not working.


This one is fantastic and potent. 3-4 loops and I’m re-centred and calm after feeling on edge / under attack in a negative environment. Very very useful


Today, before my meditation, I decided to prepare by putting this shield on like a suit. I allowed the audio to play for 15 minutes before moving on to the ‘Cone of Power’ for my manifestation, followed by a brief session of ‘Fortuna Smile.’ Afterward, I began my other practices. While in the Theta state, I encountered a woman who appeared out of nowhere, attempting to steal my life force by trying to seduce me. However, she became frustrated when her attempts failed. She quickly tried various visuals to stimulate me, but none were effective. Frustrated, she started yelling, accusing me of not being Christian or Muslim, referring to my use of magic and shielding. I responded firmly, ‘I am my own God. I am God!’ She seemed shaken by this and quickly faded away. As I started to vibrate, my awareness shifted back to a low alpha state.

As I sat there, puzzled by the events, someone called out my name, ‘Centaur,’ but using my real name :hot_face:, indicating that this person knew my real name and that I possess clairaudient abilities. It was only a couple of minutes after the attack, and though I’m not certain if it’s related, it seems as if some woman was attacking me and wanting me to know that she knows me in real life. Fortunately, this shield effectively diffused the attack and prevented her from draining my life force. This all happened just an hour ago. Many thanks to @equilibrium :mechanical_arm: :green_heart: