The blocker shield

This is a shield that literally blocks anything and everything (or at least attempts to so no guarantee but should help against strong attacks too more or less). Regardless of positive and negative energy. Lasts for 24 hours. The more you loop the stronger it gets. So let’s say when you use this shield you won’t even recive healing energy from someone. It’s to protect against attacks that cannot be blocked by normal shield or normal method. Not only that but also it pulls out any type of energy form your energy system.

Only use it when you wish to take a break from everything. This has so many layers to it. But a function is that it fills you up with the light and love of source of creation but quite subtle and not too noticable. It’s mainly to ease up symptoms of any existing psychic attack. Should protect against demonic influence and so on. Or curse or spell. It also attempts to pull out curses and spells but that aspect is experimental so no guarantee that it will solve your issue. But can definitely help to a degree. When you no longer want to use it just ask the shield to be removed (no need to open the audio for that).

This also attempts to protect whole energy body and auric layers too. Literally everything that exists within you on all dimensions.

Also has a little bit of negative thought forms removal aspect. Would attempt on pulling them away from you and cut the connection you have with them.

However, if you want to use this shield and field at the same time then you can. As long as it’s from me or sapien medicine. The shield will let the energies in. Or if you want to use stuff from other creators then ask the shield to allow the energy. But if their audios happens to contain shady or negative energy it will nullify them and pull them out immediately. Doesn’t matter if you like it or not.

Some function of this audio is now also added to psychic and Environmental shielding and dimensional shielding. (Not all). Will this one replace them? No. Not even close.

This is a two layered shield. First layer has all the function that’s mentioned and the second layer does the same. But it has an effect similar to black hole. It will forcefully pull out anything or any type of energy that’s inside in your system that’s harmful. Such as spells attack etc. Only functions when needed.

(New ideas per usual. No stealing or copying allowed).


Very interesting. And also thank you for this field.

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No need to play the audio again right?:thinking: We can ask anytime after listening.


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Also has a little bit of negative thought forms removal aspect. Would attempt on pulling them away from you and cut the connection you have with them.

By using this field, you could find out if a curse or spell was cast on you right?

Well not intended for that. But I’d you’re psychic or sensitive enough you might be able to feel them as they might get highlighted.

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Forgot to add…

This part only functions when needed.



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If you have listened to audios, such as subliminals and fields in the past that contain dark or negative energy and/or messages (that you were not aware of, of course), will this field nullify them and pull them out immediately?

No. It won’t pull out things that has already been manifested in your being and is not in pure energetic forum. For example curse and spells are always in energetic state so it can work on them. It’s only a shield not something to reverse effects that are in your being.

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Ok clear. Thanks for your reply.

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Thank you sounds very good.

If person has attachment. Evile eye or curse or all together will Not clean them and break it , or YES it will clean it ?.

It will only shield form future attacks . ?

How long to wait if person want to listen the healing set of audios after listening the Blocker shield ?

How it will influence relationship with close people in the house or else .?

Again thank you

It will attempt on that but not the main goal of the field

You can just ask the field to allow it as I’ve mentioned in description. And for sapien field there’s no problem.

What do you mean? It isn’t supposed to affect. Your relationship with people.

Nothing just confirming to be Shure .

Again thank you very much , I listen it 5 x .

After 2x listening I open my shades on the glass door seaking more Light :candle: as previous was more in darkish room .

Wen listening other creators :
told field to alow me; " alow xxx creator so I can listen and heal , all his fields "

Is it correct ??


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Yah no problem

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-Can I say “allow all fields of Psychic University” instead of repeating this over and over with each field?

-And what about neutral energies like money?

-And does the field affect manifestations?

Yes you can do that. And no it would not do that. It simply stops energy from entering.