The Blueprint of Life

Thank you for your kindness. I had very bad experiences with new age practitioners before, some of them leanred xx/oo/yy techniques, but lacks realization of the mechanism of how and why they are so fast-working, and in turn harmed more than they help. I am currently underwent a tumultuous mental state. That rude post was made at an very impulsive state of mind, thoughtfulness was not in my mind then at all.

I would still prefer to remain silence at these contentious issues though. I had way too many takes of being a polemicist many ears ago, which eventually did no one good. And again because, I am still not mentally very stable now.

I apologize again for taking you as a innocent, affected recipient of my outburst of resentments toward some specific new age practitioners I met in the past.


Mini review: I got this field this September. Been listening to it 1-2 times every single day since the purchase. I was so, SO excited after reading this thread. Giddy with excitement! Ready to change! Woohooo! ā€¦And nothing happened or changed. Anxiety hit. It was a lot of money. Was I crazy to buy this? Did the field maybe find me so rotten to the core that it didnā€™t want to work on me? Because nothing happened!

Likeā€¦ nothing.

Well. I was wrong. All my life long Iā€™ve been a huuuge fan of the horror genre. Comics, movies, books, art. Iā€™ve loved it all. Recently all the things that go bump in the night have lost their glamour completely. Here I am pretty much forcing myself to engage with my number 1 hobby. It is as if someone just scrubbed that part of me clean and threw it away. No interest left, none. This may sound like a silly thing but for me it is an enormous change. I think it is BoL working on meā€¦ just in a sneaky, hard-to-pinpoint kind of way. Making space for new things. Iā€™ll continue to listen every day.

My tip? Keep at it. Not everyone gets immediate or in-your-face results. Doesnā€™t mean things arenā€™t happening!


What a funny coincidence I just started playing this audio 6 minutes ago


And yes I agree, it takes time, patience and dedication to get your results.


YES, absolutely. Things also add up over time so first itā€™s like ā€œHey! Where are my results?!ā€ and then later one will see that all sorts of changes have taken place. Maybe even right under their noses. Sneaky field! And a great one!


I figured that Dream had to have made a field that activates the latent dna strands. This is it, the field that returns us to our original blueprint as Star Beings :star2: :mage:

Iā€™ll start listening to this more. I already use Detoxed Plasmatron quite often.

I use 12 Strand Activation and 12,24,36 Activation by Sigh Energy and 36 Strand by Maitreya alongside this. Iā€™ll become more concious as the junk dna is activated more and more :massage_man: :dna:

I also just purchased a 12 Strand Activation on Etsy for $7.77 . Figured itā€™s worth a shot lol

EDIT: Sorry for the long post, I realize that Light and Vibrational Guidance is a nice addition with this. I feel that field is slept on and has more to offer than it seems.
Iā€™m wearing the BPIL tag right now, so rest assured my selections are of the highest good lol


Please share about your experience with the field. Whether at the level of health, healing, treatment, detox, physical energy. How often and when during the day? Studies show and as we know today, mitochondrial health is one of the most important factors in human health. Iā€™m just undecided whether to purchase the mythical set, if yes then mostly because of that field. Thank you.


whats this?


Funny, I was just about to ask if this would take away the mental and physical changes that I might have gained and continue to gain from subliminals that I listen to when I see a sign that when I googled itā€™s meaning, it basically said that releasing our attachments and remaining open to what life has to offer will we be able to attract new and exciting things into our lives. So I guess I got my answer, I will be joining the BLU train :smiley:


Bumping if you dont have this must yet, you can get it now using the holidays discount 15% off! On gumroad and teespring! :hugs::hugs:


Whatā€™s the discount code ?

Gumroad Code: seasonsofjoy
Teespring: seasonsofj


Hey, canā€™t say I really notice much, I use a lot of fields daily. I really only use this to better integrate things after using Torsion Field. If this is all you wanted out of Mythic, I would suggest you just buy the regular Plasmatron for $55 and combine it with Blueprint and Mitochondrial-targeted catalase


It is said that humanityā€™s higher functioning DNA was lost during the Luciferian Rebellion. We only utilize 2 strands but there is unused junk dna.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the divine blueprint of our lives. DNA contains two active strands of molecules wrapped around each other in a helix (a 3D curve/coil). With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. These are non-physical (5 double non helix) strands. These strands are inter-dimensional and affect 3D physicality as encoded information contained within our DNA, which is relative to both our physical and spiritual lineage. Scientists refer to these 10 strands as shadow strands and they have lain dormant until now.

All Aspects of human DNA are built upon this morphogenetic template of 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes. (= 24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies accreted (accretion level) into the personal morphogenetic field will determine the level of DNA strand assembly you posses. As you pull in more frequency bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, your accretion level rises, more DNA codes assemble and become operational within your DNA strands, and your consciousness and perceptual field expands.

Here are some links I found with great info:

The activation I got was great. MysticalMoā€™ picked up on things that I was also told by a tarot reader about my intuition, chakras, and karma. For $7.77 you canā€™t go wrong. I feel more energy and better in touch with myself so far. I also got his 144 Strand, Iā€™ll be getting the Golden one next.


Bought the field :relaxed:
I felt a bit of heat in my right eye while listening


So, itā€™s working for you, good for you!


Doesnā€™t matter how many fields there will be or new nft nothing can replace this masterpiece in lifetimes unless dream decides to upgrade the exact same field. Itā€™s definitely the best one ever created hands down. If anyone thinks otherwise he still hasnt realized itā€™s full potential or isnā€™t psychic enough to understand the concepts behind it. (Observation from almost a year of listening experience) And letā€™s be honest NO ONE can just come up with a better idea and concept than this. (Unless he is captain)



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Youā€™ll get the idea once you read the testimonials. Explaining this field is like trying to count how many pice of atom a pack of sugar has lol it would take me forever to do so and yet even this tread alone canā€™t cover all aspect of it. Beschse not everything can be explained in words but rather has to felt and conceptualized by own mind which is possible for the individuals experiencing the experience. And some statement might even bring up too many questions which Iā€™m not willing to answer or will trouble myself to do so. Letā€™s say itā€™s easier for me to explain quantum physics or higher mathematics than explaining the aspects of this specific field and itā€™s effect in words.