The Blueprint of Life

A few more updates:
I have already written a lot about the posture improvements, but I still notice improvements, same goes for this area,

am continuing to improve, with results almost impossible until a few weeks ago

What surprised me today was being able to read small cards without the magnifying glass, I’m sure that until last week I still couldn’t read them, they were as if out of focus, while today they appeared much lighter. This is another feature to be attributed to the field: even if you feel that it is operating in a certain direction, because you feel symptoms and signs, it continues to scan and correct what is wrong. I had no sign of this sight, even though I knew it wasn’t perfect, but quietly and discreetly he worked to improve it.
Blueprint never ceases to amaze me, as does the gratitude for Sapien, which is never enough!


Turns out that needing less sleep didn’t last long: I now need a full 8 hours minimum or I’m tired the whole day. It’s probably a sign that purging and regeneration is underway.


I am now a proud of owner of this audio :star_struck:. Will give updates whenever I notice something


Please do so
Accept my best wishes


This is so cool: I’m less and less afraid to just say what’s on my mind (like a kid who hasn’t been punished for doing that yet).


This is working on physical appearances ,My face is changing, I have problem with my nose, and its working on it, I feel the vibration on my nose, and it is fixing it seriously.
Luv you @Captain_Nemo


Just had a very interesting experience with this combining it with the emotional release audio. I looped this for about 2-3 hours while I was sleeping and woke up with a sore core and sides. I didn’t think much of it until I played emotional release a few hours after and all of a sudden a majority of the soreness is gone :thinking:. Wonder what got released.


Update 2, this literally just happened. Did a 30 minute meditation with this audio and around 15 minutes in I felt like I was about to astral project. It felt like I was floating around somewhere and I had to open my eyes quickly to make sure I was still here :joy:. This field is insane

Edit: Also at some point, I felt a falling sensation even though I was wide awake. Wonder what that was about


It’s been 31 days since I started listening to Blueprint; he is still working on his eyes and sight, because it is the first time in many years that I have been able to drive a car without sunglasses after so many years. Actually I have driven very few times in the sun and without glasses, because this is a problem that I have dragged on since I was a child and I was unable to take pictures in the sun, because my eyes were very photosensitive. Another thing I noticed, I keep my eyes wide open without “curling” them more as I always have; we will see if I will also solve the problems of chronic conjunctivitis.


Just got this guys, any physical effects from this field? Hoping to reverse my health problems with this field and live my life the way it was intended to be lived


Sure! Read through the thread above this and enjoy the reports. (And then add your successes to the thread.)


It is different for everyone and not only, even for the same person the objectives on which he focuses may vary from time to time. Know that it is an intelligent field that scans you and studies you carefully and then goes on to bring about changes and healings. Only advice, try it!


I appreciate your reply, thank you, god bless


Beautiful music


Update 2:

Wow. I’ve only been using this for about 4 days and the changes that have already come from it are insane. I used to have a very blocked heart which stopped me from expressing myself as much and enjoying the moment with other people, but that’s no longer a problem. 2, my social anxiety is practically gone at this point. I would have no problem walking up to someone and starting a conversation, but I actually need to start doing that lol, work in progress. 3, which is my favorite part, is my passion returning. I have this fiery feeling in my stomach reminding me that I’m capable of anything. It used to be that I knew I was capable of anything, but now I can feel it. This is a big help because I recently graduated from high school and now my drive to succeed is out of the roof. Will bring more updates soon



Keep Updating us Mr Reform!


Not to be nosey, but could you please share a little more information about how you’ve been using it to get your wonderful results?

Thanks in advance (if you choose to share that)!


All good, I appreciate your interest. I usually use this audio right before I go to bed so I’m in a more relaxed state going into it. I’ll put it on loop 3 times and meditate to it, or have it playing for a few hours while I sleep. I’ve seen some people saying you can focus on specific issues while meditating to it but I haven’t tried that yet. Also to finish it off, I always play the emotional release audio 6x, crucible once or twice, and then the grounding audio of course. You can change the amount of emotional release audio you use but I had to go a bit heavier with it. Also big thanks to @anon46520955 for clarifying to me how important that audio is and that it’s very different from the crucible audio.


I was listening to this and a inner feeling told me to start playing Plasma Protocol


Yes you can share it with your family, dream mentioned it here

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