The Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT

I was planning to use Gamayun for future startup ideas

I can only imagine the insights gleaned if I combine both

For so long j wanted to lucid dream ideas,

So might use this stack twice one when i start meditating and the other before bed.

My Startup Idea stack:

1x The Manhattan Method
1x Ego Dissolution
2x Blueprint of Psychic
1x Startup Wunderkind
1x Gamayun
1x Manhattan Method

Within 6 months to be updated :rocket:


My dreams have a lot of paranormal entities in it now. Hope they are not watching when I am sleeping. Dreams have definitely got weird in last few days. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:




What does it mean? What direction? What kind of practice?



Man, those Conceptual Realizations / Eye of Horus / Third Eye are really kicking in.
Use this only if you’re called (and have a centering practice) and have a serious reason. This is seriously not to be f***ed with. Once you see it…

Q1: Would/Can this replace Imaginarium Divine / Higher Self audio/mandala (since, you know, Oneness)?

Q2: Can this, as The Eye of Horus, do this?


@GoddessesAndGod Would that be a yes?

  1. In my opinion eventually it can, as you gain abilities and gain eventual psychic mastery (presuming you put in work consistently) you should be able to contact your higher self and commune with him/her with ease. For now? I think it may be good to pair the audios until one is confident in ones own ability to connect with their higher self. Although when you do gain the ability, your connection will vary depending on how much you intend to connect with your higher self, as psychic abilities alone doesnt gaurantee a higher self connection with out intent.

  2. No that’s specific to that NFT, Horus himself charges the water/item. This NFT only provides the benefits of the eye of Horus.


Thank you!

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What are your thoughts?


Entities are all around us. Some even influence dreams.


Dreams today were very lucid, to the point I was able to decide to wake up at any second, even though it wasnt an actual lucid dream

After some time there was this very weird person which didnt feel natural so I decided to wake up

I opened my eyes and for a brief moment I continued seeing the weird person, turns out it was an actual entitie lol

Never had that much control over my dreams without me actually being fully aware that im dreaming.


lol we’re all having some enhanced dreams

I just woke up, i had a dream where my boss needed help at work, she was in need of drivers, seemed like there was a lot of work available for me…

I haven’t worked in over a week cuz my hours been cut, my boss’s old van got repossessed so she needs to rent a van in order for me to work (I’m a driver for plastic surgery patients). I guess this isn’t as profitable for her so she only really does it when she really needs the help. There’s a second driver with his personal van that he brings to work and i guess she rather pay for Ubers when she needs the additional help.

Long story short i had a dream of her really needing help, i woke up to her calling me saying i work tomorrow and that she’s getting a van (probably meant she’s renting one not buying one :/ but still) she sounded like she really needed help too lol


so this is the reason why i`ve started remembering part of my dreams.
until now that never happened during night sleep, only if i slept in the afternoon 1-2 hours.
now i gotta start decyphering them cause i’m not used to this lol and they’re weird ones

on the other hand, last week i was listening to a conversation of 2 colleagues, and while one was talking i finished the sentence in my mind(the last word only), and then the other started talking and finished the sentence again(last 3 words) and i was like did i just hear their thoughts before they`ve spoken or did i influence this?


i just had a thought, remember the 100 monkey expirement? How they taught some monkeys on a remote island how to clean dirty potatos in the sea water to enhance its flavor since it would be dirty from sand and more monkeys started learning till one day the 100th monkey in the island learned how to clean potatos and overnight all the monkeys all collectively learned how to clean their potatos even though they had 0 ways of communicating with the other island all due to morphic resonance?

There’s exactly 100 copies, so as we all start gaining abilities, these abilities will spread probably through out our forum first then through out the world. I just thought of this cuz i was seeing how we all seem to be having enhanced dreams as a collective lol

So this would be the process of how our personal evolutions spread:

Morphic resonance through out the people with copies → morphic resonance through forums → morphic resonance through those whom are closest to the forum members → so on and so forth. Yet another way how our inner reflects the outter lol

But this logic made me wonder how much we influence the world all together, were probably affecting/ it greatly and are collectively probably a bigger global power than we realize… Thanks to dream we are able to experience great powerful positive energies and do so as a collective, positively impacting the world with each passing day just by being and experiencing what we experience


:face_with_monocle: I like how you think! :sparkles:


I had this feeling too, this NFT connecting me with the “Psychic Mastery Collective”


The higher your personal vibration, the higher your influence on the collective. But this principle only works if your personal vibration is at least higher than the average collective vibration.




The hardest part is keeping your vibration high on a daily basis while dealing with mundane life here :sweat_smile: