The Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT

I wonder if that’s one of the reasons why I’ve been dreaming mountains of chocolate candies


sounds like corporate leader…no offence, coz there aren’t supposed to be references or benchmarks…or am I forgetting something here?

It is simple math. If your vibration is lower than the collective average vibration, then mostly you will be influenced by it instead of you influencing it.


Lucid dreaming is easy.

Just keep a dream journal, go to bed on time and get proper actual sleep, and do reality checks if you can’t achieve this yet.

Then it will happen by itself, no chakra work or other things really needed.


Imma do this, imma keep the journal by my bed

I need to astral project, I’ve been trying every other day lol I think one can astral project within a lucid dream


Listening to this while gazing at the mandala feels like having a brain pump lol


you absorb the universal knowledge and experience of all psychics and wise ones :grin:


Any updates with this? No funny feelings or seeing things yet?


super NFT
I hope the captain will make one like this
for Christmas.
too few copies

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in the sales branch people sell for almost the starting price and you can take advantage of this opportunity.


I believe this should increase my ability and effectivness of healing others/ effectivness of fields ?

Im keeping it for later use.


An improved feeling and understanding of the energy fields will allow you over time (with practice) to act on the energy. For example, being able to communicate with servants to give them instructions on how to heal you or a person.
You can even act directly on the person to heal them.

Some time ago (about a month) I looked at the photo of a woman with whom I sympathized very well. I felt that she had digestive problems without her telling me about it. I also got other information.

The more you develop your psychic abilities, the more information you will have about her (those authorized by the person’s superior being).

For field efficiency on yourself of course there will be an improvement because you can activate/deactivate certain functions of an NFT for example. Understand the field will be easier for your subconscious and your body to accept this energy field that works in you.


I’m sure it will increase.
But if you want to perfect the art of healing others, I would advise you to find the methodology and principles of this activity, study them, and improve yourself in this area using this product
the skill progresses with time and practice

From what I read on other resources - the best energy therapists are those who are familiar with human physiology and anatomy and clearly understand the functioning of the energy architecture. That may be true. Although, from the stories my grandmother told, when she was young and lived in the middle of nowhere, they didn’t have medics or therapists, but her parents made effective treatments with some kind of energy influences, prayers and herbs. I don’t think they were familiar with human biology, but the effectiveness of such actions was high. No statistics :) She still uses strange methods and herb therapy for self-help, and is very active :grin:

you work in the sports area, so I’m sure you have a very high chance of becoming a good specialist in energy assistance to others
But I think you need the basics and an understanding of the principles of such treatment + a given NFT to improve these abilities


Thank you @Limael @Ugninis for detailed responses.

I have degree in physiotherapy, I use my knowledge of anatomy and physiology when energy healing. My intuition tells me to start using psychic mastery now and develop new skills.

Wish you all merry Christmas 🫂


It’s a very good intuition :pray:!! The developed psychic capacity will allow you to see beyond your knowledge on the physical plane. To see some things in the body that would require sophisticated equipment and in-depth analysis.

Thank you, Merry Christmas have a great holiday season :slightly_smiling_face::pray::clinking_glasses: 🫂



after a while you will have no shortage of people who want to come to you for a session :grin:

probably the last piece of advice that pops into my mind is to learn the principles of self-cleansing after these procedures, and take care of yourself too - energy aid is a very energy consuming procedure

happy holidays :christmas_tree:


Yeah something like a transparent, subtle energy-overlay over the physical world, can´t really describe it.
Sometimes I can see a vortex. Veil seems to get thinner, but I also use subs for that topic.


best to listen to your intuition but the techniques from robert bruce as described in NEW energy ways V2 are quite good I think. Also in regards to self cleaning what ugnis said. I found a free pdf through searching the name with google the website is named inner world design.

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what subs? Could you link them? maybe on the discussion for other creators thread

Quite a bunch, your pm´s seem disabled.

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