The Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT

don’t do it (my advice)
AI is a good way of interpreting different information, but it will not be able to convey a personal living and natural experience and development that is as individualized as possible for everyone
and it will always be different from what AI describes.
always critically evaluate information
your personal experience is what is valuable, and it may not be the way AI describes it :)

AI came into our lives not so long ago, it can help in many ways.
but it wasn’t around a while ago.

real practitioners didn’t consult AI before, they just practiced and described their personal experience. :slight_smile:


I don’t disagree with you, but if I went through this thread and relied on it to give me a sense of what this field does I’d be lost. I think you made a valuable point about reliance on AI, but I considered it to be a good window :slight_smile:

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I clarified my thoughts in private.
I appreciate your opinion :pray:
thanks again :slight_smile:


Thank you! I have bookmarked this of a carefull watch.

It’s been quite some times that I’m getting glimpses of something which I wasn’t suppose to know, and the majority of times it would have been convenient following those.


I can recommend Hemi-sync Monroe Gateway series…I recently re-visted it again, but using Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT before and after I listened to a Focus Level…


I have read now this whole thread and while reading that I constantly felt a pressure on my forehead. Like my third eye would be getting “activated” never had that before.


Ist this Mandala Safe to wear ON a Dog Tag all day and night?i ask becauze nzt48and so Like i want to Print IT and Put in ON a Dog Tag wearing IT evryday donyou think ITS Safe?

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It all depends on your sensitivity to the work of the energy fields.

Some people are very sensitive and work little by little with the field. Others like me work longer with the energy.

I can have it with me every day and even at night while I sleep.