The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

Thanks for making it public then :bowing_man:


You guys need to add an armor, armors are :kissing_closed_eyes:🤌 :dragon::dove::heartpulse::herb:

Edit: with a good helmet



@Abcd yes I agree maybe multiple layers of armor s :blush::tulip::hibiscus::tada:

Armor’s multiple layers for our physical body and non physical , extraction of are energy …or subconscious mind and are finance , property … etc to cover every aspect of armor and protection.


hmm…very interested.

a note to the project.

alot of corrupted nature meaning trees, animals, water air.

i think like all sentient beings the non human life can also be programmed trough magick.

not nice and def. makes work harder. always comes as an unexpected mishaps when one tends to succseed.

esp. birds and insects are very programmable. mammals alittle bit not so easy.

trees can be super aggressive. or the things on them idk. but more and more i tend to believe trees are medled with.

you see… a nature of a tree is to cleanse air.

how come the trees dont know to clense the new things from the air. i was always buffled how tree kingdom allowes some stuff.


When is this going to be released?


:crossed_swords::woman_in_lotus_position::dragon_face: When armors and shields are allready doing the best of what they can do, being untriggerable is another type of protection, as it does not let unwanted energies in (mostly parasites). :boom::crescent_moon:🩷 :crossed_swords: :herb:


Yes untile dark entity or whatever …is kick your ass and beat the shit out of you .
I was very calm the most of my time wen I got beaten up …

Wen are barrier’s are broken can be very hard to control that thing what is kicking you from one side of room to other and you flaying but not human is with you + all the bruises all over are not fun to .

Or stuck in corner of living room or kitchen for hours because something don’t let you get up and it’s hurting you …or you stuck in your apartment and no matter what you do something don’t let you out nor anyone to come and help you so person spend days , months listening how life is passing by .
Calm or untriggerable is not enough.

Also protection against rape or being sex slave (by humans or non human) is needed !

++++ Again against all bad radionics and other devices what have intend to hurt you or destroy you or your family .
Strong armor’s many layers + different protections


@Andromeda I’ll edit my message.

To be more clear, I meant to say :
when shields and armors are at the top of what they can do, and one is still bothered by unwanted energies, being untriggerable is a protection, in the sense that triggers are inner sparks that lets the unwanted energies in.
It is like, v*mp/res cannot enter your house unless you don’t invite them in.
Triggers do this, and we don’t want that :mountain_snow:🪷 :call_me_hand: :crossed_swords:

There are other types of unwanted situations, where people have not been triggered by anything initially, for that there are other types of protection, armors and shields being some of them. 🩷

Also triggers are part of being human, and the responsables of any type of harm are the agressors and not the victimes.

If a trigger lets something bad enters into one’s situation, it is by no mean that person’s responsability. The full responsability goes, always, to the agressors and invaders :herb::sparkles:

I am sorry for what you have been through. :cloud::two_hearts::nazar_amulet::sparkles: And I hope you are better now. :milky_way::crescent_moon:


Thank you @Abcd , im better slowly :turtle::snail:

I do want that my experience help others so thy Save Time and no need to go thru that pain or mess .

Wen I ask ; way me ? The answer was ; way not you !!

Unfortunately this group my guess "some sort of dark coven " doing this to so many others …just because .

And that is very disturbing .
What is thy agenda don’t know …thy portray them self as" Artist " just regular cityzens with creative
touch :black_joker: :art::performing_arts: …well that’s how I got in big, big trouble.:boom:

Went to buy Artistic work , animal skull art , little did I know , turn out I become being a pray and me being hunted .


I cannot answer at the moment, I will respond you a longer message in a few days.

[Edit: I don’t have much to add. :pray::sparkles::dolphin:]

In the meantime, I am glad that you are getting better and that we are all here, free to discuss all of those things.
Also able to find solutions and support. 🩷 :milky_way: :crescent_moon::cloud::crossed_swords:🪷

Take care :two_hearts::nazar_amulet:🪻 :dolphin:🪷 :sparkles:🪲 :nazar_amulet:🪻 :dragon_face: :crossed_swords:


This is the very reason I started listening to PU Trigger Dissolver today. This has been on my mind and then I see you saying basically my exact thoughts.


@Atreides :sparkles: It is in the air :dolphin: :pray::dragon::call_me_hand::sparkles:🪻 :herb::dove::woman_in_lotus_position::blush:


I have been listening to The Blueprint of Blueprints all day, focusing on shadow dissolution and integration as well. 🪷 :fire: :crossed_swords::milky_way::crescent_moon::nazar_amulet::dove::woman_in_lotus_position::call_me_hand::sparkles:


This would be amazing. Definitely would get this. I personally suffer from constant cording even with smart cord cutter and shield 3.0. Don’t have armor per say. So a blocking mechanism would be amazing. Also just the mental framework of being un-f%#kwithable. An emotionally sensitive empathic person like myself basically welcomes everything to attack me subconsciously. So that would be an amazing added protection. Have always been susceptible to evil eye, bad mouthing causing illness, entity wanting my energy. This could be a life savor for so many! :innocent:


So this is the MoAS!

Mother of All Shields!


Dream is going to get us all levitating with this one :woman_in_lotus_position::dove::crossed_swords::nazar_amulet:



I have been thinking.

I think people attacking are not necessarly jealous or plain bl*od thirsty creatures.
I think many of those people are triggered as well.
(I am not talking about entities or any other type of astro agressors, or energies with an agenda)

Really some of those agressions are trigger based I think. When triggered, some become vulner*ble and victims, and some become, idk, “annoyed” and aggresors.

It is not jealousy or idk, ps¿chopathy.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a feature of annulation of any triggering signal one is sending. Like you can do whatever, trigger nrj would just be erased from it.

Again, if someone is acting negatively because he/she is triggered doesnt mean he/she is not responsable for their actions. The trigger happens and the person decides to act on them. They have full responsabilty of that decision.

(That’s a lot of the trigger word in one post, sorry about that :mountain_snow::sparkles:)

Another interesting feature, and a big one imo, would be to keep your sovereignity always. Never giving your power away. Owning your power. :fire::mountain_snow:🪷 :crossed_swords:

Adding: protection from appropriation. Identity, ideas etc. Thanks :pray::nazar_amulet::woman_in_lotus_position::herb::sleeping::herb::dove::fire::sparkles::mountain_snow:🪷 :nazar_amulet::crossed_swords::herb::dove::dragon_face::two_hearts::herb::nazar_amulet::call_me_hand::dragon::fire::sunny::milky_way::crescent_moon:


Dream can take a look at it.

I see it is heavily DrVirtual inspired, I suggest we add other things like religious conditioning (for those that desire it)

Like his Doomsday dissolver etc.


@anon14224340 it’s possible to jcin? Do I need to be accepted so I can be at the group?.

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