The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

Let me please respond tomorrow about it …


Take your time… :)

@WasheYoursSins , I do have some improvement don’t get attacks with bad nightmares and other stuff so easily but can’t say everything it’s back to "normal " .
I’m still dealing with breaking all curses etc done on me .
People at work pick at me a lot its related to attachments and curses done at me from before but generally because of Naga and Shield 3.0 and others I manage to survive and stay active where before all this would make my so tired that I would be locked in bed .



Glad something working for you :pray:

Are you using the Bhoot Pret Nivaran Puja and Homa too?

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Thank you …:pray::muscle::muscle: …I feel as im living in Bhoot camp and not just living …

Yes I use everything …curse and spell removal, de-inhabiter, Bhoot pret…and many more .

  • Many shields

you got a lot firepower there :fire: :fire: :fire:

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And now we will have The Ultimate shield :shield: :muscle::crossed_swords:


!! אמן, כן יהי רצון , בקרוב


A couple of people mentioned this project to me and saw my concern in the Shielding 3.0 thread. Thank you to you who reached out to me about this! I’ll paste it here as well:

There are some odd spiritual loopholes for attachments. One you rarely hear about is a Spirit Spouse; where someone takes your photo, puts it on a Demon(ess’) alter and binds you to that entity (in exchange for a favor). Since they don’t want to bind their soul in a deal, they will carelessly do it to a random person or someone they know. Their short-sighted ploy can really be a hard knot to untie (let alone know it even exists).

Sometimes I wonder if this has been a source of visitations at night. It behaves as my wife and I get Awaken to it having its way with me. I can banish it, but it just waits for me to fall back asleep and does it again. I think it is a psychic vampire that leaches off the Root Chakra as well.

I wonder if the Sheild recognizes some spiritual contract the being has with me and doesn’t see it as a threat (since it isn’t technically “attacking”, maiming or possessing an intent to kill). Also, if something “Alien” were to interact with you in a non-traditional way, would this shield recognize a legitimate threat (since that beings methods fall outside of human/spiritual logic)?:thinking:

I have had the Negentropic Dragon remove this sexual deviant from my space 2 times already. That works. But, it still got into my bubble first; so it got what it wanted already. I am trying to train the Warrior Monk to call on Shielding 3.0 + the Negentropic Dragon if it needs backup. Since having the Monk in my corner, I haven’t had this issue as much. Hopefully I can stay asleep and understand that my protection can stop even the most unorthodox ploys, attacks or attachments.

I don’t want something siphoning off Jing via Chakra drainage after building up life-force all day; just to need to build it up again.

Parasites are a problem and as long as they know you are a supply, they will wait you out. Maybe such a concern could be considered in a future update? Here’s hoping!


shield 3.0 include smart cord cutter
just minding you so you can save your time ( my english no that good =,=

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lol I regret I bought Shield 3.0 one month ago
I just discover your project yesterday

Craving this one bad, any idea when we can expect it?


It could be anyday.



It might have been handed to Dream for a while now.
Yet, a protection against violation of intimacy would be great. Really this certain place in ourselves. And if it has been violated or disrupted, a possibility to have it regenerated. :cherry_blossom::pray::droplet::nazar_amulet:


Imagine this + Dragon Bone Armor


This + Dragon Bone + add some glamor too :blush: → Armor of Light & Glory…


Anyone know wen will be made ?

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Is dragon born has audio now ?.

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Yup it got added as a later update…