The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

It’s queued up with other projects.

Dreamweaver is masterfully dishing them out, so let’s just enjoy the anticipation.


Can you send me audio please :pray:

Thank you @Maoshan_Wanderer :rosette:

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:point_right: Important :+1:

@anon14224340 is possible to add in this nft to have
behavior of the people drama, bad energy protection ?

As well against evil energies any FORM any Source , also Psychical Harassment protection .


I put a reminder on my phone when I need to remember something :sunny::mountain::sunrise_over_mountains::dolphin::dove::sparkles:

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So wait… its about to be released? :upside_down_face:


Waiting patiently for this gem!


@anon14224340 any updates?

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@anon14224340 any updates?.

I messaged Dream.

All we do now is just wait.


Would this protect against things like lawsuits? Or do we have a better field for that or should I try and make one?

Also what about things like Metoo or false accusations from women? (Or harassment or whatever if you are a female)


any information? :sweat_smile:

I am also interested. Let see if “Sarveshwar Bhagwaan” gives a Go-Ahead to Elder @Captain_Nemo for this Project @anon14224340…We can only Wait at this point.

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How we can bring this back to live, again?

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I don’t know!

is this project already confirmed will make and will appear on the NFT shop in the near future?
or it’s just an idea which not sure will make it or not?

cuz I already put this NFT on my wish list so I want to confirm it just in case

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@Seraph somehow after very good start all went to Silence mood .

So as I understand nobody knows.

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Would definitely chime in on this one. Hope this project is revived.

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What I would personally add here would be this. An enhanced version of the Empathic Smart Armor, with a twist :slight_smile:

For “hardcore” cases I’d suggest catching the negative stuff and turning it into positive energy to support the owner.

For “easier” cases I’d suggest catching the negative, transforming it into positive, and sending it back. You can only battle evil with love, mind you :)

Or a combination of these two aspects where part goes to you, and part is mirrored back but in a way that teaches the sender a lesson, but a good one instead of bad. Instead of a backfire (which is very hard to perform with seasoned practitioners that set dummies or mirror shielding) they get that bit of love that may make them become better.

Just a thought, really.


Wow, very interested in this!

Can we get this one going again?