The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

Would be great :+1:


Any news on this NFT? Will it ever be made?

Yes it will/, would if anyone help out to make it !!

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Let’s get this back on track.


Would love to chime in (again)!

Certain concepts can be taken from: Astrological Beast / Astrologically Inclined, Infinity Armor, Cosmic Triforce X, Prestige and Grandeur (as it protects your public persona and image).


I confirm this message. If the community wants something “heavy” for full-scale protection I think it should be based on Infinity Armor then.


Also, take a look at the description of the new The Heavenly Emperor NFT. This includes Pixio, the protector that also transmutes negative forces into wealth.

I’d focus on these main aspects:

  1. Transmutation of negative projections etc into life force and abundance for armor wearer (improvement on Cosmic Triforce concept) through armor and associated positive protecting entities

  2. Protection of all private and public aspects of one’s life, transmutation of negativity into feeding the positive image (of course with a failsafe against misuse)



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:blush: yayay Yes interested

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Hey team, who is the lead on this? I think I’ll be able to create a description for what we want.

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I re-read this message carefully. Absolutely same here. Although in my case it was a certain psychic vampire / narcopath, like, superhardcore level, who cannot and will not control her powers. She does not even recognize what she is doing. She just attaches to root chakra via sex, and drains. Still in the process of banishing / cord cutting with that one.

Covering this aspect could be a major improvement.


I think it was Jon Doe, whose name is now an anon. Im not sure if he’s still here?

Id be down with you taking over


Thank you for the trust!


This topic is rarely spoken of. Sorry that you too have experienced this. One aspect about my experience is how no solid objects are able to block access; since they just pass right through them; to you. My wife is upset for me but of course feels anger over this complex situation. She feels that some other female is trying to claim me & yet doesn’t understand how to stand up to this invisible adversary.

You probably also find it to be an unusual challenge that you are not so quickly to speak of to others. It can feel lonely dealing with such personal situation; such as ours. I wish you success in finding solace amongst this. I will be doing a few things until my situation changes for the better. If they work out, I’ll share a little about the working idea.


Brother you would not believe this BUT a new audio from Sapien on Patreon named Detachment, while theoretically aimed at detachment from situations etc appears to be slowy but steadily doing the trick, although you need to loop this heavily. Just my imho and your experience may be different but give it a try. It appears to gradually dissolve the emotional component in the attachment


Is it detached resilience or detachment for spiritual growth ?.

The latest - for spiritual growth. Amazing stuff.

Also @brian95240 don’t know why this completely slipped my mind - absolutely try looping PU’s Breaking The 3x Tab. While its description is about breaking the porn addiction, don’t let it fool you. This appears to also break any and all etheric cords made with ex sex partners and possibly may help you to deal with your problem. and this is what I have been using since its release heavily.

On a separate note ladies and getlemen. I can tell you from my own experiences that sexual attachments are by far the worst and most hardcore. Some “magnetic personalities” may have hardcore entities behind them. Be wary of who you are having fun with. Especially unprotected :slight_smile:


The worst case I personally came across by far was this. A girl was seduced by a dark magic practitioner. She does not know it and does not understand it but she has an implant that changed her personality completely.
No bathing in holy waters removes that. So she just has fun around seducing men and draining them of their energy. My strong guess is it gets siphoned off to that guy still. The end.

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I just went for it and submitted this to @DR_MANHATTAN a minute ago