The Bodyguard of Success NFT ⚔️ - Ultimate Protections Project - PUBLIC

That happened to me , the witch invited me to lunch 2015 and she introduced me to warlock ( at time I did not nothing about that stuff ) .

During lunch she was very quiet just staring in front of her self he was also quiet weird and I was like what is going, than in one moment she nood her head to him towards me , he look at me as I did something wrong .

I was confused but hey what ever , after lunch thy insisted that we go for drinks and all this was happening near my home .

So we went for drinks couple more people joined as we was sitting the warlock guy sit across me .
Was so strange he was staring at me like crazy I was awoid to look at him and the witch (at time I did not even know thy truly exist in reality) was sitting next to me .
So in one point I look at her and her eyes was rolling in weird manner so I decided to go home .
Thy told me thy will walk with me , we stopped in a way to my home nice area on the hill view of city .
So we stopped and witch separated her self looking at city very quiet, I was just standing and suddenly this guy move so fast with his body stood very closed in front of my body looking me straight in the eyes .
Was so strong that my body jumped backwards, as he was looking at me he tell me ; so you want everything for yourself you don’t want share nothing with us .

Was fast and quick , the witch was acting as nothing is happening and he moved his body from me .
Look at me as I did something wrong as im guilty of something .

So I told them that im going home as was only 10 min a way .
I come home and sitt on the floor in living room as my stomach was having spinning energy as something is sucking my life force and I didn’t have enough energy to walk around apartment.

Later thy keep contacting me and I become his sex slave .

My mind become confused , my family left are home suddenly and I stayed alone suddenly everything was falling apart …

This warlock would always repeat ; you have such nice energy …but my energy was living me very fast as someone open up the pipe above my head .

Even one time during yoga class wen I was still active one woman look at me and told me ; you look as life force is leaving your body .
I did not know her and she did not know what is happening in my life .

Many weird stuff happened , my whole life up to today is different + thy chased me as pray from my home , city , country .

Of course there is much more in this story this is just blink of it .

Even now , just yesterday something was sucking my life force and I try so many ways to break it .

Because of all this I missed so many precious days with my parents , my friends I missed so much after 2015 as I was or abused in weird manner or just in bed not having enough energy for dayli life .


OMG. Heard similar stories. My prayers go out to you


Woah! Thank you for the info bro! I am going to loop it now. It is greatly appreciated.

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I am so sorry to hear that. Predatory behavior, such as that is so hard to understand. Maybe we are all on this thread for a reason. We will find the answers we seek; in some form or another. For now, I will try PU’s Breaking the 3x tab + Detachment (as mentioned above). Maybe we can ask those fields to add compounding /synergy from others’ learned experiences and add that universal connection to our plays? I will start with Shielding 3.0 & ask the Negentropic Dragon and Warrior Monk to guard me until morning as well. Good luck everyone. Prayers going out to our success!


I hope we find a Way so that anyone in the future don’t need to live like this .

I remember wen I call my father to help me and he told me ; I don’t know how to help you as I don’t know what are you talking about .

Or wen I called my lawyer and she told ; If you go to police nobody will take it seriously as you don’t have proper proof as it’s looking im doing all willingly.

Or wen I called my husband as thy chased him away from are home and he told me ; I wish I can help you but I can’t as at time I did not even understand that thy somehow paralyzed him .

Later wen finally I manage to come to visit and realize he is in bad shape to .

Asking my self how , wen , way .


Those experiences are very traumatizing. :herb::heart:❤‍🩹🩷 :crescent_moon::milky_way::sparkles::trident:

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Yes it is and this moutherfuckers actually having normal very Good life .

This guy live in nice very big house with parents , just bored , hunting and abusing it’s a hobby .

  • trills of nobody can catch me and prove it.

The same with her and the rest thy all having good life , love to smile in social media showing how sweet and successful thy are .

But telling me ; you want all for your self , you don’t want share nothing with us , lol

As I am/was rich or famous naither of it .

Do thy want to share thy House properties or energy lol Noup.

But hey thy look as nice city men’s /women just well dressed, nice family, big circle of friends very talented so sweet :birthday: sugar heaven lol :laughing:

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Energy don’t lie :crossed_swords:


I was unaware of all of this too until I got very aware of it!

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What do you mean by that? Like narcissists’s minions?
:herb:🪬 :love_you_gesture: :gem::sunflower:

What you describe is an actual psychopath. Looking for pleasure, always bored, shallow emotions, inability to empathize, that’s a clinical psychopath right there.

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On another note: I am currently recovering from the new COVID strain it appears, been down for 2 weeks, so can commence working on the draft next week only.


Wishing you good recovery.

Well unfortunately very skilled psychopaths…as it’s group of them having fun abusing people what thy don’t like for some reason…

Actually that witch did not like me so she invited her crew and thy happily accepted.

But let’s not forget thy enjoy very good life with friends & family.

Again I did say before is not about money what I did loose it’s about Time what was taken from me to spend and be there for my family …

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Thank you.

What is important is that you survived it, found this community and healing tools, and now can warn others how people, especially women, should be careful about the company they keep. This is awareness and a nasty experience people like us need to go through to inform others about these dangers. How Light may become entangled in the Darkness.

Don’t fret. All will be well. Blessings to you and your family.


Yes but up until now I did not help anyone at all .

People who know me wonders where and way I disappear but I never up until now did say publicly about what happened and happening (only a bit on the forum).

As all my energy go to recovery …

So unfortunately I did not help nobody up until now unfortunately.

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All in Divine Time. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


The original creator of this project is no longer on the forum. Does anyone have an issue with me restarting it in the guild im in (Esoteric Arts).


no… go ahead!


It’s much needed great idea @Username2 :+1:

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Hi all!

There may be a project by @Ugninis that clashes with this one in quite a number of concepts: The Reputation Protector. It was discussed several weeks before the change of direction.

What imo would be awesome if concepts from both are merged into one ultra-field, subject ofc to Dream’s discretion and input.

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