The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

Please be more careful. Servitor don’t have feeling but they’re like your friend once created. They grow they learn about you they will always help you. Lost the item doesn’t make the servitor gone. The servitor still exist. As long as you remember the name. Please next time you making servitor. Use something that you will never lost the item again.

I can’t imagine abandoning your friends like that. Even if they don’t have feeling. Still you have to respect them. Simply always carrying them with you. Call that servitor name if you still remember.


Servitors go dormant after not being used for a while

You still need to respect them regardless. You can’t just leave it once you’re bored. What’s the point of making servitor if you have the thought just to leave it once you’re done with the business :woman_shrugging:t4:

Also they grow. They learn you better. Even will also become God alike.

For something like this. Do you really want to re create from zero again?

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I felt kind of bad for it. I think thats why I procrastinated making a new one .
I respected her a lot though.
And made sure to release her from her vessel ,so she can go her own ways.


I wasn’t saying you don’t have to, my point is that they’re not writhing in agony if you don’t use them because dream programmed them to go dormant


I wanted to make a testimony for the cards as these guys are very dear to me, they have a VERY special place in my heart. It’s how I found SapienMed in the first place. I can’t remember what I was googling exactly but I ended up finding the Dreamweaver cards on instragram. Intrigued, I decided to use them because why the hell not? :P

WHERE I WAS AT PRIOR TO THE CARDS (click to expand for this long slice of life)

About 2-3 years ago I started seeing colours during meditation. Eventually I would see them whenever I closed my eyes (I can see them with my eyes open too but can tune them out for convenience). They were really pretty and made me happy. I initially thought it was a form of synesthesia because they would change and move when I’d listen to music but I came to realize that they changed to the feelings the music would elicit in me and not the music per say. Through trial and error and with insight gained during meditation, I came to understand that they represented my vibrational baseline. I asked for a name and Maestro is what came up.

At the time I was in a constant state of anaphylaxis, varying between grade II and III: throwing up 2x3 day/everyday and with the anaphylaxis came debilitating anxiety, but also pain and fatigue as well as poor cognitive abilities: I had trouble reading, writing and while I could converse, it was draining. As I mentioned in my introduction post, through studying where the science is at in terms of healing, I came to understand that beliefs deeply affect our biology. Beliefs are behind our thoughts and feelings and those provoke biochemical cascades that have immediate and long term effects on us (at the time I didn’t really know anything about manifestation, it came later). As such, I started actively working on changing beliefs to wholesome and functional ones and was seeing the positive effects it had on my health. I was feeling better overall and regained some freedom in my daily life. But it was slow.

About 1.5 years ago, I figured that when looking at Maestro and directing my attention to a body part that troubled me (or a symptom) a darker spot appeared, almost like smoke or an ink spill, and if I maintained focus with the intention of healing, the dark spot would fade and so would the issue.

That was amazing! It was lightning fast compared to my work on beliefs and I quickly regained much of my freedom and enjoyment of life. It was absolutely wonderful. By then I had started knowing about manifestation, energy, intuition, etc and I started getting great insights when doing shikantaza and experiencing synchronicities that were delightful, I was also receiving insight in the form of images and concepts. I felt free and that life was full of magical possibilities waiting for me to discover them.

That’s when I started experiencing what I can best describe as stomach cramps. They weren’t like any cramps I have ever had. A sort of buzzing that, while not hurting per say, was very incapacitating in its own way. It came with heavy brainfog and a weird buzzing in both my legs (it felt like I had a cell phone on vibrate in my shoes!). I also had intense body tension and erratic thoughts. It wasn’t like the anxiety I once had, more like tension, but it is the closest I can describe it. This usually happened as soon as I’d reach a state of no thoughts, or when falling asleep at night.

I had no idea what was going on. Meditation was an exercise in futility as I would spend the entire hour trying to relax to no avail, not even managing to belly breathe because of the body tension. When I stopped meditating it would go away, so in itself it wasn’t so bad. But this meant that I could no longer use Maestro. At the time, I thought it might be La Résistance! that had found a really crafty trick to keep me small and “safe” (I have since found out thanks to Conceptual Realization that that’s not what it was but that’s a story for another thread!). With the plethora of tricks I had acquired through the years, you’d think something would help but nothing made this budge. I sought help in various avenues, mainstream and otherwise and while I sometimes got a bit of relief for a few days, it would always come back, usually worse for a while. I slowly became to feel disempowered. Pain slowly came back and I fell into a very deep state of hopelessness and despondency. What was the point of going on? As I mentioned in another thread, I was alive but it wasn’t living. I was back spending my days trying to calculate how I could experience the least amount of pain possible, thinking of activities in terms of potential taxes rather than things to be enjoyed. Fear, once more, became my life companion. Only this time around I had no moral juice to keep it at bay nor to believe things might improve again. The candle of hope wasn’t snuffed out completely, otherwise I don’t think I would still be here. But it was very hard. However the bit of hope I still had lead me to keep looking for potential solutions and I eventually found the cards (or they found me!) YAY! :)

With the cards, I had enough respite from the stomach issues to start healing meditations again. 20 minutes was more than enough to get focused. Also, 20 minutes with less pain was enough to start doing things without feeling a sword of Damocles over my head. No more calculating activities in relation to pain because I was always a < cue to booming voice > PAIN CONTROL ACTIVATE! away from relief. This was huge! I started having hope again :)

After a while, I was able to use the sigils without the cards and eventually would simply align to the intention (on good days, other days I still needed to see the sigils). I could walk out the door strong in the knowing that I could will the pain away for another 20 minutes whenever needed. The freedom it restored! :slight_smile:

During that time I (of course!) started investigating where these wonderful cards came from, found the website and fell into this most wonderful of rabbit whole (typo intended) ^_^

I have since bought the book, more as a thank you because I don’t find myself using it as it’s more practical to use them in the PDF downloaded from Patreon on my laptop or cellphone.

So that’s the story of how I came to explore and love all things provided by Dreamweaver, Sam and you lovely people. I appreciate it all very deeply :) I have found a few interesting way to use the cards, which I’ll put together for another reply, another day.


So the sapien cards in the ebook of cards are upgraded, right? Thanks.


Yes. That’s what Captain said a year ago.
So all the cards have already been updated.
You do not need to do any additional steps.
Use and enjoy it :slightly_smiling_face:


I have been using the cards from the instagram. Now do I have to take print from the book of cards for use? Thank you.

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Even the pain control card from instagram works uncredibly well.


Go to any photo studio, and print out the entire deck in a format you are comfortable with.

Cards from the book or from Instagram are identical in power :slight_smile:


Lol, I actually did this and the lady looked at me with a terrified face once she saw the images




the cards from the book have more power.

said by Captain

i loved long before the ones from ig super strong but the ones from the book are on another level.

and they grow faster


hahaha you are such a kid


If the Captain has said it, it is a law and an indicator, and a concrete argument
before we have not seen (noticed) the differences.
perhaps the physical book was not compared,.


I dont have the physical book just the ebook and i did notice a difference :blush: but maybe others didnt.

Anyway both version are super strong lol


Haha. When I go to studio to print out my mandalas, the owner stares at me with curiousity. I’m sure no one brings stuff like that to him. :smile_cat::smile_cat:


:joy: I remember printed my healing sigil and the girl just looked at the picture

And said ok ok anything else