The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

Dream can we create a fae and give the item it is attached on to someone?

Would the active effects work on the person , although its not the “original creator”?


Charge a sentimental book?

into drawing with love? Charge your tools to enhance those feelings :slight_smile:

more ideas?


sure man
inform the little one also


Yeah man, I’m actually feeling this too now I think about it. They look like they could break pretty easy. I think leather could be a good option

Boosting musical instruments, statues and ornaments of deities, tarot cards… ooooh what about shrooms :laughing:

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Thanks, just found out in one of your past replays
there are fields on the front print image and back image.


Share the link please :sunglasses:

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The little one :sob::laughing: haha this too cute

2 Likes complete set might not be needed.

This is what I bought:


just got my lulu notification my book shipped …

The back image with the hand photo is a field and item booster.
You can use it to grow and charge any item you own, even items without fields, it will grow the inherent field that makes the item what it is.
Items with fields can also be grown on it, once started, it will continue strengthening/growing it for for one hour.
Be careful with how much you boost/grow and item, because it can become un- use-able.
The word to activate it is “charge” or “begin charging”.

The Flow
The image at the front (the face) you place your hand on it and say ‘begin’ and it will create a flow of psychic energy through you and focus on your 3rd eye.
When i say psychic, i mean the energy is best used for psychic work or psychic perception.
You need to keep your hand on it to continue the flow, it works only for 5 mins at a time.
You can hold an item in your other hand and it will also charge this item with energy.
This can be useful when making items, doing psychic or magical work on an item, or you simply wish to directly charge a drink for consumption.

(Print Version)



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I just hung the fae on my bracelet and im feeling all kinds of stuff :laughing::laughing::heart::heart::heart:


Thank you!! Ive been just browsing and not finding really what i want :blush:

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I have never had a problem ‘feeling’ a name when creating a servitor or dragon but now with fae i just couldnt nothing at all came to my mind not even what gender is.

And i immediately felt ‘it’ saying… ‘itll come to you’ :heart_eyes:


Anyone know the distance an item charged with environmental transformer covers? In terms of feet? One per house or 2 at opposite ends of the house to be more safe?

Environmental Transformer
With this image, you can create an active energy transformer, it will constantly draw in, filter and clean the energy in the environment you place it.
Yes it is meant for the environment, not you.
You place your item on the image, and say ‘create’ then it is ready to use in about 2 hours.





lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Does anyone know what the image on the last page of the EBOOK is for?

Is it illustrative for the ebook, does it look prettier or does it have a field?


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Its the sword of st michael.

Not sure why its there tho.