The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

Zivorad has been around with his techniques for almost 50 years now. And he’s Serbian btw. :wink:


Correction then:

These eastern Europeans man, they are dominating the mental aspect of the process.

I’m also adding in Vadim Zeland in there and his Reality Transurfing model. It’s what I use to accomplish all my desires.


the satori protocol is :ok_hand::ok_hand: I did some sessions per @_OMs recommendation and it does what it claims to do. Satori, samadhi… I couldn’t speak at the end of the 2nd session, it was incredibly profound. Very impressed


Bro… I would ask you questions but I don’t want to spoil it with mental masturbation as I call it.

I will tell you that I will be having fun with that state.

Thank you for your comment though, I’m really excited.


Awesome! I’ll send you a PM.

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I really like his work. But are there some good resources? He has a LOT of protocols, I looked at it and it was like a jungle out there and looked daunting! Satori protocol sounds very interesting! Any pointers on exploring his work? :pray:


I did not want to count, but I decided to face my demons and count them - I have a whopping 23! Not including Dale’s fields :sweat_smile:



I think I have almost all of his books, some old school paper books, some pdf’s, but the problem is that majority of them is in serbian. I know that I have few books in english.

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Much appreciated, thank you! :pray:

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I found some, PM me.

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So I’m somewhat of a research fiend, here’s what I concluded…

Interesting in getting a Direct Experience with Truth?
Gnostic Intensive

Interesting in working your ego polarities, goals, and increasing your consciousness bit by bit?
Integra Protocol (this is one is by Vladimir Stojakovic)

Interesting in doing both goals and DET?
Satori Protocol (I’m scheduled for Dec 12th)


I’m not familiar with Integra nor Satori Protocol, but Integra look’s like Peat or Deep Peat to me.

Are these modules “self-study” friendly or would they need direct instruction from a professional?

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Being that I am already registered for the Satori, I picked up the book for Integra Protocol.

I found it pretty easy to understand and apply, in fact, I’ve been doing cycles on my goals and experiments all day today. It’s also what helped me settle the “baggage” of my SLR pendant in one day.

To answer you directly, yes I would say that it is self study friendly.

Check out Vladmirs store for the books by him and Ziv


I agree.


I recently did the Satori protocol. I had originally signed up for the gnostic intensive but Vladimir recommended to do the Satori. He said with the satori protocol you are able to keep
Working with it on your own with the gnostic intensive you need someone else and it is a tougher process.


“Self Study” is sub optimal with all and impossible with a few.
Get an instructor, learn to do it the “right” way, and then you’ll know how to it correctly, at will, from then on.

At this point, with Satori, i think all of the original techniques can now be done alone after learning it once from a qualified instructor.


Can the mandala work if proportions stay the same but I only use a part of that mandala ? Like only 1 fourth of the mandala ?
Like I could only print it covering a whole normal page , so I want to fold it a few times amd put it in the back of my phone case ,will it still work ?

I reduced the size and laminated them


After being told the delivery of my Book of Cards was delayed beyond this one or that one’s control my beautiful Magical Tome finally arrived this morning!!! :clap: :heart_eyes:
