To be honest, I was always thinking about you whenever going in that website. It’s an alternative name that suits you well!
Amazing front cover .jpg
The light has entered the room
How powerful and awesome is the “flow” from the front cover
could you elaborate on fae’s trickster nature? :/ :)
so if you put the servitor item away the servitor leaves you? I read somewhere that they stay with you even if the item broke :/
I can talk to mine from wherever. Some I didn’t get to know that well and gave simple tasks to. The ones I work with properly can be recalled at a moment’s notice. As long as you can think of their name and their housing you are good.
Isn’t golem servitor will be your long life servitor though? Idk much about fae
First Create your Servitor, test, tell us about your experiences.
And if you need help here is the forum.
I’m very interested with fae but to be completely honest I have no money for it just yet. Saving up money so that I will get there hopefully. Speaking of dragon. I haven’t decided it when will I make it. But I know you have to teach the dragon lot of stuff. And I read in the description that the dragon will always be with you. Even in the afterlife
You could also try them. Greetings.
how are you doing with servitors?
I remember you previously had a lot of stress due to the fact that you were unable to interact with them …
I hope “contact” is established
And I continue with the stress hahaha.
I’ve been thinking and maybe I don’t resonate with them. I only have FAE and ENERGETIC.
Golem, Fae, Energetic, Light and Dark Servitors, I FEEL AN ATTRACTION or I don’t know what to call him with the DARK SERVITOR.
I just remembered you when I talked with one person (she has 2 servitors). She has high expectations towards them, she constantly complains that she does not feel connected with them. She does not deal with them systematically, gives tasks, but does not see the result (she thinks so).
But she is constantly waiting for a miracle …
But with the advent of Sapien in her life, her life began to change for the better … Servitors help her, but they do it “spontaneously”, not at her request … Maybe this is your case?
It is more correct to accept the reality of the servitor rather than seek evidence. The more you let go of perfection, the easier it is to get results.
If I were you, I would focus on one goal / task, and systematically achieve it together with servitors, using the entire arsenal of knowledge that is provided on the forum…\
Please do not take this as criticism … I really want you to succeed.
Can i use a crystal/stone for the Environmental Transformer or it has to be a metal object?
That works too