The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

control + f and type in keywords it will find the comments with the keywords in and also you can press
“Summarize this topic” Between the post and the first comment.

In the meantime while somone gives you answer. I have no clue whether they can or not.


didn’t find anything, i’m gonna do the summarize thing but damn. Old threads be talking about anything but the field-product

Try “field” and read all the posts with field inside them

Yes they can. But not all fields. Some complex fields are not available to them. For example, the captain wrote about this in the topic of the plasma flower:

It may be useful to you:


I see

Thanks so much for answering my question ;)!

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I can’t buy The Book of Cards in the gumroad and this link is also not available! How can I purchase it ? I really need it!


I can’t buy it from there as I told! No card, no PayPal is working! I don’t know why! It was working before!

How about the hardcover?


I need eBook :)

DM @SammyG , maybe he can help you purchase it directly :slightly_smiling_face:


Already did, thank you for your help :)


Same I want to buy the book in pdf version. he attracts me :magnet:… I listen to my intuition :grin: .

I hope it will be available again!

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hi guys, I had just get the pdf book, but in mine file missing the :

Environmental Transformer
The Flow

I already have the first book from Patreon, and in this one is only Fae and ES added.
:thinking: they are all in the description on the gumroad, have you gotten them all in the file?
edit: ahh sorry I had just realized that the face on the front (probably start) of the pdf is the Flow,
but I still don’t see the Transformator and a “hand” of the Booster :see_no_evil:
please can anyone help me in DM with this? THANK YOU!

They are only available in print version of the book:


:zipper_mouth_face: OMG I wish I knew that before my order , on the gumroad is stated that book include all in pdf

Taken from gumroad description:

These are not in the eBook version, but you may get some of ‘the flow’ on the main page inside. These are in the printed version.

Environmental Transformer

With this image, you can create an active energy transformer, it will constantly draw in, filter and clean the energy in the environment you place it.

Yes it is meant for the environment, not you.

You place your item on the image, and say ‘create’ then it is ready to use in about 2 hours.


The back image with the hand photo is a field and item booster.

You can use it to grow and charge any item you own, even items without fields, it will grow the inherent field that makes the item what it is.

Items with fields can also be grown on it, once started, it will continue strengthening/growing it for for one hour.

Be careful with how much you boost/grow and item, because it can become un- use-able.

The word to activate it is “charge” or “begin charging”.

The Flow

The image at the front (the face) you place your hand on it and say ‘begin’ and it will create a flow of psychic energy through you and focus on your 3rd eye.

When i say psychic, i mean the energy is best used for psychic work or psychic perception.

You need to keep your hand on it to continue the flow, it works only for 5 mins at a time.

You can hold an item in your other hand and it will also charge this item with energy.

This can be useful when making items, doing psychic or magical work on an item, or you simply wish to directly charge a drink for consumption.

(Print Version)


yes just saw now, somehow my eyes was just fly over the full description :(((
do you know is anywhere possible to buy only the Environmental Transformer? I really need that one.
thank you so much!

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Thank you for kind response.
Is there any possibility to make request for that?
I believe I’m not the only one interested :grin:


I bought the dreamweaver card book :relieved:!!

Is there a material that would be ideal as a house for a servitor ? to make him feel good .

I do not know what to choose . Stone, metal, wood, glass etc… there is a choice for the material.

I want to do things well because the servant will follow me all my life :blush: .

I want something solid, durable, small and pretty :slightly_smiling_face: