The Boulevard Philosopher (Recruiting)

This is a new direction, with new priorities comes new tools.

This is about street smart,
this is about learning as you go on with your daily life,

Most of us can’t afford to wall ourselves off from the real world while we slowly learn from books or download an infinite amount of knowledge.

We need to be dynamic, responsive and efficient with a flexible mindset that can adapt and grow in any situation. Skills that can be used to manage real life situations.

10 people
2 copies


Im interested - this is the area Im lacking and looking to improve on.


I’m interested in this.

I’m also interested :slight_smile:

I’m interested. By the way, I have an innocent demeanor and I hope that this project won’t change that side of mine. Ironically, somehow I often attract street-smart people as friends or romantic interests.


Street smart is one of those things that has to come with experience, and well, lol, not everybody wants to experience that :sweat_smile:

Very interested :D


It won’t, nor would we want to :slight_smile:

But what if you could learn more from any experiences you have without needing to put yourself into harms way or have a big kick in the face.

It’s not as much what happens to you as it is how you react to it


Yess–in the works! :)

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I’m interested as well. I think it would pair nicely with Tengri’s strategic abilities.

Interested, Im in.

Hello, I’m interested, would like to see what this really entails further

I’m interested, thanks.

“We need to be dynamic, responsive and efficient with a flexible mindset that can adapt and grow in any situation. Skills that can be used to manage real life situations.”

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I’m interested


Practical as always ;)

very interested



I’m interested.
Would like to incorporate the street smarts of drug dealers :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: it seems fascinating to think from their perspective of the streets?

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