The Breathe of The Belly (Belly Breathing Trainer)


Great :grin: !!!

some time ago I asked a creator to design an energy field to reprogram the way of breathing.

Find this natural and functional breathing, a kind of respiratory neguentropy.

Normal breathing can bring a multitude of health benefits, both emotionally and physically. A return to functional balance for the whole body.

Thank you for this precious Audio :blush::pray::sunny:


A few seconds after listening to the audio I sneezed 3 times :smile: ā€¦

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Oh my. With this, we probably have two of the most powerful foundational techniques of Rinzai Zen:

  1. Hakuin Healing Egg

  2. Belly-breathing (or dantian breathing)

Would be a superb combination!


nice nice nice nice

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Just gave me the idea to put automated pranayama in my convert any file to audio talisman folder while using the belly breathing. WOW. Endless vitality, literally.


hey friend, letā€™s remember that the diaphragm is in close contact with many important viscera such as lungs, liver, heart, stomach


For me this one feels so grounding and at the same time effortlessy opening the body to higher vibrations (lower dantien field is actived in all its magnificence :upside_down_face:)

I feel so much love and appreciation for the body and all its functions as an expression of the Source

Oh and the music is Beauty


Yeahā€¦and what are you saying? I kept the pranayama field in the folder for 20 mins and used the belly breathing field and felt awesome after.


Well, youā€™re a paramedic, who better than you can know :wink: :+1:


Well the thing is, Iā€™m pretty sure (but could be wrong)- the Automated Pranayama field automatically gathers energy from around you but doesnā€™t do Pranayama style breathing for you. The instructions are to do it yourself with the 4,6,4 method. The belly breathing field however seems to act physically like the auto-mewing, by actually inducing belly breathing. So, itā€™s not like Iā€™m combining two fields that act on the mechanics of the diaphragm. Therefore, itā€™s safe. It felt great.


If I think about how much effort it cost me years ago to breathe for some Pranic Healing practices, as well as for meditation, and now there is the convenient and handy solution.


Ladies, this helps with menstrual cramps. Doesnā€™t take the pain away completely, but by the third repetition of the audio it eased the tight feeling enough that was able to uncurl myself from fetal position (because, PAINNNNN) and start to move about.


Lengthy review coming up:
As someone who spent majority of his life mouth breathing(clogged nose long story),shallow breathing was my only way to breathe,cuz I didnt know any better.Thanks to this I am pretty used to how my body behaves on default,so for me,changes are more drastic than for other nose breathers.
I play this on low volume,and use PC either for study,some modeling or x thing.Here is what I noticed:
1.After using it for about 3 loops,a certain feeling of high comes in,best way to describe it is how I felt after doing my first guided meditation,blissfull feeling but I am in full control of my actions.
2.Body is way less tense.I notice that passively I get tense for no reason especcialy when focused on something,thanks to this field,I am loosening up.
3.It seems easier to get into flow state,so I can focus more easily.
4.Coming home as I am writting this I felt drained,wondering how I will be able to study,but as I am looping the field and writting this I realize it wont be a problem to focus.It is not that I am energized it is just that I am well ā€˜more present in the moment?ā€™.Hard to describe.Could be also that more oxygen being distributed in my body is solely responsible for this.
5.Probably a lot more benefits I didnt notice,but can be found if u google benefits of abdominal breathing
Edit:Forgot to say if it isnt obvious from my experience-This field is GREATLY UNDERRATED AND IS A MUST FOR TONS OF REASONS.I will combine it with mewing audio once I solve my clogged nose issue.


Great review for a great field!
Also try the nose straightener, it made all the difference for me. I used to be a mouth breather all my life, but not any moreā€¦


Great idea man,thanks and also appreciate the support.


Being negentropic, Iā€™m wondering if this helps as well with sinus sensitivity (rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).

Awesome review man, thanks for taking the time :ok_hand:


my nose isnt congested any more like before. Also the star exerscise clears a lot in the nose



Magnificent fieldā€¦ and Music!! :sparkles:

Thank you Dream.


Iā€™ve always had so much trouble breathing since childā€¦ clogged nose, superficial breathingā€¦
im looping this now and feeling energy and fuzziness in my legs! Iā€™m almost crying lol