The case against boosting your tags

As someone who now owns 7 different tags, I would like to make the case against boosting your tags to get more power, or at least not boosting them more than once.

Upon receiving my newest tags I find that they work really well without needing any sort of boost.

The reason why the tag works so well is likely because I’ve done so much inner work since I first started purchasing these tags. I’ve cleared my aura, cleared my limiting beliefs, become more confident in myself and likely upgraded my energy as a result of using more fields/tags.

I regret boosting my tags more than necessary as it makes it harder to wear multiple tags because theres so much energy being emitted by all of them. The acclimation process has made me lose sleep, and I feel some of the tag effects are diminished as well.

This is just my 2c, hopefully it helps someone.


Another way to boost it safely is focusing on it.

Where attention goes, chi follows.

So you can play Chi Elixir a few times, then Pranic Swirls, and then just hold the tag and focus on it, don’t gaze, but actually focus.

You will see that it starts to vibrate after a while, you are essentially feeding it chi so the tag has more energy to work with and grow safely.

Edit: You also subconsciously absorb the energy when you look at it, so if you just received a new tag, stock up on chi and then focus on it for like 10 mins, and you will both feed it enough chi to grow faster than it would naturally, and also get it in your subconscious faster.


Really wish I had known this before I purchased lol.

Thank you for the wisdom

The thing is though that they grow to the point where if you wear it, you start to assimilate it instantly. (Or your ego gets its panties in a bunch, in that case just use ego dissolution first).

I have an old confidence and dominance field on a bracelet that I barely use (dont like the authority part, I prefer rebel ;D),

I boosted it once or twice in the beginning, but now if I wear it, it forces its way into my subconscious instantly.

To the point that other tags become almost useless, since like 90% of my mental patterns is absorbing the bracelet.

Just stick with it, I was born early, so im more impatient than anyone, but I learned the hard way that Dream is a genius and knows exactly what he’s doing.

I see many people here talk about wearing 4-5 fields at the same time and also listen to like 200 audios a day, then they wonder why they see no results lol.

When you listen to audios it also shifts your mind to the audio, so the tags effects minimize.

I found the best routine is this :

-Morning stack, 3-4 audios max.
-No audios troughout the day, 1-2 equipped fields max.
-Before sleep stack , 5-6 audios max.


That’s exactly what I do

Morning audios

Evening audios

During the day and overnight I wear a tag or two.

And like @Roku said after I held Glory in my hands and let it rest in between my fingers did I really feel the energy coursing through me. Sometimes I think we forget to actually focus on our tags and just throw them around our necks.

Doing it this way also makes you really prioritize what goals you want to accomplish. It’s so easy to add and subtract audios over the course of a week and never get anywhere. I was going to do a little write up on CONSISTENCY because it’s so important…it’s akin to the compound effect of a penny over the course of a month…not much the first week or so but by the end of the month BIG RESULTS. I like to think of it as letting the audios compound day after day.

Doesn’t do much good to listen to Extreme Confidence 5 times 3 days in a row only to “forget” about it and resume listening after a week.

I also don’t wear my tags when listening to audios.


Yup, another important factor for tags that deal with personality change, is being in the present moment (thanks @SammyG).

The more I ascend the more I realize how distracted we really are from ourselves.

And as I said above, where attention goes, chi follows.

All those movies, shows, social media, everywhere we focus outside of ourself we lose chi, famous people are like chi vampires.

Went a bit off topic here but the point is don’t wear a confidence field and play video games and watch movies 24/7 lol, be in the moment, focus on yourself and most importantly meditate madafakaz.


Exactly, you still need to show up in life and take action, these audios and tags will greatly help, but we still need to put work in.

Going off what you said about playing video games all day and listening to Extreme Confidence, you need to have CONGRUENCY with what your looking to achieve.

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Congruency, learned a new fancy english word, thanks.

Also how is glory tag…?


New Dragon Intercession also gives power and energy and you will feel fields much stronger…

PS. I think its better to also ask for energy :stuck_out_tongue:



Do you consider audios in the point of no return stack to be part of the 3-4 audios max? I’ve been listening to subconscious limits, and the mental health stack, and grief loss and loneliness as well as emotional release.

Same at night. Also been using auric cleanser daily, though I think I read in the article you can switch to once a week eventually. I’m hoping to add jealousy depatterning as well as probability and luck.

Really my main goal is to let go of the traumas from childhood I’ve been holding on to and finally move forward in life again. Instead of living the same day over and over. Used to have a dream of being a singer-songwriter. But I’m totally blocked right now, completely out of touch with myself.

Also, do you consider shielding tag as 1 field?



I absolutely agree. I made the same mistake. Well, you learn from it, so it isn’t a mistake.

That’s a really interesting routine. I found that fields become more effective when you split them up to listening once in the morning and once in the evening.


Has anyone boosted the Intercession 2.0 and can tell me what happened? Or if not, has anyone seen something happen while wearing the Intercession 2.0 tag that you are fairly sure happened due to the tag?


What I get from Intercession is usually a change in how I think and feel. Whenever I have a problem its like I come up with the best solution.

I had to set a boundary with a friend and needed help to word it correctly so they would understand and I could get what I was feeling off my chest. With Intercession on I felt like something intereceded to allow me to do all that.

That’s all I’m getting from the tag at the moment. I don’t see it as comparing to Best Path In Life or Abundance and Prosperity, but maybe that will come with more use?