(aka Philip’s money serie part 2)
Hello forum
The main idea here is that the ultimate realization and deep unconscious and conscious integration of the following is most of what you need to run almost any type of corporations with success. It should easily put you amongst the best.
Instead of seeing business through luck and art or just knowing from books, you’ll see with your own eyes the blocks and elements clearly and have a real ability to control them. You will embody the CEO within you and always be ready to go.
Description (but keep in mind that this doesn’t mention Dream’s amazing additions):
Strategic lenses: Ability to balance short and long-term strategy.
Customer empathy: Understand the underlying needs and feelings of customers
Monetization: Understanding and ability to turn things into revenue-generating activities, services, or assets.
Porter’s 5 forces: Complete understanding and ability to see the 5 forces:
Competition in the industry
Power of suppliers
Power of customers
Threat of substitutes
Market segmentation: Complete understanding and ability to segment markets.
Attention economy: Deep understanding of the attention economy and its consequences.
Porter’s Value Chain: Understanding and recognition of the chain of activities producing value.
Open Innovation: Ability to source and acquire expertise from outside the organisation, and scan the external environment for new information to identify, select, utilise and internalise ideas.
Generic strategies: Complete understanding and recognition of the 4 main competitive strategies: Cost leadership; Cost focus; Differentiation Leadership; Differentiation focus
Integration: Complete understanding of vertical and horizontal integration, their values and consequences.
Business models: Deep understanding and ability to use all business models.
Aaker’s branding structures: Complete understanding of Aaker’s Brand structures.
Government intervention: Deep understanding of government intervention in resources allocation and market mechanisms (including: regulations, taxations, subsidies) and their impact on business.
10 types of innovations: Complete understanding and recognition of the 10 types of innovation
Product life cycle: Complete understanding and recognition of product life cycles and it’s impacts.
Industry life cycle: Complete understanding and recognition of industry life cycles.
Industry 4.0 and 5.0: Complete understanding of industry 4.0 and 5.0.
The internet of things: Complete understanding of IoT.
Web 2.0 and 3.0: Deep understanding of Web 2.0 and 3.0.
Work Physiology and Psychology: Understand how the human body and mind cope with stress, work strain, and the working environment.
Organisational design : Understand and recognise how departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization or decentralization, work specialization and the degree of formalization work and are directed toward the achievement of organisational aims.
Operation: Deep understanding and recognition of the four dimensions of operations and their consequences: Volume, variety, visibility, variation in demand.
Manufacturing and Assembling processes: Understanding and recognition of the 4 main manufacturing processes: casting and molding, machining, joining, and shearing and forming. As well as assembling.
Product Development: Understand and recognise the steps of product development:
Ideation; Product definition; Prototyping; Initial design; Validation; Commercialisation.
Services: Deep understanding of economic services.
Corporate personhood: Deep understanding of the principles and concepts behind Corporate personhood.
Treasury management: Deep understanding of treasury management on behalf of a company.
Intangible assets: Deep understanding and recognition of intangible assets and their values.
Compensations: Understand and recognise the combinations of salaries, wages and benefits that employees receive in exchange for them doing a particular job.
Outsourcing: Deep understanding of outsourcing and its consequences.
Legal liabilities: Deep understanding and recognition of Corporate Liabilities, Product liabilities, employer liabilities etc…
Ability to use all the above to achieve the best results possible.