The Circulatory Engineer

That’s where I was confused, is this field like Heart Healer+ or was it those mechanisms targerted for the lymphatic system, all veins and arteries.

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That seems like a good way to describe it, sure! :+1:

ETA: Here’s where I’m guessing the difference comes in: when fields are combined, Dream has said that he doesn’t combine them wholesale. There are alterations to the component fields because of the combining. (In the past, I’ve used the analogy of the difference between raw carrots and carrots that you add when cooking a stew.)

So, the difference would be this field would be tailored to focus on the whole cardiovascular circulatory system (but, perhaps, the lymphatic system might be a stretch or a downstream benefit), whereas The Heart Healer (Patreon) focuses on the various diseases of the heart (which can be different from problems of circulation, you see?).

Nah, you’re not (IME) a dumb-dumb. And it’s always good to make sure.


That’s what I assumed but I’m a dumb-dumb so I wanted to make sure lol

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(Check out my expanded answer above. It might give you more information about my thinking which may be helpful to you.)

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Thank you. Helpful response!

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Can this get rid of damaged protein in the body ? Or only skin cells ?

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Can this replace any blood circulation field? It sure seems so


does anyone know?

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yes it will help with circulation

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my intuition tells me its the gold standard


Looped this a bit too much yesterday and although I felt really dried out i could feel it working a good length of time after I stopped.

Woke up this morning and a little area on the lower stomach that has been giving me a hard time to lose is significantly smaller and almost gone. And I feel the circulation in that area much greater.


2-3 times is enough


Felt better circulation im using it pre workout


yeah, I like to spin this pre/during cardio


Yeah I was hard headed this time around and I paid for it lol.

I only listened once or twice and felt stuff all around my abdomen too. Mind you,I have abs covered in a sexy layer of fat now😁


Keep listening

oooohhhhh!!! I’m adding this to my night stack. I have a varicose vein in my left calf that sometimes really hurts, and some spider veins in my right thigh. I’ve been listening to Enhanced Blood Circulation and Varicose Spider fields for a year, but haven’t seen much change. When I play them my leg always feels better but I want them to heal and disappear.

I will add this to my night stack too. In which order would you play these tracks (I have them like this):
Lymphatic Effusion + x3
Enhanced Blood Circulation x3
Circulatory Engineer x3
Varicose Spider x3


This is such a great field. A while back I used plasma flaunt which led to a huge detox. My lymphatic system got really clogged and it wasn’t a fun experience. This was released around that time and it was a real life-saver. It felt like a filter was going through my lymphatic system just breaking down and clearing things, making it much easier to flow.


The circulatory engineer =

+Bromelain and Papain skin treatment
+Heart Restoration
+The heart Healer

3 in 1 ?

Please confirm guys