The Heart Healer

This is a smart combination of

Heart Inflammation Reduction and Healing

This works towards providing a means to reduce inflammation in your heart, a problem that seems to be affecting everyone right now as they recover from viral infections etc. The approach is to provide a measure of natural antioxidants (catalase targeted to mitochondria and induced ALA), induced AMPK production and to collect excess hydrogen through your normal respiration and accumulate it around your heart, each of these provide a host of benefits that will work in a very synergetic manner to provide the proper environmental conditions for a gentle healing and reduction in inflammation, there may also be a more stable pressure over time for both problematic levels.

Heart Restoration (Energetically Programmed Audio) ver 2.0

The programming here is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your heart from damage at the same time removing cholesterol and Plaque build-up in the arteries. The cholesterol removed and the plaque broken up into tiny bits and removed from your system. It targets a larger area than just around the heart (for plaque and blockages) scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat build-up. Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair. Also, the general energy around the heart is cleaned and refreshed.

Enhanced Cholesterol Reduction

This works to speed and enhance the movement of cholesterol solids to the liver to get processed and removed, Lipoproteins are made of fat and proteins. Cholesterol moves through your body while inside lipoproteins. HDL is known as “good cholesterol” because it transports cholesterol to your liver to be expelled from your body. HDL helps rid your body of excess cholesterol so it’s less likely to end up in your arteries. (From google) This action is induced and enhanced, but keep in mind both levels will go down, the good and bad. There is also a simulant, (not stimulant, it’s not stimulating anything, it is mimicking the action of) of a missense mutation in pcsk9 that increases the amount of and sensitivity of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptors.

All enhanced and along with a deeper cleansing and of the emotional centres of the heart, the chakra or energy centre itself, and a realigned and connection to your own source of heart cantered energy.


What an amazing creation, Captain! I can’t wait to use this. Thank you!



Thank you !!


Thank you so much, Captain! :pray:


Thank you very much :green_heart:


This is amazing captain thank you so much


Thank you !!


The Heart Healer only for $22 month tier

But interesting enough those in the $4.50 month tier are supposed to receive:
"Exclusive Mini Print

Fulfilled by Patreon

The abundance beacon original energetic art small print

Global shipping included"

(That must be new)



Would this still work if you joined and then later quit? Or only when you are actively joined?

Thanks @Dreamweaver :ok_hand:


Such a beautiful field

From the beginning till the end, just pure beauty. Never felt this good from any heart field in the past. The moment i switched it on, i just felt euphoria in my chest lol addictive haha. I listened twice, it also felt like my circulation improved and even the blood going through my body felt energetically “good” lol.

I really like this field man, feels amazing, i feel cleaner in my chest area too lol

Even after listening, my chest area just feels damn good


I was just thinking about this —I was starting to get a mental image for how I could use existing fields to trace through all of the systems in the body in a way that extends Taoist health practices.

As a result, I made the leap for the Blood Purifier and it seems that I’ve had a few lingering effects (from being around covid and vaccinated individuals) that had faded into the background. This Heart Healer might be another good angle to heal things from.

Since I’m basically set with the NFTs I wanted and the more expensive audios, it might be time to transition into being a Patron.


Wow Dream what a gift! I thank you so much! :heartpulse: :hearts: :sparkles: I actually needed exactly this at this time. Have been feeling too emotional lately lol. This will be a great addition to JAAJ’s Self Love stack
This feels similar to the Radical Emotional Change in some ways but of course different focuses between the two


(Removing misinformation.)

Actually, I’m not sure it does…

It’s on the same tier as financial protector, and we know that it’s a monthly subscription… If we apply the same logic then I say no it wouldn’t work after leaving the teir.

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That’s what’s up :grin::grin:


Ahhh, that wasn’t evident from the OP (and I won’t be able to get onto Patreon 'til I get home later).

Since it’s on the same tier as Financial Protector, then I agree with you: when we stop paying for that tier, this field (and the other fields on that tier) will probably stop working. (Otherwise, this would’ve been released on the other tier, amirite? :wink: )

Sorry for the confusion.

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Oh thank you
That’s also reason why all fields don’t work for me when I quit 4.50$ tier sometimes
Now I know tnx

No the 4.50 tier fields still work after unsubscribing

Only the 22 dollar tier fields discontinue to work after unsubscribing, not the 4.50 tier


I thought that was just for subscription items and not necessarily everything on a tier…

The $22 tier has subscription items, but not all $22 tier items are subscription items… at least that’s what I thought… :thinking: But I don’t really know :man_shrugging: