The Complete Spa (Video/Field Rental)

I keep hearing about Luna from members, I guess she is awesome.


You can also go both extremes at once. Dichotomy! Balance is overrated


It’s unfortunate there is no way to loop this video, you have to manually hit play again each time


I find going to extremes necessary sometimes, to get to the bottom of something / figure out / get over something, so that I may later get into balance. It’s like heavy emphasis.


People dislike “extreme” in general because it requires much more effort and work, like A LOT more - it’s so much more convenient, and it also sounds so much better to just be “balanced”. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a glass of wine on saturday, a cupcake on sunday. Balanced and beautiful, right? And so simple too.

To be honest, I wasn’t joking with my extreme comment - I can’t stand the word “balanced” in my vocabulary or mindset.

Sure, I’d like to have a balanced energy - but that’s about it, that’s exactly as much balanced I want in my life. No one who achieved anything of greatness ever lived anything close to a “balanced” life. I can tell you for sure that Captain himself isn’t anything remotely close to living a “Balanced” life - he is extreme in what he does, and therefor successful at it.

I’ve noted the times I bring this up, it’s often females who does not understand this mindset or oppose it/argues against it. Probably due to biological differences.

Think there was a study about athletes where they were asked if they would deduct 20-30 years of their total lifespan if they could be #1 at their sport, or keep their whole lifespan but always being #2 at the sport.

I think the end result was something like 88% of the answers were deducting 20-30 years of their total life span if they could be #1 for a longer period in their sport.


A really nice field. Besides the obvious benefits from deeper relaxation, it healed a tendinitis I had to one of my big toe for the last 2-3 years. I was just used to it.

I’ve also been guided to use Collagen booster, which I’m starting today.

@Captain_Nemo I don’t know if this was part of your plans, but would it be possible to have an option to buy the field as well. I’d love to use it offline :slight_smile:


I 2nd that, and let that field have floating tank aspect added pls.

wow my experience of first listen was like: fully blown away - I just couldn’t stay awake and felt as if I have never slept all my life. It’s like I have been alert even while sleeping. When I woke up after 1.5hr my body felt so much lighter than usual.

highly recommended :ok_hand:


So tightness in the core and hips and stored muscle tension wherever, this would be good ?

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does it also include brain massage?


Everyone should enjoy it

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After three days of this im so relaxed and free of muscle tension, it also made me go too the toilet more and release tension in the stomach, this was better than the intestinal cleanser and better for overall healing, better sleep and cognitive function, mentally i feel alot sharper.

Definetly recommend renting this


I would prefer buying it for 300 :blush:


I want to buy it also.

I would listen everyday to this one.


Blessings wherever you may be Luna :crescent_moon:


@Captain_Nemo Pls let us buy this field.


Thanks for this. Helped me out a lot through some trying times


I have been feeling like going to a spa for the last few days but finally decided to give this a try instead.
Just a few seconds in, my breath was taken away.
The Complete Spa, for sure! :pray:


Absolutely love this rental! It’s extremely relaxing!


Got it :slight_smile:

This is being slept on by a lot of people. I know it’s not going to cause me to ascend to the next state or anything, but sheeeesh it feels incredible. And it’s almost gotten rid of a huge knot in the back of my neck that I’ve had for over a month after just one listen.

I’m wondering if its smart. I can feel it most on the areas that specifically need it most, but this could also just be because they need it most, not that they’re being specifically targeted if you understand what I mean. Either way, I’m satisfied.

And while I’d certainly love to own this field, I actually really appreciate the rental system. This is easily a $150+ field, and for that money I got bigger fish to fry. I couldn’t justify spending that on a Spa field when I still don’t have other fields that could be super helpful in upgrading how I experience and play this game of life. But, $8.25 gets me three days of unlimited access and lets me experience this relaxation and relief on demand when I most need it? That’s a really sweet deal.