The Conceptual Conglomerate

What Is the actual function of my audio seriously not so understand?

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Your best bet would be head to the conceptual realization thread and gather information from there. Once you read it, you’ll realize this is an upgraded version of it with more added benefits of course.

At least that’s what I know. Not entirely sure.

@K1m_Jong-uN free the people of NK this instant !


If you’re reading this, yes YOU, yes I’m talking to you… Just buy it. Don’t ask, don’t fight it. Just get this. El fin…


I don’t know if it this field or not but bro… I keep on having dreams that answer questions I’ve asked in the past. Whether it is brain questions that I ask Dr_Manhattan or whether it is life and spiritual questions that I ask Psimindset, but bro, every single night I have had a dream of them answering a question that they haven’t answered, meticulously and in-depth. Must be the “realizations”. Also, surely my third eye has been opened by this field lol, as I keep on feeling it directly in my forehead.

I’ve already told you guys about the “finishing peoples sentences” that goes on after listening to this field, but I haven’t told you about the precognition, or about how me and my teacher Psimindset kept sending each other thoughts like we were playing ping pong :skull_and_crossbones:. I haven’t spoken about how I speak less and take in more knowledge in real life, despite being very extroverted. There’s plenty more but I’ve only done maybe 100-200 loops and uh, I’m sure I have months more to go until this field unfolds itself completely. It’s like I’m skipping meditation or something.


I don’t know about you guys but this is the only audio where when I meditate on it, it’s like I’m experiencing a movie, but a movie that is very “colorful” and “abstract”. I don’t even know if what I’m seeing is just me or if it’s the field. But I just saw a rubber ducky running with a football helmet carrying a football.

It’s something like this ^. I’m not complaining, but at the same time wtf is this.


Time I saw that I would’ve been like image

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Bro I still have no idea wth was going on.

Lol probably was seeing raw energy and concepts. That looks about how it looks when I close my eyes and watch the energy swirl around at night. Not that colorful though not freaky shapeshifting like that🤔.

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I think it could be the music and musical creativity? Im related to a famous artist that im sure most people know, who says that he can “see music”. But I also could be tripping. :skull_and_crossbones:

Synthesia? I know Kanye West said some years ago he could see the music.

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Bro you literally just saw through me I swear…

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Ive had things like that happen to me too, starting many years ago, without using any fields. Awake, not meditating, with my eyes closed.

Of course different colors, animals, including horses and cows, (cats and dogs of course) but also babies playing with a ball, 2 people “making out”. It can be amusing and quite riveting. Then there are the geometric shapes, including some I didnt know exist.
Overlays of a reality on top of this one (like a sheer curtain), but that was maybe 18/20yrs ago, had to shut that one down, but it took a while to do so.

Why are u so surprised that when U are meditating to a new BIG brain field (especially Conceptual Conglomerate) and “seeing” new things u never have?

Just dont get too “hooked” into it and just observe it, if u want to.
Tell it/them to go away if u dont.

Also afterwards grounding helps.


Being new to the forum and to fields, it is quite surprising. But now I see the shapes and patterns on my own without the field. I always had pattern recognition but not in a geometric sense. It’s a lot of shapes.


Now that you mention this I was trying to achieve this phenomena that has only happened to my remembrance of 3 times in my life.

In very rare occasions I would lay down to sleep and right before I’m completely unconscious I would see like a massive amount of geometric shapes, and other symbols and colors. It would sound like someone was switching through a game menu really fast until it landed on a random color, geometric shape and symbol.

Everything would either disappear as if I was being teleported and I’d end up in some random place I’ve never seen before and it didn’t look like earth at all. The sky was vibrant deep blue like the ocean and it was mountains of what looked like orange clay dirt but it was extremely fine.

The air was crisp. It felt like I was breathing better in the there than I’ve ever had on earth. After a while I noticed what looked like bright lights but it looked as if it was some type of war going on far from where I was. It felt so real and weird that I forced myself to wake up the best way I knew how.

Felt insanely real, but that’s only happened 2 other times besides that and those places were just as beautiful and surreal as that place.


I’d suggest if u are going down that path, to get some shielding and some protection.
Just in case.

Its different now, because we have Dream’s fields.
And P.U. has Naga Shield.

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does anyone else keep count? this just hit 700x played on my Apple Music. I have 3 more brain fields in the 600x


Reading both of your comments has reminded me as well, before addiction came in I would have these moments too when daydreaming. I was a day dreamer… but addiction slowly took away my imagination. Now I can slowly recall those moments. It’s the visual imagery that was missing.


I just find it funny that you still have at least 4x more listens to go lol. AT LEAST. So much more room for growth. I’ve probably only gotten 300-400 listens in, and don’t get me started on other fields like drops of memory and mathematical madness, which I’ve probably gotten 200 listens in maximum. Can’t wait to see all of our results. Looping this as we speak.

@Dr_Manhattan can you confirm if we need Brain key as a precursor for this specific wiring field? It seems to be more energetic or spiritual than physical wiring and I don’t feel any structural changes. Hardly even feel this field, many have stated the same to me. Brain key necessary?

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