The Cone of Power

Hi, how do you do that exactly? Affirm while listening, or Ask ? Could you describe your process ? Thanks :)

Welcome to the forum!

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Most say the intention silently in mind and also speaking it out loud towards the end


So during the 3 minutes, do you repeat your intention constantly or only near the end?


mentally repeat and feel 1 intention during the 3 mins
and randomly say it out loud towards the end


Ok thanks a lot :hugs:

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The way I am using CoP lately is that I strongly visualize what ever it is I am manifesting, verbalize it out loud feel the energies spiral and travel upwards and then do whatever it is I’m doing. Since I use it multiple times a day I don’t always hold the visualization for the full length of the track. Sometimes I will merely verbalize my intention and then relax, some times I do actually hold the full visualization, but lately I use it so often that I just let it go.


We are so lucky to have this. We are all living the dream. Ive been using this audio to manifest unlimited wealth to buy all the Captains fields without thinking twice. What a time to be alive.:clinking_glasses:


It’ll be so cool to have this same feature but in a mastermind type of deal just like in Napoleon Hill mastermind with like minded positive people with 50x people or more people just using an audio with by ourselves.

I bought cone of power last year and tried several times

I found it works for little things, or things with smaller goal?

I tried to manifest to goal like finding new job, new relationship, make me sleep better etc but really, these have not manifested.

The first time I found it worked is with finding things lost
There was a device in my company under my name taken by another staff without letting me know

I couldn’t find it, I even tried using company’s broadcasting function to inform all company staffs that I was finding my device

After using cone of power, I randomly walked to an area that I seldom walked to and found my device on one of the tables there. I didn’t even know the staff who took my device. I just follow my intuition walking there and found my device.

It was really like magic, but I still unsure how to use it and what goals should I use it in…



…I was just doing rounds of ZangFu organ Qigong and I got the idea to start using CoP to aid me in the various meditations to heal/restore/empower the organs. Pretty obvious really.

And you can do this too. Any Chakra, energy center, Dan Tian, Aura, you choose to clear and energize can be aided by CoP. Groovy.


Very powerful field indeed!



If i have a BIG manifestation vision, where my family is free of what i perceive as the direction main stream is heading in, with a beautiful home schooled loving life… is it a good idea to maybe use solidifier for this BIG vision, and use cone of power for many (maybe even daily) mini manifestations that point in this direction?

Or is cone of power capable of producing big scale manifestations also?

With a smile



I’ve been doing this lately! It feels like the forest in my energy field (for lack of better words :joy:)
Also pointed me on the right track for my personal witchery journey


Kamu orang Indonesia kah wkwkwkw salam

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10 months in the making. I used COP to manifest my baby girl and for a while to minimise my morning sickness. I also used it to aim for an easy birth but in no way did that work! :sweat_smile: though traumatic and difficult it was still magical :sparkles:


Such great news, congratulations!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face:


Iya. Itu akun yang lama tapi ga aktif. Salam juga

Congrats on your daughter! :tada: :confetti_ball: :bouquet:


That’s beautiful. Congrats