The Crucible of Stored Trauma

The legacy of unimaginable trauma has left its mark on the DNA of people who survived the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Most jarringly, the marks of this psychological trauma left in the genome were also passed down to the next generation and could be found in the DNA of offspring who weren’t even born at the time of the horror.


Also a great source for the CPTSD field that we’re developing, thank you for sharing.


I was led to revisit this gem I have been avoiding lol but something told me last night that I should prioritize this field and that it would be a better ride this time and boy it was. Played this twice and immediately felt a massive weight that I couldn’t tell was there dissolve from my chest area and felt like everytime I took a breath I could feel the air going into and through my heart which just felt pretty good. I started to feel a lot of heat building up in my body but mainly in my chest, head and throat and my house is cold right now we have snow in my neighborhood so I was wondering why I was feeling toasty lol. Decided to open my windows to cool off and as I moved around my body began to feel more and more weightless with each step until I felt a bit lightheaded then just decided to lay down and meditate lol. I have been also pairing a lot of fields lately with kinetic quasi & sometimes imaginarium divine cause I feel like it talks to me which is kinda weird to explain but everytime I play it I know immediately which audios I need and what I should focus on within myself. I fell asleep unfortunately during my meditation surprised it knocked me out that fast lol but I just woke up and felt guided to play vibration of divine love, alchemical garnet, ruby, childhood revision & entwining world of beauty & joy. After a few loops of each of them was the first time I think I could really feel what love feels like. Love was one of those things that I could feel but it was usually a temporary feeling. This time however I not only felt what I think is real love but also felt like an energy was expanding continuously inside my heart until I became completely enveloped in a feeling of ecstasy and for the first time in a very long time tears began to flow out like a faucet and it was like one of those cries that’s impossible to hold back and it just kept flowing with a intensity for like 10min accompanying happy & not so happy memories I was so shocked at first cause it’s really I mean really hard for me to cry even if I want to it’s only ever been a few drops and I could usually control the output but not this time haha. After the tears stopped the feeling of ecstasy & bliss got heightened like 100 fold I never knew one could tap into such powerful energies of love really made me question why I’ve been missing out on this amazing feeling lol honestly feels better than any drug I’ve ever taken and I taken many things lol and I still feel super blissed out. My heart must’ve been blocked or something cause now I feel my heart more open than ever before I wonder if this is a glimpse of what nirvana feels like. Anyways sorry for rambling I am feeling highly ecstatic right now and just felt like sharing this amazing feeling I am feeling right now gonna meditate some more.


I don’t doubt this but how do you know? What about significant other?

parents, brothers, sisters and spouse


Is it normal to feel terrible after listening to this? Not sure if it’s purging emotions or something unrelated.


It’s normal yes @ericwolfe

Keep going :muscle:t2:


Just got this beauty! Love this track! Same beautiful track that is Elemental Alchemical Ability as well!


This is what i’m actually feeling for the penis and Nofap, just bought it today, so i confirm :pray:

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I got this last night and when I use it I feel lighter and loved, tingling feelings, it’s way easier to breath and anxiety is gone.


I know your comment was from ‘21, but did you ever end up getting this? Did you find it worked for you on the mental and emotional level?

I’ve had this for maybe 6 weeks now. The best way I can describe it is it seems to access dissociative parts of me. When it’s playing I feel like a surgeon is working on part of my energetic/physical/and emotional body. I feel my “witness consciousness” watcChing this play out and I somatically and emotionally feel this “handing over of emotional pain”

It puzzles me because it doesn’t seem like that’s what the creator of the field intended it to do? But it really does for me…(hit the emotional aspects)

Shamanic medicine I merge with it. This one, like I said, feels like a psychic surgery. This one feels more “painful” in a way. I’m at something like 200 listens on shamanic medicine now and the smart field aspect I can tell has grown with me over time—- I’ll play every single other emotional healing audio when I’m in a panic situation and nothing touches it. As SOON as I play SM now, I feel an instant maternal presence within seconds and I’m instantly transported to some other timeline where we’ve always been together. 100% swear it, it’s the craziest thing ever


Does anyone have the old image of this? I’m trying to make my offline player a little easier to navigate by having pictures and I’m stuck on the old photo :green_heart:

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same I also need this

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@AlreadyThere @Seraph

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Thank you!

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my WOUND in my heel when i lifted something and hit the back of it… huge skin came off hurt like hell, at some point it couldn’t heal for some reason tried your new improved skin, smart stem cells, it was this one gem i been sleeping on for months never used it till last week listened to it for 2 nights, slept with it on, whatdo you know the darn scar and scab was legit healing and fading, it was really surprised me, thinking this was the main root of the problem, ‘TRAUMA’ i supposed it was releasing felt bit light weighted that morning. very happy i brought these fields long time essentially useful for these type of things, next purchase will be The Ancestral Continuum.