The Crucible of Stored Trauma

oh you said trauma my bad idk, for trauma maybe,

Shamanic Medicine Blend is one of a number of fields for mental trauma, yes.

Keep in mind that “mental trauma” is a really broad term. You know the specifics of what you mean with that term so, if you don’t wish to share those specifics, you can use the search function and sort through the different mental trauma fields to see which might be best suited for you.


in this case I am referring to what Capt means when he uses the term in the description.

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Right, because this is a field that works on “trauma” that’s stored in the physical body, in the cells as mentioned in the description. This particular field deals with the physical aspects of those traumas and I hear what he’s saying in the description, "this field deals with the physical aspects of those traumas but not be so effective on the mental aspects of those traumas; that requires a different approach.

For example, let’s say there’s someone who’s lived a mental trauma–let’s say, a verbally and mentally abusive relationship. Let’s say that this person dealt with that mental trauma by–say–storing the energy of that trauma in their body to the point that they developed IBS for themselves.

The way I read the description of this field is this field will help the cells release the stored energy which is impairing them from their correct function (which is an aspect of the IBS). But this field will not really work on the mental trauma of that experience, meaning there’s still unresolved energy which might get “triggered” (Hate that word) in this person. If they’re experiencing that, they’ll want to use the other fields that we have for that, you see?

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Would you use this first and then crucible of stored trauma
Thank you

I totally see what you mean. So which field(s) is Capt referring to, to address mental trauma when he said “whole other approach”?

I’m sorry, which “this” are you meaning?

When I put “mental trauma” into the forum Search engine, it gives me 50+ results (including this thread). Happy researching!

Would you use Crucible of Mental Space first, and then Crucible of Stored Trauma

With the caveat that I don’t yet own these, my initial thought would be I’d use CoStored Trauma first (get the stuff out of the cells where it doesn’t really belong) and then use CoMental Space (to clean up what wasn’t cleaned up by CoST).

That would be my first guess, but I’d really sort of play around and see how the fields affect me, which would lead me to my decision, if that makes sense.

Hope that helps.


@SammyG @Dreamweaver considering this works on the physical aspects, and the ‘trauma brain’ being a physical effect, does this work on it?..




Also, been meaning to post this here. If you have ever gotten tattoos, then I would highly recommend listening to ‘Crucible of Stored Trauma’ and ‘Auric energy repair.’ Tattoos tend to create holes in your aura because of the pain inflicted to create them. The tattoo is a physical signature of the pain (stored trauma) and so, create holes in this part of your aura which can give way for parasites to enter to feed off off ya.

I think this tends to naturally repair for most people over a long period of time. But, in general, crucible of stored trauma removes the stored trauma of the tattoo and auric energy repair closes any holes in your aura.


Omg, first of all thank you so much for answering! My first listen was really something unexpected, very calm, but then out of blue a very pulsating buzz in my brain started happening and it felt as though something was…reshaping. I genuinely think this is the first time a field really touches that, except for Microkinesitherapist, probably, but not as much as this one did.

And about the tattoos! That’s good to know, It sounds similar to what’s been brought up before about ecstacy and stuff! I have one myself and I definitely felt something in there!

Thanks Sammy!! :heart:


I just want to check in to make sure I’m understanding you, you’re meaning here ecstacy, the drug, right?


After purchasing this field, I have to say that this sound is my favorite and updated later

Give yourself a gift in 2022😎


First listening feels pretty good, my targeted aras feels different. Still damaged, still a little painful, but something heavy is gone, I guess we’re learning to spot the nuances between regular damage and physical trauma.


:raised_hands: read that again :raised_hands:
(note to self)


This field is truly a must.

I have made a morning Yoga stack with it:

  • Super Lung Trainer x2
  • Crucible Stored Trauma x3
  • The Breath of the Belly x3

You can even include a few rounds of Myofascial Release and Anointing to start the stack if you own it.

In three weeks, Asanas have evolved from “something I need to do” to a source of fun & pleasure.

This is now feeling nice to actually live in that physical body, it is breathing well, it has barely any hidden pain anymore and it feels more and more “comfy” & relaxed.

Thanks for this Cap :pray::slight_smile:

