The Crystallized Guide NFT - Community Project

Hello everyone

The basic idea is kinda simple:

there gonna be a fixed system tied to the physical body which is mainly made out of a crystalline structure with some basic wiring in the brain and there gonna be a highly skilled servitor that performs all kind of actions and optimizes everything possible on the physical
(cell charge optimization, detox, triggering all kind of gene and chemicals, transmuting genes to something more beneficial, smart brainwave, optimal oxygens level, overgrowth protection, inner resistant dissolver and relaxation, putting nutrients in the right place) up to the energy, astral and mental dimension

on the subtle level it can include a fully smart revision of all area and cleaning of all blockages and karma, full exorcism, all kind of knowledge and mind updates (in the range or spiritual growth/obstacle remover and abundance), increased subconscious connection, overall negentopic coherence and releasing excess energy, astrological tweaks, psychic training, increased luck/sync, three treasure and smart lower basal sublimination if needed, shield made out of diamond that gets replenished and maybe more
also everything what the user wants as it will be in a guided way that works with the higher self together to unfold your best version on earth

all that will be in a skillfull and smart way applied to the needs of the individual, priorizied as first mental performance and then overall health and balance/replenish trough all layers

it will constantly “update” himself, increase his knowledge base and keeps learning to grow with each higher self’s and the incarnated self

i assume we are all here (or most) to improve our life towards physical enhancement, health, knowledge/mind or spiritual and if we do train ourselve properly we might reach towards 70% or 80% actualization of our potential that we could get until the limit of our hardware and software kicks in
the idea is to have a nft that works towards 100% as it is highly unlikely one will get it “perfect”

i’ve been using something similar in that direction (with the same idea) and it’s been effective which also can save a lot of time and might reduce once’s big stack as i’m sure i’m not the only one that plays over 10hrs+ fields
(or focus more on brainfields and having the rest done with it as an example which is my current goal with fields)

anyone interested?

for guide users:

“full program”


Interested :hugs:

Sounds Interesting, I’m in

  • I would love to be included in the Crystalline Guide project

0 voters


Sounds extremely powerful, love the idea.


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U can PM me now

Very interested in this. Has some similarities to The Soul Continuum imho.

@Rosechalice @Nice2knowU @Dr_Manhattan

please close this