The Cyber Brain

Would this be a great field, if I am looking to quickly find solutions to problems that seem impossible to solve initially, and generally just want to improve thought process, etc.?

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Wholistic thinking might be better for this


So just to clarify - this is more for HOW your brain functions, like organizing information and such?

Is there a working memory component in this field? Juggling huge amounts of information at once like a computer.


May I ask what wiring fields are?


Thanks @Noesis :+1:

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This is also something I’d like to know

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I think it could definitely help with parallel processing.

I can only imagine if someone were to combine a field like this with an NFT like Multidimensional mind.



This will be next…

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Ok, so I bought the Cyber Brain field about 3 days ago. I looped it for an hour then did some supportive afterwards.
Klotho, NGF, BDNF Acetylcholine, brain refresher, ISIRB and RBM3 & Induced and Enhanced Plasminogen production for about 1 hour after.

Then returned to looping CB for about 2 more hours.

. So far its been quick results. Noticing clear thinking and processing for sure. Cognitive and relation to other subjects are easily toggled to and from. I normally struggle these days with that (due to lack of sleep). Which takes me to my next change noticed. Seems im getting a big boost with more brain power than im used to working with.

Improvement in formulation of my words and an overall boost in well being and confidence. Maybe a side effect of driving a better car with a refurbished motor vs the old one that struggled up hills before?

Thinking this will be good with commitment to listening to. Ill do my absolute best to update. Highly recommended though for those with their finger on the trigger with this one.


Should have been first

But nice, keep going :slight_smile:

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@Dr_Manhattan Thank you for the correction. Dont want to put the cart before the horse.

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@Lady, Re: “Would this be a great field, if I am looking to quickly find solutions to problems that seem impossible to solve initially, and generally just want to improve thought process, etc.?”

Personally from my own experience and journey, quickly finding solutions to problems that “Seem” impossible might be a perspective issue. Perhaps part of the issue could be subconscious limitations.

But for the rest of your statement re improvement of thought processing. . . Yes. Ive personally noticed a big boost in that area thus far from CB.

I also notice myself not taking same routes of thought (for lack of better term). Somehow im not struggling to find so many words for what im trying to communicate, since the field seems to just know how to direct me to my originally intended purpose for communicating in that moment.

So i guess it helps to keep it simple without all the fluff words. Hope this gives a better understanding from an outside perspective.

Edit: ( keep in mind, im only 3 days in on the use of CB)


@Dr_Manhattan How would you stack Cyberbrain with Superhuman genius and Psychic Mastery?

I´ve thought of

Superhuman Genius
Psychic Mastery
Cyber Brain
Superhuman Genius
Plasma Brain of youth


How about supG > mastery > supG > Cyber Brain ?

How about some acetylcholine too ?


I´ve ditched Acetylcholine for now, was too much on a daily basis.

Another round of supG at the end would be redundant?

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Pretty much


Got it, thanks :call_me_hand:


Another update with CB. Just great changes. Palpable results in processing. Very impressed. It’s an effect comparable to having an extra awakening 2nd supportive brain working in the background.

Also noticing less visceral response. Not that it’s impossible. But the left brain is so well oiled, why not take that route to get the job done, especially in a bind.
It’s been very helpful!

This time pre sessioned with BNDF, ISIRB and RBM3, ENPP6 and Acetylcholine and Enduced enhanced plasma X2 each… “prior” this time.

One word, efficiency in processing. But we knew that.

Edit: Q: @Dr_Manhattan, any negitive effects of the above Playlist on children? Or should I solely use headphones?