The Deep Facial Remodelling

Is this a subliminal?

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Itā€™s a morphic field. If u are asking this question I would suggest to read more about this forum

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Hi everyone, do you have any updates? Tips or testimonials? Thanks in advance!


Do you have any testimonial?:slightly_smiling_face:

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Not really, I bought it one week ago and have been looping it since then but I donā€™t notice any changes yet :slightly_smiling_face:


In my experience @Elena thereā€™s no need to loop it, the changes take time so looping isnā€™t going to make it happen faster. I play it 4 times each day. I didnā€™t see much if any result for a few weeks, but all of a sudden changes are happening thick and fast. Skin dehydration was definitely a thing in the early days, so increase water intake, maybe take a good quality collagen supplement if you can.

As others have said, fields that compliment this greatly are plasma glass skin (or use a free skin field), the womanly woman or formula of balance. Keep going, donā€™t miss a day, and the results will be more than you could have dreamed of :)


Thank you Joanne for your reply! I feel more thirsty since I started using it so I upped my water intake, I also take a collagen supplement and moisturise my skin as a part of my daily skin routine. I usually let it loop with the advanced version of ā€œmother of all boostersā€ of spirituality zone and I use ā€œfive elements balancedā€ (dream seeds) and also the torsion field :) maybe I will add something as well for the skin.


Does this field affect the hairline as well or not? And does it have natural sun and elements protection or should one still use sunscreen etc and will i be guided toward a skin care routine

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this is a nice statement to read to this product - thank you Joanne!

Taking pictures can help the process - you will find small nuances here and there that give you more reason to continue. these nuances will grow in volume and will catch your attention sooner than you think - and you will be happy you invested in the most important thing in the material world; your own personal appeal :)

This implies changes have indeed been taking place!

Skin laxity is very important to take care of with this field.

Do you have the Acu-automaton? This can help a lot with the changes.
I do feel also your stack needs a little adjustment. The energies donā€™t seem like they are interacting with the deep facial remodeling.

change the structure of energy you have to the field - move five-elements balanced after the facial remodeling as well. (itā€™s different from the formula; formula built a template, harmony is established as a template already in the deep facial remodeling so the elements of the 5-elements-balanced match better after the field is done working on your face)

Thank you Elena for entrusting the Deep Facial Remodeling :heart:

I would say; a more harmonious forehead will bring changes to the hairline, yes.



You might be due to sudden changes in the bone density and skin hydration, but the field is not exactly meant for that. Some products like The Enchanted NFT covers these areas in smart fields designed for this on a better level.


Thank you so much Desiree for your reply, for the tip and for making this is even a possibility to have. I will give it more time, if I didnā€™t notice any changes, I will add the acu - automaton :)


it has all been about that :slight_smile:

:heartpulse: :pray:


My appetite has increased with this field. I have been needing to eat again after dinner. Some nights I canā€™t fall asleep because I am so hungry! So will adjust daytime eating habits so I am not eating after dinner.
My body is requiring more nutritional building blocks.


Iā€™m actually feeling very nauseous with this field, is that a sign that I should increase my water intake or something else?

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Maybe cut down a little on the listening?


Yes, I think that I put it on loop a lot during the night. I guess I should stop listening for a few days till I feel better.


Would this also ā€žrepairā€œ teeth, jaw bones, eye and year defects/ ailments, I mean does it also have healing properties or only cosmetic? Its a question a friend asked me to ask since his English is non existent so to speak.

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So i didnā€™t personally notice any effects.
I look at myself in the mirror i see the usual beautiful girl i always have been but didnā€™t notice the changes i wanted, ofc its normal since today is just day 2.
The thing is i was on my sofa studying and like all of a sudden my mom approaches me and takes a deep look at me, approaches me even closer and touches my face and i ask her why she did that she said nothing, i ask her why again and she said i looked beautiful and my face looked clear and thatā€™s it, i was surprised but this is no the end, then i went to my grandmaā€™s house and my father does the same like touches my face and says my face is really clear and i was just shocked and my grandma agreed that i didnā€™t have any acne, its true because usually i have a bit of a problem when my period approaches where i have a lot of acne on both sided of my cheeckbones and its uncomfortable for me and now its clear as the sky on a summer day.
usually my face is clear but those days on my period but they noticed something like it must be very very clear, like the type of clear where even pores donā€™t take an effect or something.
Then i took a pic and wow my face is very very clear, it shines and its very alive, i love that. The changes i am looking is to become the best i can be in terms of look. Of course looks are not the most important thing, with sapien i am also looking for emotional changes, traumas etc etc and personality, mindset since i feel like i will reach what i want to reach.


It has been few weeks I have been using this. Within few weeks I really have started liking how I look on the video calls and in front of mirror and I ā€˜thinkā€™ hairline is improving a little as well. Really happy with the appearance changes (looking sharp, little younger and sparkly eyes) and this purchase was worth the price. Thank you to the creators.


Okay. I guess today is the 3rd day and my skin is definetly clearer but also i have noticed my eyebrows are more lifted, also i donā€™t know if its something before i didnā€™t notice weird but ok, but my eywbows are growing faster, and its growing in a part where before it didnā€™t grow any hair. So its amazing also making my overall appearance cooler because my eyebrows as said before are more liffted, fuller, the weird thing is, lol my left eyebrow hasnā€™t grown much and my right one grown a lot of hair so it has this weird look but i donā€™t care since i can cover it easily with makeup until it grows the same :)


Bahahahaha same thing with my eyebrows!!! This morning I was like what in the world is going on?! And just felt ā€˜trust the processā€™ lol!