The Deep Facial Remodelling

hahahaha That was strange, i was weird by it too but yeah trust the process

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Thatā€™s a Great Idea, to listen to Fields while Actively Lying on a Grounding Mat and grounding all the Excess energies in Real Time!!!

Which brand of grounding mat do you use , if you do not mind revealing.


Sure, I bought a mat from a website that is called ā€œaardingā€, it had good reviews and it ships everywhere.


Is it this website -

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Yes, that is the website.


Is there a big difference between Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork and this field, which one is more effective?

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Iā€™ve hit a wall with this fieldā€¦slight results showed and kind of dissappearedā€¦ I donā€™t see much improvement anymore,
I will try adding free boosters, Iā€™m not sure what to target though

How are you guys with the field? What are your impressions?


Are you listening every day without missing days? If yes, perhaps try listening AM and PM. Or play around with your stack a bit. The results will come once you hit your sweet spot of what is right for you. It honestly is worth persevering with.


Edit to add;

Ultimately I am a very private person, but I will sing to the death about results from dreamā€™s fields. Keep going and be consistent, you will get more than you ever wanted.


Hey guys, I want to add another field so that I can get the desired results from this field (unfortunately, I donā€™t notice anything yet but I always feel it). Do you think acu-automation or formula of balance would be better? :)

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This field has not been working for me either with SLR and malleable ego


Listen 2-3 times a day, every day, for a few months. Include facial exercises or yoga in your daily routine.
The changes will be minimal and subtle. Donā€™t worry about long-term results.
Every now and then, look at yourself in the mirror and confidently tell yourself that you are as beautiful as the sun.
You will see that you start to feel better.


But the changes should be drastic and not subtle, itā€™s meant to give you the ā€œperfectā€ face and the best version of it. So, Iā€™m wondering what is missing in the recipe and what should be added/changed to make it work :bowing_woman:t2:


Perhaps your expectations are too high. The field is not a plastic surgeon to change your face instantly. Any physical change in the body takes time for cells and processes to rebuild. Even if these changes are meant to be radical, they will happen gradually. And even it is often unnoticeable, because we see ourselves in the mirror every day. In addition, you are still young to see the bright results of bone restoration. Have you tried taking before and after photos? Did you compare the result?


Hi maTata, I think my expectations fit with the exact description of the field and Iā€™m aware that it takes time, Iā€™ve been using it since April I guess, Iā€™m just looking for any signs that something is happening. Yes, I took before and after photos but I donā€™t think anything is different. I can always feel it but no results yet and I was just wondering if there is something that I should do to make it work. Thank you! :)


Shaking the fascia - is to remove blocks and clamps that may prevent the bones from straightening out and taking the desired position. If you can afford it. A series of spa days on YouTube. Yoga, as you were advised above. Changing a face without working with the body is very, very difficult


Maybe the field is having a hard time figuring out how to make you more beautiful than you already are


Good reasoning :wink:


I donnoā€¦
I donā€™t know if it is my place to comment, but Iā€™d like to open the conversation (maybe not in this thread and make it more general)
But this topic has a place in this thread as well.

Iā€™ve been following sapien for years now, personally I feel that if this was the answer of changing facial features and the physical body, we would have way more people reporting it and using it, and also I wholeheartedly think people would share photos of their transformation (with censoring of any disclosing features). I would have shared mine.

But people are putting their salaries into these fields. Hundreds of dollars, buying field after fieldā€¦
If a field doesnā€™t help non of the people who purchase it, maybe there is a need of redoing it? Replanning it?

I just think itā€™s twisted to give people a reason to blame themselves they are not using the field correctly. It makes them feel bad about themselves, it makes them buy more fields with money they probably should invest in other areasā€¦


I donā€™t agree, and would love to offer another perspective

From my personal issues, I have a clear asymmetry that should have been even slightly better after using the maxilla field, the Marquardt, and this field, the face sculptor field.

It hasnā€™t helped even with an inch of a movement over two years

So let me guess,
Iā€™m not listening to the correct fields?
Orā€¦ I need a specific field for the jaw to corrects itā€™s alignmentā€¦?

Iā€™m a graphic designer, I love nature because of its beauty of mathematics, so logically and spiritually, a field should harmonize those stuffā€¦
But it doesnā€™t.
And Iā€™m not talking about a week of listening, Iā€™m talking TWO YEARS.

and it is coming from frustration, because I shouldā€™ve known better and save this money to maybe get a treatment of realigning it with new physical methods people came up with in recent years

And I donā€™t want people to spend their hard earned money if it doesnā€™t really help with what is claimsā€¦

Who test the fields before they are available for the public? Like any other product with a test run.