The Deep Facial Remodelling

Can you share your playlist? And share the pictures maybe in DM.

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Your pelvis and internal organs are not exactly the tissues that surround your skull :woman_shrugging:

However, my proposal is based on my understanding of biomechanics and the processes that this field should stimulate. It may differ from yours. It is ok. And you can find your way to the results


I understand this goes against the Self Love model of manifesting, experiencing, receiving & having…

But I have manifested countless incredible things/experiences, “big” and “small” things/experiences, “miracles”, and beyond comprehension things and I never once thought about whether I deserved it or was worthy of it or loved myself (I didn’t).

I just decided - I am having that. I have that.

I just made a firm decision. And it “appeared” / manifested/ materialised/ occurred.


It doesn’t.
Actually it confirms what I have said.

If you have manifested it, it means it was within your current levels of Worthiness and Deserving. And from this you can get a glimpse of where your current personal ceilings are.

Again, for clarficiation of my point, this whole Deserving and Worthiness Baseline and Ceiling thing, is only related to what your Subconscious Mind believes.

Not what you consciously believe.

Your waking consciousness is only like 1% of your whole personality setup. The other 99% is the Subconscious Mind with its own inner worlds.

Most people are not even aware that they have a Subconscious Mind in the first place.

And of those who do, most are not aware that it holds 99% of the manifestational power.

And of those who do, most are not aware of what beliefs they are really carrying with them inside of those 99%.

Most people are NOT aware at all what their core beliefs are and what their Subconscious Mind really believes and thinks.

Additionally, the Conscious Mind is heavily influenced by the Ego construct and its ego beliefs – which are again, almost always not in sync with what the Subconscious Mind believes to be true.

The whole journey from making the unconscious conscious is a very long journey, but is also the key for everything related to spiritual growth as well as material success.


So the men that I know that have all their desires - purpose, success, wealth, health, influence, joyful r/ship love, freedom, aligned friendship-connection, luxury etc

That also share in a vulnerably in private that deep down -

  • I hate myself
  • I loathe myself
  • I am nothing
  • I am worth nothing
  • I deserve nothing

What is occurring here in your model?


They are manifesting this through the core beliefs of their Subconscious Mind.
This is what matters for the actual manifestation.
What the Subconscious Mind believes by itself and what input it decides to approve from the Conscious Mind.

This is the self-pitying story they tell themselves consciously and through their ego.
The story they consciously tell themselves is different from what their Subconscious Mind believes.

Furthermore, you don’t know where their baseline and ceiling are.
Maybe they have really high baseline and ceilings – which makes them manifest things that seem “out of the ordinary” for most people.
But consciously those men still rate their manifestations as barely enough and thus tell this story to themselves.

Most people have very low baselines and ceilings, so when someone comes along who has higher baselines, they automatically assume that the person must fully love themselves and be happy about it.

But subconscious baselines and ceilings are different for different people.

Jeff Bezos’ has a baseline of being worthy of manifesting Billions, but that doesn’t mean that he consciously is not telling himself an ego-based story that he “is still worth nothing and needs even more”.

The baselines simply manifest.
But the conscious perception of those manifested baselines is subjective and individual from person to person.


Thank you for the insights, they are always very interesting.

But how arent they in sync? I thought when using fields and improving ones “Self concept” consciously would automatically make the subconscious “Deserving and Worthiness Baseline/Ceiling” rise?

Maybe I misunderstood?


Manifesting is not Psychology.

Many teaching manifesting are confusing it with psychology and psychological practices such as needing to change beliefs, or reprogram the subconscious mind.

Manifesting is something entirely different.
You don’t need to change beliefs to manifest.
Just know who and what you truly are (not the ego/human).

This is why people like Dodson, Whitecloud (and others) have success without changing beliefs.


If they would be in full sync, everything in your life would instantly manifest as you consciously also believe it to be or to happen.

By using a field that targets your conscious and subconscious beliefs at the same time, you bringing these beliefs more into alignment with each other.

For example you believe you are confident (conscious belief) but when you go on a stage and have to speak in front of 50k people, you are suddenly not so confident anymore (subconscious belief). The subconsicous belief always wins, which in this example will result in nervousness when entering the big stage.
Now you listen to a field to “improve general confidence”. This field mostly targets your subconscious belief but also confirms your conscious belief, because you are consciously listening to a field in order to become “even more confident”.
As the subconscious and conscious belief become more and more aligned over time, this will be reflected in your experienced reality: now you not only consciously believe that “you are confident”, but your whole actual system, body, energy, behavior, reactions etc. are also that of a confident person.

Now where does Deserving and Worthiness Baseline/Ceiling come into play?
While listening to the confidence field, at some point you may hit a plateau (the ceiling) because your subconscious mind has its own understanding of how worthy you are how much increase in confidence you actually deserve. And it will hold on to that confidence ceiling for as long as you don’t work on specifically this self love that is related to the confidence ceiling.

**This is the simple explanation, and in reality, ALL beliefs are connected together somehow. And the most important thing is, that ALL beliefs are connected to beliefs of Self Love, Worthiness and Deserving. Those are the beliefs that every other belief is also tied to and connected to – hence the reason why all those other beliefs have worthiness baseline and ceiling in the first place.


Thank you I understand now :)


I completely disagree.

Forget about “psychology” for now, this is just a human made term where they try to explain the “psyche” part of consciousness.

But in reality, Consciousness is the only truth, the only real thing.
It manifests everything.
Nothing else is real in the first place.
Also, consciousness is what you are by nature. The real you.

And, consciousness is manifesting reality 24/7.
It cannot stop manifesting because everything that it observes, it also manifests.
Which means, you and every other piece of consciousness are also manifesting 24/7.

So everything comes down with WHAT you are manifesting.
And the WHAT is defined by where the biggest part of your current consciousness is directed to.
Since the biggest part of you, while being split from your Higher Self, is your Subconscious Mind, it is this part that counts here.
You will manifest the reality that the biggest part of you human consciousness, in this case your Subconscious Mind, is focused on.
And it is focused on what its current core beliefs about reality are.

Consciousness → 24/7 focus and attention on stuff according to beliefs → manifestation of those

“LoA” and manifesting is not something that “you do”.
It is something that “you are” and that automatically happens 24/7.

I don’t know who “Whitecloud” is, but Frederik Dodson is not really a succesful manifestor. Like, at all. He has good content, but he is not a good manifestor. At times, he even struggles to keep his weight in check. I’ve read his books decades ago, and unless you invest many hours per day into his excercises, there won’t be much results. His stuff is very very low ROI when it comes to “LoA”.

From my personal experience and life wisdom it really all comes down to properly change your subconscious core beliefs and self love levels, and then everything follows automatically in this so called “reality”.

There is no way around shadow work and increasing your self love levels.

I have said all of this already many times here on the forum, yet only few people are actually paying attention. Which is fine, I know it takes a great mindset shift in going from “reality is happening to me” to “I am manifesting all of my experiences, mostly subconsciously”.
Anyways, this is probably the last times I am sharing all of this, because I don’t want write the same things again and again. People just need to read the forum. It is their life after all. I know what I need to work on in my life for my goals.

I am aware of no more than 2 YouTubers who actually understand how “LoA” really works, all the hundreds others are just blind leading the blind and making money with their videos and courses.


Who are they in your opinion? Curious :eyes:


Are the results permanent

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Yes, who are they ?

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I think one was Talmadge Harper. The other one I forgot.


Maybe Elmer locker jr he is solid one too


Any updates about this field ??


Oh well ok bye bye

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Significant changes to the facial features, the bones of my face and my maxilla is changing shape little by little

I recently bought Remodeling but the results are there, if I listened to it longer my results would be faster I think


I am considering purchasing The Deep Facial Remodeling field. Anyone who has tried but unfortunately “not” gotten results ? Or is this really powerful for almost anyone who is generally heathy? What I am looking for is a facelift. My facial is saggy.
I read a lot about saggy skin is also related to lack of bone density around the cheecks and many more reasons, not just collagen and elasticity. The description for The Deep Facial Remodeling mentions about bone density and much more and seems to be approaching from different angles and seems promising. Although I’m not interested in the royal looking stuff. Just want plumpness and a lift up.
Is The Deep Facial Remodeling really worth the price?