The Deep Facial Remodelling

If dream makes a field and releases it, it works.

If it doesn’t work for someone, it’s an internal issue whether it be energetic, biological, or mental.

If dream released it, it will work.

His technology has grown and he has evolved our energy bodies to integrate higher forms of energy in the process.

Someone may come and tell you “no it hasn’t worked” but you don’t exactly know what they may be lacking.

Whether it be lack of self love, trauma, karma, lack of energy, auric body destruction, nervous system overwhelm, etc. they won’t tell you that part of it, and more often than not won’t even be aware of it themselves.

But yes it works very well, and one of the people who got 0 results got private assistance from me and then it worked for them also.

I suggest it. It’s a good field. :slight_smile:


I recomand you to actively engage with the Subconscious Limit Removal, talk with the field and tell it your concerns with the Deep Facial Remodeling and it will attempt to dissolve the Subconscious limits if there are any.

If it is an energy body issue you can work with the enablement stage from JAAJ self love stack for a couple of weeks, a month maybe before you hit the buy button and I think it will sensibly improve the state of your EB and Aura.

And another thing it is patience, we need patience for very transformative results. I’m working with an hair field, perhaps the best ever done, my energy body and nervous system are fine (not the best root chakara thoo) and being the transformation that the field has to do very radical, it is working at the pace it can work, there is progress I’m very aware of it, but the process it will be a long one, perhaps a 2 years commitment.

So my heartfelt recomandation is to stick with it, a cherry tree takes 3 years to produce the best fruits but it is worth the wait, consistency, patience and a plan is what we all need


I see I understand you.
All I want is skin rejuvenation but this field also includes Royal Elegance which I don’t want to pay extra money for.
But would you say nevertheless this field is the most potent one for rejuvenation at this point?

Just had a thought, maybe features like better cheek bone density (higher cheeks),etc.
inevitably result in royal elegance = looking pretty/beautiful.


Your new and Improved Skin


Thank you for your comment.
I haven’t communicated with my higher self about this so will definitely do so. I’ll keep in mind about a need for commitment. Thanks!


If you are looking for something for bone density in the face this is your best shot.

Have you tried to make a playlist with the several other audios for skin/facelift? (Thinking Patreon now. Most of them are probably on Youtube, I don’t keep track)
If they are not enough, you might need something for the bones.

This field is really effective and in my opinion, less is more with this field. By now I only listen to it once a day.

And the Royal thing- whether it’s a result of the actual changes or a thing of it’s own- is a welcomed bonus. Gives a ”clean” look.


I am moving this to the Deep Facial Remodeling thread.


hey hey Coco,

i would try to be consistent with deep facial remodeling and also buy the new Automated Face Yoga field to get rid of all the mechanical stress. this will give your whole face including bones etc enough rest. for the upliftment of the saggy skin. i would also consider The Fascia Shakeup and Wakeup and The Microcurrent Face Simulant + afterwards. This is for the facelift part. this being said it is most beneficial to also get rid of any mental blocks and subconscious limits by using Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 in your stack and another things is your stack needs to be on point. How to Create Great Stacks. also being consistent and don’t stress about it is more beneficial then to look in the mirror multiple times a day. enjoy the fields and allow change to happen instead of forcing it. you can do this without doing anything. just by allowing your amazing stack to work for you! :blush:



Also try this


Thank you for your comment!
I have purchased it and I’m listening now.
I’m feeling a little bit of sensation as though I’m getting sunburned.
There is a person (Please read above) that used
"the formula of balance " and boosted the “facial modelling”.

Thank you for all your suggestions. I will refer to them all.
There is just so much information, so many fields, so much money to spend
I am so overwhelmed but enjoying : )


Thank you Mage for sharing!
It’s interesting how you added that “Formula of balance”.
In fact I have purchased the “Facial Remodeling” and I am now listening and feeling
some sensations like getting a sunburn. But I want fast prominent results so I’m now so interested in getting “Formula of balance”.
I’m getting a bit nervous about my bank account but I’m more desperate to get my skin back.
Thanks for your message : )

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Thank you RobbyHa for all your suggestions!
I have made up my mind and purchased the “Facial Remodeling” and now
listening. I am feeling a slight sensation like getting a sunburn.
I’m enjoying! I appreciate your messages :)


Thank you Rocket for your comment!
I made up my mind and have purchased Facial Remodeling!


Can you summize all of your results so far and how long you played this field?

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Hows it going for you so far?

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Why is the one that posted this field banned?

I was thinking of getting this field but i have some doubts, its quite pricy and there is some unease.


No matter who is creating the initial field design, the actual execution of the field is done by one person: Dream. Everything moves through Dream’s lens, including making sure the field is safe.

This field works.


Didnt know that, thanks for clarification.

Would appreciate anyone to share results, setbacks and tips so far with this product.

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In the thread.


Woud you say its the best facial shifting tech you used?

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