The Deep Facial Remodelling

I think the sole focus on the maxilla in Negentropic maxilla is really powerful if you want to quickly shift your bite/pallet/cheek bones into a better spot. But this is way way more advanced and i think also replaces Marquardt. ideally the combo of Maxilla and this one.

I’m significantly more photogenic than I was before I started this face stuff. and just feel more comfortable in my skin.


Which would you suggest if we had to pick between this and the maxilla, if we could pick one at all?

Does facial remodelling cover the maxilla aspects as well? I have a bit of an overbite and was wondering if this would help with balancing out the jaw/improving facial features


By the time Remodeling was released, I had already fixed my overbite with Maxilla/Marquardt. Still shocks me that those fields did that. I think if you want to fix that issue as quickly as possible, Maxilla is the one. Remodeling has A LOT of intentions that do include major structural shifts, but also face slimming, skin health, face radiance.


Thanks for this amazing testimony spiralriver. So for bone structure changes, it seems negentropic maxilla would be the go to?


They all do bone structure changes. Remodeling’s are more creative and bold, building new bone, strengthening bone, slimming parts of the face, moving fat deposits…

But the sole focus of the Maxilla field is really good if you need a Maxilla shift, which many do. Ideally work with both, but for quick shifting of the palette/cheek bones/bite — Maxilla.


What are some tips to make the field work better?

I guess healthy diet, water, self love, removal of any blockages of regarding negative emotions attached to ones face, some energy work, any more?
Also would u know when this field will be on discount?


I’ve brought this field since release and no results at all, idk what I’m doing wrong I’m also very fit and lean, used spinal tapper as well to help,


Im curious about this aswell its my worry that it wont deliver and its very expensive from place im at for it to not deliver.


Yeah just stick with the free fields and if they work for you than consider this but honestly I got no changes from it
Or maxilla
Or Marquardt
Face grooming worked though

I even tried adding manliness to help with the hormone affect but my face is still a asymmetrical mess


Sounds like you should spend some time working with the free fields first. Facial Symmetry, SLDv3…

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Not every field works for everyone. But those fields do work for many.

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Unfortunately, I have a similar situation here.


I think energy body plays a big role. I wasnt really worried about that to begin with but after looking into why field results werent ideal, I think your own subconsicous amd energy body play a big role.

Subconscious resistance itself can make you less receptive and even reject the fields effects, for example if you think it doesnt work or that facial structural changes are hard to achieve, it will hinder progress.

Energy body also affects how well you absorb and integrate field effects. I think if your aura has lots of holes or is weaker, it hinders fields from working to their full potential.

Im still new to these concepts so experienced members please correct me if im wrong :blush:

Lifestyle wise, calcium and vitamin D, as well as foods to help a robust hormone system would help. HGH is good for bone remodelling, but be careful with its usage (hgh field should be supplementary) as it enlarges and thickens bones if overused


I wish that Dream could somehow make the fields work on any user.
They don’t work like magic?


Could you share your results so far?

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I added Acu automaton to my stack and a booster from (other). I definitely feel it makes a difference in this amazing field
Currently my nose feels like I’m recovering from surgery! Lol well I can’t touch and it’s sore and slightly swollen so that it’s uncomfortable to wear my readers… also I added The new yoga field which I use apart from my remodeling stack
Anyone else have a similar experience?


The swelling became really uncomfortable today and I added Near Infrared to help and I think I’m really going to love my new nose !!!


I haven’t been very consistent with this, as in I’ve gone through periods where I’ve used it daily, every day, for 2-3 months. Then I’ll stop for a month due to other priorities. The results have not gone away.

My main results are, my eyes have a very noticeable positive canthal tilt. My face is more symmetrical. My neck and jaw line has tightened up. My cheekbones are more prominent.

I now need to commit to using this daily until I get the full results.


why don’t you create a powerful stack and put it on your phone and play it daily at the lowest volume?

i play my health stack & 2 different beauty stacks every other day with great results.
this way you also give the areas that are treated the time to recover. :blush:


Or get a servitor like Pheonix and Dimensional Pocket.