The Divine Physique (Private Group)

Since i had this nft my muscle gains went back to the state they were 5 years ago in just two months.

Last week i’m changing my way of training since i saw a short video. I’m training now very slow and focused with less weight but with a constant tension on the muscles. This should give you more gains if you train this way. I notice that this gives me a lot of peace because i train in the moment. Training becomes a kind of meditation also because i become one with the breath. :dizzy:

Is there someone who trains the same way and has good results?


I train one set to failure, slower controled reps. Works best in my experience. I tried many methods, Mike Mentzer works best


Ignore dis lol

Tis a confusion on my end lol, it was right all along! I won’t say why tho


I follow his Macros:

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Oooh if only he ate Arnold’s high fat, high protein diets like the rest of the golden era and most of the silver era bodies where… maybe he wouldn’t have lost to him!

Haha just kiddin! he was great lol, Arnold just had too much mass for his time, leagues ahead

(Menzter had the greatest crucifix pose since genesis imo… No pun intended though! sheesh! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

This single pose beats all of Arnold’s.

Too bad it’s not about judging one pose vs one pose and that’s it competition… (Too bad for him I mean lol, judging many poses the same way is the best way of course)

Menzter I believe was the first bodybuilder ever to receive perfect points on a judging panel, so technically, he’s what the judges would call perfect all in all

Oh snap, I didn’t know he was also the ONLY one lol

The point system is different now though… It’s like golf, the less the better

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How it feels when you’d be competing against other Divine Physique NFT holders

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Staying in a protein/calory surplus + heavy lifting / recovery sums it up tho, right?

Aim to go from my 85 (including excess fat) to 90kg 10-12% fat by end of the year without buying fields.

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Fun trivia fact about this picture:

Arnold told him he would’ve won the Mr Olympia that year before had not had such a big belly or something like that lol

And then mentzer jumped on him and attacked him but it was quickly stopped by every one

Mentzer was super angry lol

It doesn’t say it in the video, but he did jump on Arnold lol the guy telling the story says it kinda wrong

This is a lesser known, yet still iconic picture in body building


Lol I thought it was because Arnold was competing last minute, etc.

Have to look into it.

Mike got upset because Arnold would announce his bodybuilding retirement,etc.

Scarborough warning and all , Arnold just pops up to compete, possibly upstage, and Mike wasn’t having it.

I could be wrong lol.

But I admire both for all they’ve done.


There’s so many ways

Many ways better than others, few ways better than all

What matters most is the way you approach the altar, the gym and the way you allow it to approach you.

A mindset that absolutely desires and pushes you towards the upmost work output and gains input will likely lead you to executing work outs in the best possible fashion… It will at least get you close to there

Sounds cliche but, when you’re in there, you know you’re limits, you want to excel, claim beyond, where you step forward at the face of miserable pain in the name of breaking barriers, exercising will, and surmounting more muscle on bone… You will be victorious in accomplishing what it is you want

The work outs that have given me the most gains in my life (so long as my eating is on point right after) have always been the work outs where I go in there and I look psychotic at times, I lose my self in the glorious conquest upon my self, for it is I against myself. It is you vs you, you declare what you can and what you can’t do, and you do it. You yourself are your own limit.

So is it heavy training?

Well, I think it’s just about “all out, all in, life or death” training

You can be struggling with light weight, have 200 blood pressure, eyes popping out of your skull with a pair of 10 or even 5 lbs dumb bells…

Just gotta break yourself down

When I’m in the gym, my goals are to break myself down as fast as possible and break myself down some more once I’ve reach the floor

So with that, I just end up training heavy, but then I know I gotta do a lot… So I do a lot of volume, but then if I can do a lot of reps, I can do more I can do more weight, so I end up doing a weight of 4-6 reps that would bring me to failure, and continuously dropping rigorously an astounding amount of times (unless it’s most of chest day some times, and especially on back day and leg day) lol

This mindset will naturally have you doing different techniques, you’ll naturally seek to seethe within the pool of pain that only gets hotter and boils harder and harder… the longer youre hitting the set and weight, the hotter the pool… buts a bestowing pool of blessings. Muscularly and mentally so.

Most times I’m doing baby weight at the end of my work outs… lol but I be screaming to say the least haha

(Not implying you don’t train hard or anything, I’m just saying, mindset is what matters… a right mindset will make you lust to give your everything, you will treat it as your holy hours, the gym is your altar.)

Yeah but if you’re talking calories, not that much of a surplus either…

I don’t care about calories, I just know when I need to get me carbs and I make sure to get a lot of protein… No lower than 210-220g… No higher than 400 (for now). Try getting 1.5g of p per pound of bodyweight if you’re just staying relatively lean while putting on muscle… Low carbs will keep you insulin good, cycle it so you don’t get used to it, have carbs every 4th day moderately, maybe before a leg day… You will consistently get leaner and can put on great muscle, quality muscle… not water


That too

Every one was also pissed he won that year because every one felt like he shouldn’t have

But I think he should’ve lol

Frank Zane was super off cuz of his injury, every one else looked good… But he I think he just had too much muscle and was still able to look better… He was just that ahead

When some one who’s usually up falls down, it looks worse than others, its easy to dismiss the stumbled version, but a god who stumbles is still a god none the less… (not calling Arnold a god, I’m just giving an example…)


My thoughts exactly :rofl: wow…


Yes, I´ve rarely worked out properly in the last months, but when I do, I try to push as hard as I can (sometimes to much and I have to take a longer break after^^)

Right now I feel weak af and I can´t stand it. The best times in my life where when I´ve been consistently working out, I am a fully different person then.

Beans, salmon, eggs and more beans, got it!

seriosuly tho, way too much carbs rn, will change that

Looking forward to it! 8kg in 9months is maybe a bit too high aimed, but I feel like it´s posssible If I take it seriously.

Thanks man!


Having one of the best days today, I finally got this NFT, can someone please guide me on how to get the best out of this NFT?
So, I am sharing the current playlist below for your reference, I would request you to please advise me if its good?

Furnace x 2
BAM15 x 3
Belly Burner x 3
Hardcore x 3
Abdominal Acquisition x 3
Fat Oxidizer x 3
20 E pepper x 2
MBL x 2
LEGS Shredded x 3
Thigh Fat Burner x 5

Now, can you please suggest me, which audios shall be removed from my playlist and which ones shall be kept? and where can I add the divine physique audio here and how many times?

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This has everything, you might wanna just loop only this NFT… And trust yourself.


Thank you for your kind response, so, shall I just stop using all of the above fields? and only loop the audio? and how many times shall I loop it??

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I only looped this field before, during and after my workout during the first months. The leader told me that would be more than enough. After a while I did still use one or two specific fields before and after to maximize my workout and recovery but that’s it. Maybe he can confirm this if he wants to… :dizzy:


Understood, I tried reaching the person but he did not respond yet, hence I posted here, thank you so much though!


Sup y’all!

In case you own a copy and would like to be a part of the original group, PM me! I will add you



I don’t see a point in listening to other fields lol