The Divine Physique (Private Group)

The Divine Physique

Hello and welcome to a multilayered sacred approach that will sculpt a Physique one can only have dreamed of prior to now.

May we embark on a journey of uncharted territories together, leading us to develop, inevitably The Divine Physique.

The Basis of Divine Aesthetics

Within this basis lies a divine pool of all the knowledge, wisdom, and skill from the bronze era, silver era, golden era and even mass monster era of bodybuilding, taking what’s beneficial and leaving the unnecessary

This divine pool of knowledge wisdom and skill is applied to the user in an intelligent manner in a way that benefits the user the most according to his or her interest while not overwhelming the user with information and particularly enhancing the download during key moments.

Correct technique will be applied to all motion within any exercise the user may execute through conscious training when the user is in practice or is performing. Subconscious and unconscious training will also be intelligently applied to the user at times of rest

Unbreakable heart, spirit, mind, will and power.

divine integrity, sportsmanship, ability to easily let go of losses with an aided support to transmute losses into healthy fuel towards improvement. losses are opportunities for further growth and when it happens the user understands this and gets further motivated by it. These mentalities are also applied to our day to day lives.

Rite of Passage field applied to The Divine Physique

How bad do you want it?

Like your life depends on it and you’re beyond willing to die for it… For that one extra rep… And then again for the rep after that… And when you don’t have any thing left in you and your body begs for mercy, you push out 5 more

The will power of Tom Platz and Ronnie Coleman in their hay day and during their most exterting moments of their lives, but amplified and made more extreme, applied to any exercise. Cosmic willpower.

A hunger for intensities, a thrilling pleasure for surpassing pain thresholds during exercise so the user doesn’t back down in the midst of lifting mayhem. Euphoria.

(All this applied in an intelligent manner so you don’t hurt yourself)

Eye of the tiger

When the tiger is in pursuit, it doesn’t have time to smell the flowers along the way for his survival depends on him being on point or else, he starves to death

The only thing that matters is your goal. Nothing can deter you. Nothing can defocus you. Nothing can stop you.

You maintain vision of the result you wish to acquire and it fuels you like your life depends on it and when you see results, your focus, determination and desire amplifies. No comparison with others, no worrying about others

The Grateful Bodybuilder

Extreme gratitude for all athletic prowess and physical gains, no matter how little or small they may be.

Extreme gratitude for all results, success and all progress, whether its in the past, the present or forecoming inevitable results in the future

Extreme gratitude for going to the gym and having done your best and having eaten your meals

All formulated to manifest more results, more prowess, more hard work, more Athletic success.

Hustle and motivate

On lookers are uplifted and inspired.

The jealous and envious are transformed into the motivated and encouraged

My personal encouragement and support

Your own self encouragement dressed up to be an external source of support, for when it’s necessary.

Some times we need an external push to ensure we don’t sway off course. This is one aspect of what makes a coach or trainer so important to many.

The humble champion

May we walk a path of humility towards our destination of divine aesthetics.

No matter how successful, big or skillful the user becomes, the user remains humble. Although still able to acknowledge what the user accomplishes in a humble manner.

The Physique of Divinity

The pinnacle physique. A walking definition of aesthetics. To accomplish this a series of transformations must take place. A revolutionary guided growth system to mold your muscles into aesthetic divinity. Tightening of the waist as well as a system to expand the rib cage including the collar bones and sternum. Bone growth in asymmetrical areas molded in a way that’s divinely aesthetic.

On/off based on users demands

3D Muscles (Muscle Insertions & muscle Bellies)

Since the dawn of bodybuilding, muscle insertions will always either make or break a bodybuilder.

The most common example of polarizing muscle insertions are the calves, some have low insertions (favorable) and others have high insertions (unfavorable)

Here’s an example


Here’s an example of great chest genetics on the on the left vs unfavorable (short) chest genetics on the right:

Here’s and example of unfavorable lat insertions vs favorable ones:

Here’s an example of unfavorable vs favorable tricep genetics as well as bicep genetics

The list goes on… the targetted growth system will also change muscle insertions to shape the muscles to be that of perfection (muscle belly shape and muscle insertion locations) as well to avoid having unpleasant muscle insertions like the abs of Jay Cutler down on the left here for example, and more pleasant ones like Thierry pastel on the right (except symmetrical)

Divine to the bone

While bone appearance matters mostly in the ribs, the field aims for symmetry on the entire skeletal system of the body (neck down starting where it matters the most. HGH and stemcells will be targetted to all areas of asymmetry to grow not only symmetrical but with divinely aesthetic instructions to shape the bones to be appealing to the eye.

Auto - Steeve reeves deadlifts:

Collarbone expansion is unfortunately a forgotten about method that bodybuilders today wouldn’t think possible. One of the aspects that make a bodybuilder aesthetic is the X-Frame, a small waist gives the illusion that every thing else is bigger than it is, broad shoulders together with a small waist and well developed legs create the X shaped silhouette on a bodybuilder.

Another benefit of having broad collarbones for bodybuilders is poses simply look better, especially front lat spreads and most musculars because you take up more space than some one with narrow shoulders.

wolf-vs-heath-lat (1)

It’s hard for a narrow shouldered bodybuilder like Phil heath (right) to beat a broad shouldered bodybuilder like Dennis wolf (left) in the above picture, Phil has to come in extra conditioned in order to stand a chance with the much wider Dennis Wolf.

And here you can see him struggle to hold his own against Big Ramy on the right… And Big Ramy knows it, his smile says it all :)

The god father of aesthetics, Steve Reeves, invented a type of deadlift designed to stretch and grow the collar bones. Today, it’s widely misunderstood due to its name, people think you have to rep it in dead lift fashion, but in reality the correct way of performing the exercise is grabbing the plates instead of the bar, deadlifting it up, and then performing sort of a miniature lateral raise with the bar while holding the bar to your waist, so it’s technically a shoulder exercise… At the end of each rep the shoulder and collar bone is relaxed and stretched. It is important to take deep breaths from the chest at the end of the rep to further accentuate the stretch.

Steve Reeves is known for his tremendous shoulder width, and you can see his progress from his younger years to his older years.

This portion of the field will do what Steve Reeves wished to accomplish in this exercise but done better with targeted HGH and all done in negentropic manner while providing aide in recovery and health of the collar bones.


Auto-Rib cage expansion:

The aesthetic bodybuilder always values exercises that expand the ribcage. The development of a grand rib cage gives the impression of a majestic chest, as after all, the pectoral muscles are shown on display ontop the shelf that is the rib cage. A greater rib cage gives the illusion of a greater chest. The further the distance between the spine and sternum, the deeper your chest shall appear. In regards to the height of the sternum and the width of the clavicles, when the sternum is pointing upwards and when the clavicles are long and wide it results in pectoral mountains.

Exercises like the breathing dumbbell/barbell lat pull overs, rader chest pulls (grasp a pole 6" above your head, keep hands close together, stand arms length from pole, as you take a tremendously deep breath you pull down and in with your arms. Chest should rise up and lats should flare out giving the sternum and incredible stretch remember to keep abs relaxed, your sternum may feel sore after :) ) and the breathing squat are work outs bodybuilders have done for ages with the goal of obtaining the colossal chest.

Flexible cartilages is favorable in the expansion of the rib cage, which is more prevalent in younger ages to which many say is the perfect time to develop these features for bodybuilding.

The rib cage will be shaped in aesthetic fashion, here’s an example of an aesthetic rib cage vs a less desirable rib cage

Here you can see Ramon Rocha Queiroz (left) have a much more appealing rib cage than Urs Kalecinski

The waist shrinker

In the world of aesthetics, a small waist/hip is often the most prized feature a bodybuilder can have. Unfortunately only so much can be done to shrink the waist like vacuum exercises and losing fat… Aside from surgery there is only one viable option to shrink the waist and hip bones, and that’s postpartum waist trainers. The only reason why this is said to work is due to a hormone called Relaxin which relaxes the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix, so while this hormone is still present during postpartum, the waist belts take advantage of the relaxed and softened states of the ligaments to restructure the waist.

While this option is only available for women, here we present a unisex simulant (not stimulant) of this hormone along with a tightening effect targeted only towards the ligaments and bones responsible for the width of the waist, done in a safe manner during times of rest and strengthened at the end of each session

And last but not least, gynecomastia removal: if the user has it, the field will consistently work on removing it intelligently.

Injury protection

The field prevents the athlete from being in any accidents, or in harm’s way. Any ill intents some one may have to harm you is nullified

Your muscles bones and tendons are under surveillance during exercise and the field prevents you from doing an extra rep when an injury is likely, like for example, prevention of muscle tearing off tendons.

Subconscious Limiting Beliefs Removal and fear release

Any limiting belief you have surrounding you being the greatest bodybuilder in history of the sport is released.

All limiting beliefs regarding the following are also released:

-losing fat
-gaining weight
-plateaus of any kind
-achieiving any aesthetic goal/result

The Sanctified Workout

The most powerful and effective work out on muscle tissue in the universe. A divine work out, that’s continuously self upgrading itself as the collective of different muscular training grows as well.

When exercising, the field works with the weight / motion of the exercise to make it harder through enhancing muscle tears (in a way that would result in aesthetically pleasing muscles once repaired) while simultaneously fueling you with a loads of energies to help you perform at the highest level imaginable, the field will help sculpt based on the vision of divine aesthetics it will give you based on the divinely aesthetic blueprint of the user. The field enhances the specific intended results wanted from the exercise, for example: when training for power, the field will intelligently make the exercise more effective for achieving power gains

Asymmetries will be corrected through aiding mind muscle connections while firing muscle fibers in weaker muscles during exercises and automated exercises. (directly after after working out, if wise, the field will initiate a 5 minute work out in all the weaker muscles to correct asymmetrical strengths and size)

BAM15 + E20 Pepper

Aspects of acquisition of abdominal definition for whatever body part the automated work out is working on, to further pronounce the muscles in aesthetic manner

For when gym isn’t available there will be an intelligent divine automated work out that can be automated according to when the field thinks is best or activated upon request. The user can request the field to automate a work out on any muscle/muscle group for example:

“Divine Physique, please give me a bicep work out”

“Divine physique, please give me a chest tricep and shoulder work out”

“Divine physique, please give me a leg work out”

Ect ect

These fielded work outs will push the muscles to their absolute limits in an intelligent and divine manner for the user whether working out physically or not. Because you will be sore.

Tendons of steel

Powerful muscles mean nothing when your tendons aren’t up to par. Strong tendons will increase your power and reduce your risk of injury.

The field will strengthen tendons exponentially.

Grip strength to lift mountains, with out destroying your hands either :)

The breath of adipose anihilation

The Great Vince Gironda once claimed breathing is the greatest fat trimmer!

A pretty bizzare claim, but it is indeed true! When you burn fat, two major byproducts are released — carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is exhaled during breathing, and the water is disposed of through either urine, sweat, or exhaled air. Here’s why!

Here is a triglyceride molecule (fat molecule) being broken down, when it’s broken down. Notice in this formula that an oxygen molecules is present. This is because in order to break down fat into carbon dioxide and water, oxygen must be present.

Complete oxidation of 10 kg of human fat requires 29 kg of inhaled oxygen producing 28 kg of CO2 and 11 kg of H2O. This tells us the metabolic fate of fat but remains silent about the proportions of the mass stored in those 10 kg of fat that depart as carbon dioxide or water during weight loss.

The field accelerates and enhances this process as well as encourages the user to intelligently hyperventilate inbetween sets or at times of rest in a controlled, replenishing, revitalizing manner to not work against the users performance but rather enhance it. The air is filled with life force, divine encouragement and other energies while performing.

The pillars of the colosseum

Your Androgenic Receptors will be crystalized, sensitized, rejuvenated and stimulated to the perfect level according to how big you want to grow. Your hormones will be optimized to give you the most possible gains possible. Heightened insulin sensitivity. Limits will be pushed with C313Y mutation in myostatin and myoskeletal stem cells will be directed to muscles to grow in aesthetic fashion. Myostatin inhibition. The user will have a UCP gene to help burn fat. Collagen will be sent to the myofascia to grow it, enabling an increased pump capacity when working out and prolonging the pump after the exercise is over, not only does this increase muscle growth due to nutrients being in the area, there’s nothing like a good pump! It also makes you look better :)

However big the user wishes to be, the field will adjust your inner alchemy and make up accordingly to ensure you achieve it.

From Frank Zane to Big Ramy (but aesthetic), mass won’t be second guessed if it’s of interest.

Endless and Relentless

To further fuel all the creation and destruction, an attunement to the power of source in all of your Dan Tiens, strengthening the connection and widening the flow. The power of source will also be introduced within every muscle itself via implosion. The power further integrates and develops during flexing, posing or exercising, literally shining and oozing with power.

Added rhodopsin protein in mirochondria (photosynthesis), charged with plasma, life force, and other energies.

The user becomes more conscious of ones energies and is nudged to develop it.

Ambient energy in the area will be transmuted into powerful energies that the user can use for performance, recovery, or simply assimilating fields better.

All working in perfect harmony, in full body negentropic coherence.

Divine recovery

Sleep aide, user is encouraged to sleep in the most optimal position for recovery, environment is enriched with the perfect energies for recovery, oxygen is enhanced in the room, muscles bones and organs are massaged, bones Shaked where needed, enhanced blood circulation to muscles joints ligaments and tendons, plasma light, organs rejuvenated and upgraded, nervous system rejuvenation and strengthening (all interweaving nicely with the endless and relentless source power, repairing and growing muscles that glow in sourced light, literal divine muscles.)

Constant smart divine recovery with users goals in mind to get even more from the work out than with normal recovery.

Aide in flexibility and mobility.

The Legendary Bodybuilder

If it’s the users desire, if it’s his wish to engulf one self onto a life revolving around exercise and bodybuilding, to the highest extent possible, then the user can decide whether or not he wants this aspect of the field on or off.

ascension through becoming a legendary bodybuilder. A physique to be remembered through the ages.

Unlock levels of euphoria and more during exercise when surpassing pain thresholds or during extreme flow moments

Woven worlds and the solidifier tailored for achieving divine aesthetics at any weight the user wishes

  • Extra goodies dream may think of that can aide the athlete on this unlockable path :D

Divine Muscles

Muscles carry and and exude a divine, iconic, legendary energy when relaxed and this energy is further pronounced when flexing or posing, creating a glorious, awe inspiring moment in time every time the user poses. When a pose is struck, time stands still and the pose is immortalized.

When flexing, posing or exercising, the connection to source in all of the muscles broadens develops and amplifies.

The Master Poser

The user is always subconsciously/unconsciously aware of how light hits their body and the user uses it to their advantage when posing to perfectly highlight muscle seperation and detail. The user knows just how he would look best when posing Infront of a back facing camera, and just how he’d look best when posing Infront of a mirror or front facing camera. The user knows just how to hit poses just right so they can look the best in the eyes of the judges or camera of whatever location the person is the user is posing towards

The user is attuned to a pool of knowledge wisdom and skill of all the flowing artistic movements of master posers (and even ballet dancers) in the past and is able to use this pool of knowledge to pose effortlessly and flawlessly in a way that’s unique to them and their physique.

(A few master posers: Danny Padilla, mohammad makkawy, Kai green, Lee Labrada, Shawn Ray, Melvin Anthony, Kevin levrone, frank Zane, Rory Leidelmeyer, Bob Paris, Ed Corney, Cedric McMillan, Arnold Schwarzenegger ect. )

Master of hiding weaknesses and highlighting strengths, master of the illusion that is bodybuilding.

Enhanced creativity directed to creating posing routines to music or simply Acapella. Mastery of posing to any type of music.

Mastery of the mandatory poses and quarter turns. Mastery of all all other poses.

Exceptional scapular blade mobility, shoulder mobility, hip mobility and over all spinal mobility to be able to hit a wide arrange of poses fully. (Tight scapular blades make it harder to flare out the Lats in poses) great over all mobility to hit any pose effortlessly. Mastery of splits to be able to hit poses that involve a split.

flex wheeler fa la spaccata sul palco di gara-660x400

Lose yourself

Body builders, weight lifters and power lifters alike have been known to recieve smacks on the back before sets to rile up the lifter before a set.

Ronnie Coleman said this about getting slapped in the back by his friend Brian (MetroFlex Gym Owner) right before his legendary 800 lbs squat for 2:

" I’m trying to get myself as psyched as i possibly can. So in order to get that way i had to get Brian to hit me so i could get mad, for some reason. And for some reason as soon as he hit me, i was highly upset"


You can hear his war cries through the gif… Music to my ears :)

On top of slaps and other such devices lol… Lifters also use ammonia smelling salts!

“Weightlifters will sometimes be seen inhaling from a small bottle. Ammonia helps them to lift more weight by causing a reaction in the membranes of the nose and lungs. The athlete will breathe faster and their heart rate will increase, releasing adrenaline and helping them to ignore pain.”

However, it’s not recommended to use ammonia too often in a single work out…

Hafthor Bjornson combines ammonia along with a good old ear pinch to psyche himself up before major lifts

(Right before 501kg world record deadlift)

The NFT will simulate these effects on the psyche and body upon a programmable command the user can say right before major lifts or sets where the user particularly wants to go all out and leave it all on the table.

(Use with discretion)

The Organizer and Bulldozer

The user becomes proficient at balancing his schedule to ensure the user gets to the gym and eats all of their meals.

Any obstacles in the way of the user eating what he or she needs to eat, when or how they need to train and rest is removed from the user in a way that doesn’t negatively impact their life.

The Iron Stomach, a taste for gains

A smart increase in appetite, making you as hungry as you need to be in order to achieve your weight goals, as well as super enhanced digestion and nutrient absorption on all levels of the digestive system.

Your taste pallet will change to begin to enjoy foods that will help you make more gains over eating something that would distract you from that path. (Even the more questionable food sources become delicacies if theyre effective enough at getting you gains)

+antixodants, green tea extract, niacin and more

+pool of knowledge of nutrition to educate the bodybuilder on his of her path


+The divine bodybuilders food charger: Nullifies anti nutrients like trypsin and avidin in raw eggs and things of that nature in other foods. Engorges it with the energy of soma and haoma, regulates hormones in foods and optimizes them for greater gains, makes non fertilized eggs carry the same micronutrients and hormones as fertilized eggs (only benificial hormones) as fertilized eggs have hormones in the yolks that are necessary for an embryo to grow into strong chick. Divine bodybuilding egg charger

This is why bodybuilders in the silver and golden era did the 36 egg a day diet, its similar to a dianabol cycle :)

Simply ask the mandala or audio to charge your food and it shall be done

bodybuilding show mode:

An extreme fat loss protocol only accessible to bodybuilders during show mode due to health reasons, diuretics will be induced with lots of monitoring of your health conditions to ensure you don’t have health complications reaching dangerous body fat percentages and losing lots of water, (continuous oxidation of fat), a collective data base of all the fat burners in the world will be intelligently applied to the user based on his or her Blueprint. This field will continuously self upgrade as it gets to know the user and the collective of fat burners grows with time.

Andreas muntzer conditioning… But much, much more healthy and aesthetic.

Special request during release: “is it possible if it can be made in a way that doesn’t grow upon ego where there may already be one?”

Twas added :)

Mandala + Audio, 13 copies total


Man, i can’t thank you enough Dream… Yet again, you’ve made the impossible, possible… A dream, to reality…

Thank you so much for this my brother, this is a blessing that’s hard to wrap my head around… Thank you man


Absolutely awesome project🙏🏾


Awesome man :slight_smile:
The longest post in the universe i see haha


I accidentally pasted it twice :sob:

Imma fix that right now haha it should be half as long :laughing:

There, now it’s half the longest post in the universe lol


Lets goooooooooooooo, we finally got it

30lbs of muscle by January






I’ve been sorta fasting for Navaratri, i don’t really have any protein in me (i will soon though), and my biceps look bigger than earlier, the short head juts out more, the long head looks fuller

I’m flexing harder too! Dispite the fact I’m malnourished (and sleep deprived a little), mind muscle connection is amazing

Also, earlier near the time of release, my muscles felt almost euphoric for a few moments lol (i forgot to mention this to the group, I’ve just been in cloud 9 happy as hell haha)

I asked to activate the legendary bodybuilder mode and i felt pressure and activity within my head and Dan tiens :)

I will make the most out of this NFT starting Friday when i make my come back… For now, this is just “pregame” haha


staring at the mandala and feel my insertions changingggg


Ohh reminds me, my ribs feel sooo nice when i breath in and expand my chest, it feels good beneath them haha

Also, it feels like “they want to be” more expanded lol, i can stretch/expand them further it seems too

Oh man! I just looked at my ribs while hitting a vacuum! They look more aesthetic and symmetrical! The asymmetric side is able to expand more :)


The color scheme of the mandala is badass…Biceps final form, filled with light :mechanical_arm:


I wanna get it as a custom phone case!! :star_struck:


Time to open up a gym and have Dreamy’s artwork wall to wall.


Before this NFT, i used to think i would be grateful to just be able to grace the Mr Olympia stage, even if i placed dead last…

With this NFT, i know i can become Mr. Olympia within any division i choose… And for this, i am extremely grateful…

I will begin my career within classic physique and try to become Mr Olympia there, once i supersede the weight limits for my height, i will change to the Open division and try to be Mr Olympia there too ( i don’t want to restrict my physique with weight limits)

To be the first multiple division Mr Olympia ever, something that seemed once imposible, now made possible thanks to dream… and for this (amongst many, many other reasons) i am eternally grateful :pray:


He has a talent for that lol : )


see you on the stage


@Josh you’re finally a god among men lad lmao.


Bro, i hope you mean you’ll see me by your side on stage!!

Let’s goo mayneee :triumph:




Is this NFT still available?

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