The Divine Physique (Private Group)

What is your latest result and how many times we should use?

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This some crazy ass stuff this absolutely mental

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Welcome Triune Light

Hi @Rosechalice

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Please put your requests for fields here: Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread

It has been two months with this field
It was the first time in my life when I could lose fat. I have started cutting on 3rd of February, removed all the added sugars from my diet, made a proper diet and was getting enough protein, carbs and fats + calories deficit (I have been struggling with losing my fat, even one kilo since 2018 due to the lack of willpower. Same for sugar)
I have fully focused on these parts of the field:

I went from 79 kilos to 70,15 kilos in these 2 months. Thanks to the field I entered the weight class I needed for powerlifting
Most importantly almost all of my muscles stayed (I just lost my shoulders, but that’s because I wasn’t training them)
From today I begin exploring other parts of this gem


I want to try out the NFT for this project, where can I find it?

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There is one place to ask this question and that is the NFT sales thread. We don’t ask it in the testimonial threads.

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