Thanks for sharing this story and its lesson!


Got an email with a refund and an image with a big green tree surrounded with smaller white bushes/tress


Yes, it’s beautiful.

Im sure it has goodies hidden for us to discover as well :wink:

Captain didnt have to do it, it was a glitch and the NFT concept has to be honored, however he knew we were sad and now we get our own little unique tree and free!!

Enjoy it :orange_heart:


Im definitely going to have it framed :smiley:


Me too :blush:


I need to read these threads more closely, l miss out on new NFT and a glitch, all while being on the forum at those times lol


Lol perhaps you need the clover luck first :nerd_face::kissing_heart:


then we treat the image we got the same as The Divine tree ??

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I definitely don’t think it was the same; it seems to be very much energetically unique, more in the sense of unconditional love, which is a beautiful gift in and of itself, but not necessarily the divine tree of life.




Yes, I know what u mean, it happens to me too. In fact I tried to buy during the “glitch” when it did not say it was out of stock, but when I went to checkout, it wouldnt let me and automatically directed me to another page. So I didnt catch the “glitch” right either.


:smiley: :money_mouth_face:

:man_facepalming: I’m just going to keep my thoughts to myself this time


This is ridiculous!!

And then they say, Dream charges too high for his fields.

Edit: I think, I got it all wrong. I’m not sure, whether dream put it by himself. I believe, he can charge anything he wants for his products. I thought, someone bought it and then reselling it at that price level.

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It’ll be bought some day


:man_shrugging: what?

lol still …What? u ok?

ok. but what does that have to do with the Divine Tree??

Unless you believe, that because a 1000 people in the world today bought a car so therefore you should be “owed” a car too because you also…exist? :man_shrugging:

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That’s your perception of “why the world is the way it is”
I’m pretty sure it has to do with something else but I’m not going to go there today.

It shouldn’t. Pretty sure Dreamy’s heart is just fine with the NFTs being sold at whatever price the people, who own them now, want to sell them for.

Ok, well as long as you understand that’s your issues around “right and wrong”.
Pretty sure it’s absolutely “neither” but that’s what the duality mindset does…turns everything into “good” and “bad” (Hmm… sound familiar to some on here :wink:)

What would you define as respectful?
Cause it seems “historically” we have vastly different concepts of what’s “respectful” towards Dream and the forum. And how that respect is shown.

Sure we are, why don’t you come join us :slight_smile:


Lastly, Dream created these NFTs knowing exactly what NFT were and how some might want to sell them for a FAIR price.
Seems odd, no one thinks he’s smart enough to have seen this beforehand. :thinking:

Kinda why he keeps putting the disclaimers like “Nothing you actually need to have a normal life of course.” on even the Mythical type items that are available to everyone.

Just because he creates something doesn’t mean that everyone needs it or should have it or even that they will somehow “miss out” on a perfectly wonderful life if they don’t have it.


Once again, especially in the past 7- 9 months, Dream’s fields are capturing concepts that would take:

  • Lifetimes of dedicated practice AND lots of money to accomplish
  • Medical procedures that are super expensive and/or LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE at this point in time in human history
  • Experiences one couldn’t experience ever, at this point in life… no matter how rich or well-connected.

So back to the “I’m owed this or that because it exists and others have it” mindset that we’ve seen for a long time on this forum mainly among those who

  • A.) Never seem happy with anything DW does anyways
  • B.) Those who use that excuse to steal from him and buy/sell/trade his fields illegally out of the same since of entitlement

It’s really ok that others have things that you do not.
Rest assured, it’s truly not Hurting or harming the world in any way whatsoever.

Literally, no one is being harmed or hurt by owning or selling or buying this field.
Nor by not owning, not buying, or not selling this field.


All that said…

Seems that the resell market of NFTs has reflected alot of people’s relationship with money.
I’d take that as something to work on if it’s greatly bothering one.

Personally, when I can’t afford something,
I either say
“oh well”
I save up money until I can buy it.

Don’t think I’ve ever spent a single second writing to someone on “how dare you charge that much” for a single thing, no matter how much I wanted it.

But that’s just me. :man_shrugging: