The DNA Repair System

He’s not wrong :flushed: your reviews :100: :fire:


Very very thankful for this


Here is some information I found on DNA genes. These maybe the benefits of a repaired DNA system.

If someone could correct, clarify, or elaborate on this it would be greatly appreciated.

Our DNA is like an antenna to fields of information. It contains little antennas that interact with the quantum field. They intercept light and then converts it into signals that the body can act upon. Our environment and experiences signal the genes causing genes to turn on and off like Christmas tree lights. And our genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of the body.

If our DNA system is functional at it’s full potential we can experience optimal health and a better connection and absorption of energetic information from the quantum field or metaphysical realms. We may have more intuition, manifesting ability and awakened psychic abilities.


Captain, THANK YOU SO MUCH :pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5:, really appreciate it , I’m very sure it’s gonna make me truly healthy in a direct physiological level , can’t wait to add it to my stack once it’s up on Patreon , am really grateful for this field ,thank you once again :blush:


One big thank you from me and everyone else on this forum for making it free @Captain_Nemo


A quick query , would playing this field after physical fields (for example Superhuman mutant, muscles beyond limits , twitch in time , St biceps and 20 e pepper ) the effects from those fields be reversed as they were not part of my original DNA ?

If so , then maybe playing this field before those physical fields would be a better way ?


Thank you Dreamweaver for creating and posting this field and FOR FREE!

I listened to this X2 in a row, quite enough for me at one time!
I experienced sharp pains in the back of my head ( but the upper area in the back of my head), that made me jump in my chair and saw OOOOWWWWW!
I will listen X2 every day. Thank You, this will help many with consistent use.


Will the effects of this field linger or does it work on your dna for the duration of the field?


an what about the gene in the fat burning field that turns off to better help weight loss. will this field turn it back on


Beautiful concept of the field!! :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for making it available for free once again . The song is so relaxing :massage_man:🧘‍♂


from my first listen i felt a really weird combination of a heavy detox happening as well as an increase in energy and overall force. never felt such before honestly but after finishing i felt really fresh and energized (also i played it almost directly after i woke up haha)
Great job dream (again :) ) and thank you :blush::heart:


Many thanks Captain nemo for this VERY PRECIOUS AND IMPORTANT new audio field :star_struck::pray::yellow_heart::sunny:.

The sound of the flute is very calming and pleasant :relieved:.



It’s is truth that highest level of DNA strand is 144,000 ? Golden DNA


I had listened to it too after waking up…

First off, the sounds enabled a scene in me as if i was floating on a raft down a serenely tranquil river, the water even as a mirror, i wasn’t knowing where i was heading but that is was totally fine not to know, as only to enjoy the journey.

The music started and i lay on my back, after 20-30 seconds i feel these prickling, sizzling sensations on my scalp, a bit like an effervescent tablet in water. I still feel an after effect of those sensations even way after.

After 2-3 minutes of this “massage”; the sensations go very gently down my neck and shoulders, it’s not so prickly anymore, more soothing.

From there i felt as if some very sophisticated body Scanner was working on me. It went from the shoulders and slowly scanned and washed through the entire body, sometimes stopping and focusing on specific areas. I tried to keep a blank, intent-less state of mind so as not to interfere with the sensations.

After this scanning phase, there was buzzing and throbbing sensations throughout, still gently, and i guess from minute 6 onwards it remained like this.

Occasionally i would feel areas “firing” up sensationally. It’s incredible how gentle and soothing this feels.

Really nice, feels overall like a deep cellular DNA :dna: massage if such exists(maybe it does now)

Peace out


mind-blowing release Captain… Feeling lots of sensations around digestive system, pancreas, brain, bladder, feels like it’s gonna repair these years of heavy sugar consumption in the past…! Thank you ! Never excepted to have a field do directly repair DNA… nd for free.!.
Feels so good


Patreon please captain :sob:


Really cool release!


All of the fields on YouTube will be on Patreon eventually, unless they are albums or channel exclusive. :slight_smile:


This can reverse and prevent many many diseases and disorders. I thought this is gonna be some $500 mythic field. Thank you for blessing us with this awesome field dreamy.


Not much word to describe this field so far…

Some things coming to the surface to be processed, in the most gentle way.
Lots of peace, and a familiar state of being slowly installing.

Would not be surprised that all the release from now on are considered legendary/mythic.
Feeling blessed that we all have access to Captain’s work :pray:

Will be looking forward to the testimonials over the next days & weeks.