The Dossier

This is his most famous song

I used that specific video a while back. I personally feel like most audios like that only work effectively when you are able to focus and enter flow states toward a specific goal.

That being said I always enjoyed listening to this specific video and found the audio easy to quietly loop in the background while doing other tasks. I never got any bad vibes from it or had any bad experiences. I have tried a lot of different subliminal creators in the past but I only use a few now or just make my own.

Some result from this subliminal?

I dont really look for results or like giving credit to audios, I just use sound therapy as a tool to change my subconscious and create the life I desire. If I get bad vibes from something I will avoid it and assume that is my intuition and play it safe.


Any update?

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A few informational corrections here and there, but nothing major

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Maybe add sigh energy?

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I’ll look into them

@anon44876465 Besides, I can add something to the description of Maitreya’s fields, I honestly don’t know if they’ll cancel me or something similar to say it but hey :sweat_smile:
Here it goes: Investigating how to create my dragon golem (on Patreon) I realized that there was a user called Maitreya fields and I said or by God it cannot be the same asking how to create a server just at the same time that she disappeared, my theory is that her fields are energetic and she uses a server (not if the dragon) to create her audios or that the server helped her or She was founded on that, I just wanted to say that if her disappearance was perhaps due to what she was working on how to better create her fields, honestly I am not against her and I like her, I felt your work with the Christ consciousness and your work in general is good I just wanted to add that crazy theory :exploding_head::joy::heartpulse:

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You do mean “servitor” not “server”. Correct?

@SilverZuzu Yes, my English is not very good, it is not my main language :smile_cat:

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Okay, let’s break this down.
I happen to have found the post in question, right here:

Clicking on her profile will take you to Maitreya’s patreon page, so this is indeed her.

However, I have no reason to think anything suspicious from this. You will see that the post was made 7 months ago. Maitreya was actively uploading several months before that. She has said in the past that she admires Sapien’s work, so of course she would want to use his products. I’m not saying it’s impossible that a Servitor is at least partially playing a role in the creation of her audios (it could serve to boost it), and maybe that even was the secret thing that OM was trying not to expose, since he likely could sense the presence of a servitor due to his advanced knowledge/sensitivity to fields.
But she clearly had been making effective audios long before she even began using a servitor.


Yes, as I said it is only a theory that I get out of my head quickly, it is not an accusation or anything like that :sweat_smile:
Anyway, good conclusion. :D

Thanks for this Dossier. Do you also check this creators if they are safe to use or do you only list a few creators in each category?

And could you maybe please check Sigh Energy. It seems to be interesting.


Sup guys, I have officially updated this document to V3! Updated to reflect current circumstances as well as include more info discovered:


it says it is deleted?

lol its been two years