The Dossier

Good evening everyone. I dont exactly know how to preface this, so I’ll just get to the point.

I understand that the subliminal/energy work community on YouTube is so full of distrust. In my attempt to correct this, I have decided to put together a research paper regarding the types of content in the community and explanations of how they all work, as well as overviews of the most prominent creators of each type of content. I have tried to be as objective as possible in my analysis of each creator and not let bias cloud any of my judgement.

Anyways, I don’t claim this document to be any arbiter of what is right and true in this community, but I at least hope it can serve as a helpful point of reference for anyone in the community, no matter what they listen to.
This is only the first draft, and I intend to periodically revise it in case any information may have changed. Therefore, reviews and criticism of the dossier are highly appreciated on order to help me improve it.

Also, if anyone would like to suggest other creators for me to go over, or mention any information that I may have forgotten about the creators and techniques currently included, it would also be highly appreciated.

Without further adieu, here it is:


Cool. Thanks.

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So what are people’s thoughts on it so far?

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I think its fine,
I didn’t really want to read it, I have ptsd from seeing anything sapien medicine lol.
(but enough about that)
Be sure to state it is your opinion (we don’t want people attacking you)


Ok, will do.
I did leave this disclaimer already:
While this document is supposed to be as objective, unbiased and transparent as possible, I cannot in good conscience claim that this will give you literally all the answers. Nor will it necessarily be 100% “factual” since the truth is never so simple, as cheesy as that may sound. All that I intend to do with this research paper is lay out all the cards on the table, and then let the reader decide for themselves what they will choose to believe…

I’ve also just now added a new one onto it, to further cover myself. Hopefully it should be enough.

Feel partly to blame for that. Sorry buddy.:disappointed_relieved:


Uh oh, I just realized a mistake I made.

When I was writing about Rife Frequencies, I was mainly referencing from the Wikipedia article about Royal Rife. When it said that his devices were classified as “radionics”, I at first misinterpreted as a device that emitted radiation and this it led me to view it more negatively. I just looked up what radionics are, and now I should maybe clarify a few things about Rife Frequencies in the document.

EDIT: It’s fixed now

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No worries man.
all good of course.


UPDATE: I have reached out to some creators via email for interviews. Hopefully they’ll respond so I can gain better insight into them!

The contacts I emailed are Quadible Integrity, Programmed_Intention, Maitreya Fields and Morphic Doctor. Im also going to do an interview with AnthroTeacher about his Intention Repeater


Wow. Thank you for putting so much work into this


UPDATE: I have majorly updated the Dossier with more info!

More Interviews, research and up-to-date info is now included.


The dossier is coming up well, but you missed some important submakers and some have only been described on the basis of a few comments.

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UPDATE: Added more up to date info, as as well as an email interview with Programmed_Intention!


Others submaker/productors?

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This is honestly an amazing write-up man. I would give you an A+ if this was your graduate thesis lol.

I can feel the passion in the writing, it reminds me a lot of my own writing.

Thanks for putting the time in to make this, this is extremely informational in an easily readable way. I am happy to have found this community.

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Not any that seem notable to me. Do you have suggestions?


What are they?

For example, this

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I’ll consider it, if I can discover some noteworthy details.