The Dreamtime

Man loop it up more than 3x and you won’t care where you at or what time it is

Everything seems irrelevant.


Your comment and Dreamy’s description reminds me of an Aboriginal musician, Gurrumul. He was an extraordinary musician who created truly beautiful music.

Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, always referred to simply as ‘Gurrumul’, is an Australian Aborigine from Elcho Island off the far north coast of the continent. Blind since birth, he revealed from an early age a musical gift that has matured into one of the glories of Australian music. As a small child, he arranged empty cans on a beach facing the Arafura Sea and beat out complex rhythms with woollybutt sticks; at home with his family, he picked out tunes on a toy piano accordion. His gift was accepted by his parents and his brothers and sisters as a compensation bestowed by nature and the abiding spirits of his tribe for his lack of sight. A ramshackle guitar came his way, stringed with fishing line; he mastered it within weeks. But his most original accomplishment as a musician, then and now, is a singing voice of extraordinary range and power.

A multi-instrumentalist, he played drums, keyboards, guitar (a right-hand-strung guitar played left-handed) and didgeridoo, but it was the clarity of his singing voice that attracted rave reviews. He sang stories of his land both in Yolŋu languages such as Gaalpu, Gumatj or Djambarrpuynu, a dialect related to Gumatj, and in English.[8][9]


I looped this one on low volume last night and had a couple of dreams that were so vividly real. Met up with two soul friends in two different dimensions. One of whom I had experiences with regarding transforming the energy of lust and the second was regarding human rights and transforming oppression.

What is remarkable is the feeling and memories ive received while meeting with both of these friends during the dream. Its like i know them very well but I’ve never actually met them in this life time… Yet

Good times :blush: ill be looping this again for more nights. Who knows who else I’ll meet up with next.


Cool! :muscle: :+1:


Thanks uial for sharing, he is singing from his heart… and his voice is like one musical Instrument, like his soulful singing… :musical_note:


This magical field makes me understand something but i still don’t know what it is.

Also, i strongly feel i can tell my past self (still in this lifetime) about 2014-2015 (5 years ago), what to do and don’t. I should explore this field ability further.


that’s really interesting. I had a similar experience but it’s kind of crazy that I do not believe myself.

I was in athen’s metro and I was going home from university when I saw myself coming in the metro. That was about three years ago since the day before yesterday playing this field I am dreaming of metros and going inside them. With your comment I remembered this experience which happened and at that time I didn’t even knew what the concept of time was. I was just seeing the clock and thought that’s the time concept. Didn’t even thought that timelines might exist.


Why do I feel like I took a Xanax listening to this


Good synchro! Was that you in my dream or …? :))))

So yes, I “accidentally” (cough) fell asleep while looping this one tonight. Becoming like molasses. Briefly said, there’s a parasitic stuff which had caught my attention during The Journey of Forgiveness, so I decided to bend and dig up the time (semi-lol, non total lol) with Torsion and this one…

… and have had one of the awkwardest dreams of my life :)))) (or time travel would have been a better term here). Caramba, really.


“Update”: So yes, comedy is often the veil of tragedy. I went back to sleep with another field (Plasma Flower). To calm down. Then, I woke up again to reflect on that dream (I think I don’t need to tell about it here because I still firmly believe in some of the “psychology rules” and thus in the fact that the only accurate interpretations of the dreams are those made by their owner. Even if alternative interpretations may sound fancy at times).

So yes, reflecting back on the dream has filled me with extreme pain and sadness. Indeed, it contains all my losses, all my griefs, all my defeats, all my disappointments, all my mistakes… They were all there. The usual “condensation” and “displacement” phenomena (to use the psychological jargon) did not suffice to sugarcoat the dream material this time. Everything and everyone was perfectly recognizable despite the “masks”. And most likely from different lifetimes.

I’m glad though for having paid enough attention to every single detail in The Journey of Forgiveness (along with Imaginarium Divine): during this med, my foot was always hitting a small stone on the way back from the river (towards the end of the meditation). The one which has led me to reconsider using The Dreamtime. And that stone just happened to be the tip of (another) iceberg.

But I prefer being hit like this, instead of living in inner blindness.


I did it before bed but I loved the feeling so much that I continued it while asleep


I was going to delete my previous drama queen posts in this thread lol but then I remembered that I keep 99.87% of my posts in here. As a reminder to myself. Unless they have a really pathetic content that doesn’t serve a tiny piece of evolution :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No misunderstanding: this isn’t self-depreciation or clownery. But since we keep saying that we are “much more than the ego”, than I believe it deserves to be treated with a certain dose of derision. Otherwise, I don’t know how one one would hope to rise above it or at least walk hand in hand with that dude.

Anyway. I looked at my current task for my job. I got tensed :expressionless:… then I looked on the forum… excuse me but today I got tensed in here as well.

So I said “let’s tune to The Dreamtime”.

I think that the drama that I used to excerpt from it previously was due to an after-party syndrome. I was trying to give some meaning to what I was experiencing with that field. Saying “ah no, don’t let this end please”.

It doesn’t compare to the glimpses of nothingness gotten through other fields. One does become something for sure with this one: a pebble, a molecule of kgcotcotx, a raindrop. Depends on the day and where you’ve landed.

But it doesn’t give the arrogance that certain experience-fields seem to give to some of us (let’s be honest). Even if they’re not designed with that purpose. For example, nothing like “yooo I became a wolf, hooooowwwwlll! Thou shall kneel before me!”

Nothing like what may happen with the Torsion field either. “What will happen to my ego-the-Higness in the bended corridors of time?? What if I loose it? God forbid. For the sake of humanity muhehehe”.

So no. This Dreamtime rather gets your being entirely confused, but in an awesome way.

Many mention RPGs on the forum. This one is one of the great facilitators when it comes to look at our current lives as an RPG.

I would have liked to be more specific but pebbles don’t write walls.


Experimentation notes

Lately, I often catch myself thinking of Be Here Now by Ram Dass and songs from the musical Hair are playing in my mind, like Where do I go? Out of the blue, like “a Hair in the soup” (Frenchie expression). You bet.

Who the hell… err sorry, helm knows why.

So speaking of helm, “something inside” has pushed me to use the following combo:

  • Navigator of Awe: along with being gorgeous in every aspect, that field helps one find their way even in the most casual situations. Like even if you’re just randomly walking in the streets and run the “risk” of getting lost but you can’t afford that because you have not enough time, the Navigator takes care of it. A cooler version of GPS.

  • Vibration of Creation: what can I say, except that it makes naturally sense to me in this context.

  • The Dreamtime: so when used within this combo, the confusion seems reduced. Questions like “where do I go?” and “where do I come from?” become more felt rather than desperately thought.

Just my interpretations of course. I’m not high but working on my new novel that I decided to name: Andro, Twitch and Pepper, the Battlers of Mundane Choirs.

Don’t you worry, _OM and Philip Weiss will get their royalties for it. 0.02%.



Still a bit confused on what this field does so I guess I’ll just dive in


What about Moi?! I dont need royalties but the first one signed by you :nerd_face::smirk::champagne::writing_hand:t2:



Thats the spirit :ok_hand:t4:


(insert my ego becoming like a bubblegum balloon)

Toi? Deal, if you are the one who writes its official review :hugs:

Like LunaMoon said… Join me @Reform ;)


Deal! :smirk:


Let us know, I’ll buy it, read it, review it.

Just give it to charity

Now seriously, Bitcoin, wire transfer doesn’t matter. I’ll PM you my bank number


Consider it done :+1: :moneybag:

insert same gif as above