The Dreamtime

couldn’t stop laughing with captain’s response. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: pvc thing is hilarious


I’m watching Sound of Creation on Gaia right now and they’re talking about how the didgeridoo itself attunes you to “The Dreamtime.” I never knew there was a reason for the use of it for this field.


I remember the day of the release of this field. I opened the video because the title seemed very cool to me. I read the description several times and understood absolutely nothing
Seems like I wasn’t ready for using it.
Yesterday I accidentally found this field, decided to listen to it and read the description. And well… it’s such a Masterpiece. I didn’t just understand the description, I completely felt it by my entire being.
This is a deep experience of existence, these feelings and insights…
The effect of simple listening is similar to a rather deep meditation, a state of trance and blessing.
You just exist with everything, you feel it all and experience the Creation
I really feel the primordial forces, but I can’t realise their Essence yet
I’m just happy that I found this field.


Thanks for bumping this field, didn’t understand it before!


The Primordial Spark + The Dreamtime :yum:


Still unsure of field purpose but worth a listen

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Thank you to the custodians of this land. To the spirits who live here. Thank you for your timeless ages of beautiful care for this land where we walk and love and bring medicine. Thank you for taking care of the tress and waters and animals and sharing their stories and lessons with us. Thank you for songs wailed and sung into the stones and earth for us to follow. Thank you for listening and seeing.

Thank you for your dreaming 🪶


You think about any moment in your life or someone else life past, present and future (if you can imagine the future). Then say or set intention to send any message/influence there.

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V Richards4 months ago

Thank you for your works.


Muhsin Doğru6 months ago

My back head had ache. Its improving the brain ı thınk and the mystical powers in direct strong way


Christopher Costa7 months ago

What is the name of this instrument?:


Ana Macklisa year ago

Life is but a dream :thought_balloon:


k-wa year ago (edited)

1:41 the Sea Cliff Bridge, Lawrence Hargrave Drive! :heart_eyes: there (Coalcliff) and much of the South Coast used to be my stomping grounds :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: before I moved to the country.


Aoa year ago

If you seek guidance look within yourself the universe is a part of you and you are a part of it all knowledge is alredy with you just seek and be found trance is a good way to find answers native people know a lot about going into trance…


horizon2 years ago

5:25 if you listen closely it says chu chu ua chu chu ua


S C2 years ago



Saqib Hussain3 years ago

What could be the benefit of listening this?


Catvanbrian3 years ago (edited)

my first words listening to this for a few seconds “abliefhjsbrheakhewrgh”


Cristiana Nicolae3 years ago

Mosquito on steroids…


Axillaris Thubten3 years ago

Like a real life lucid dream?


Candice E3 years ago

First of all thank you Dream Seeds for these wonderful audios,I enjoy all of them and they definitely work.But I have a question on my mind…Not only this one but usually I fall asleep while listening these audios…What can be the reason,does anybody has an idea?


Abdullah UAE3 years ago

Zep Tepi!


Powrenoit3 years ago

Great work, thank you!


Matías DL3 years ago

What is made for?


pælius3 years ago

Since a lot of Australian plants contain DMT in them, when the Aboriginals lived off the land they would be put in a dream like state. (When we dream DMT gets released from our pineal gland). Just something to ponder on…


Parikshit Rawat3 years ago (edited)

Sapien i saw your playstore. You like programming games too?


Rock Star3 years ago

Instead making this type of audio… I request to put all your efforts on disease and on medical treatment Frequencies.

I am sorry sapien MASTERS of MASTERS.


Let this channel attract only love and good vibes.3 years ago

I have to save this for when I’m under extreme stress at work and under constraints of time.


UniVerseScifi3 years ago

I miss the sapien med tee spring store , would love to buy more dog tags and emf stickers +++


ZzZenergy3 years ago

This is unbelievable, 20 mins ago I was brushing my teeth for bed and it popped into my mind about my dreams (I’ve been having strange ones lately and I was thinking. I should request that for the next video that would be a f*cking brilliant idea. PLUS, it would go so well with the name Dream Seeds.

Fast forward to 2 minutes ago upon me opening YouTube and seeing the exact thing that i’d imagined pop up first…Fckn aithe mate


Royce Christyn3 years ago

Thank you!! Not surprisingly, literally just a few nights ago I thought to myself “I wonder if Dream could make an audio that captures the essence of Aboriginal Dreamtime”… and wow! This feels amazing :star_struck:


艾可3 years ago (edited)

That’s a dope one…seems like timelessness on steroid. Past,present and future is just an illusion of the mind… whatever happens is happening at this moment… ;)


Subconscious Alchemy 3 years ago

Thank you :blue_heart:


Jacinta Teresa3 years ago

Thank you Sapien! This seems to be right on time, esp after last nights full moon<3 Its a great time to just let go


garry stevens3 years ago

Sounds like Ayahuaska


Barry Saey3 years ago

Thanks for everything, Dream.


7Dnein3 years ago

Do you make these tracks with specific intents? I’m puzzled as to how this would convey effects associated with ‘Dreamtime’.
How do you monitor and determine what track works for what?


KING Sheldon3 years ago (edited)

My third eye is pulsing! :eye:


Defne3 years ago

the background music sounds like annoying mosquitos


Kyli Catherine3 years ago

The concept seems amazing, but it sounds a bit scary :joy: I’ll definitely stick to daytime listening for this one


Louise Powell3 years ago

Oh just up my ally this one thank-you dearest


spread thalight3 years ago

Thank you sapien, you are always surprising us with new things, new concepts to know, learn about and apply.
Sincerely, thank you for everything you’re doing.


One3 years ago

what is for?


Bashayer Bebita3 years ago


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So after looping this a bit longer than usual, I can say this is the “drug” field many want. Or more like trip field.

With all its effects. At least, I’m getting too exhausted from it…just like when you trip that then you need a day off? Right, I’m using it every day. And this isn’t the only side-effect of tripping, so be prepared. First time seems to be the most intense.

Maybe it’s only me, I’m always tired. But I’d say, if you play this lying down, it’s sure to put you “under” and give you a trip.

I loop while sleeping and “dreams” go from intense emotional alchemy to trippy to ultra-high vibe stuff that is scary…or maybe it is the emotional alchemy still going on.

Anyway, once you’re in The Dreamtime, ask your higher self to show himself and face you, if you dare ;)

Or let it play out. This gives more vivid dreams than lucid dreaming to me. The first time I had some control, the more I listen the less I control, and the more intense they get.

So yeah I’m gonna take a break tonight (maybe xD).

Be prepared to use energy-increasing fields or rest if you loop though. After all, I usually wake up like an hour after. I don’t know what 8 hours of looping this could do…


I fully agree.

I actually only played it one time only x 3 times before bed too, coincidentally not because of the meaning

And i woke up around 5 am after trying hard to wake up and i couldnt and i was like what in the Ayahuasca, Buffo, Mushrooms kinda trip WAS THAT?!

But i enjoyed how i felt the next days, i remember i was all ready to start something but what? i didnt know lol specially because it was 2020, end of the year, typical of one coming up with the new year resolutions i got all pumped but uneasy not knowing what to do with the uncertainty of Pandemic. :grimacing:

I always said id come bk to that audio and mix it up with others but always delay it.

Ill try again tonight all by itself and see and then mix it with Lucid Dreaming and other goodies in the next days :smirk: and see how it feels.

Thank you actually for bumping it. (I understand why its not a coincidence for me)


So i looped this the whole night last night 🫠

Honestly thought it was going to be a rougher rider but no, def lots and lots of dreams unfortunately lile the tipical morning once you wake up you only remember the few seconds before you are fully awake but then you totally forget what the dream was about?

And its a pitty because in those few seconds i remember saying wow those were lots of dreams and i was going to put apart its pieces to check meanings and stuff. But i forgot and could not remember one thing after that, i guess ive grown accustomed to the Lucid Dreaming or other fields where i can perfectly remember the next day all the dreams that i didnt try to repeat them to let me sink before being awake.

I was a while ago trying to find my review on it but i didnt find it which is strange because i know for sure i was talking about the Mongolian throat sound, i wish i knew where i mentioned it to see what other audios i might have played this with, because the difference of what i felt that day 3 years ago is huge compared to what i felt last night.

So theres that. Ill try it tonight with the Lucid Dreaming and see what will happen.


I played lucid dreams the night before & my sister was in my dreams. I don’t have total recall but I woke happy.
Yesterday night added Dream time to lucid dreams. Couldn’t sleep till 3am & don’t remember if I dreamt at all! :-(
I want my sister in my dreams every night or at least frequently. Hope I find a good stack

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Add this

And Detachement so you let it flow and come to you without pushing or expecting it.


Thank you. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Maybe you don’t need a big purge anymore. But yeah, like all fields, it can be worked with.

The first time I used it I was talking with friends about astral projection, so my first lucid dream with it, I tried astral projection. But I was already dreaming. Only I was dreaming I was in bed xD

Then I called my higher self and this amorphous light behind a veil came up.

Then I saw everything turning trippy like how it is usually depicted, and how the art from Flow album is, kinda.

But then I listened to emotional release, and had a nightmare. And the trip effects were carried over cause instead of thinking the nightmare was purging, I thought that little mofo escaped my mind and will chase me to the end of my existence (aka I made a tulpa).

Then, they became less coherent and more fuzzy. But it does give vivid dreams. Tends to work better when you’re exhausted too xD

Also, maybe your mind knew about what you planned, or maybe you did go through a lot, but you simply don’t remember.

I think one hour is the sweet spot for this field.

This may be why exhaustion helps.

Anyway, I did take a break, but I will be back on it again.

Best wishes to everyone.


AI generated based on the description of this field:


prompt? and model/software?

Oh man that is sooo cool!!

I love the 2nd one. Thank you for making them

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This may be related to shaman’s second sight or second attention.

When listening to it in stillness, I could notice how I can bring my attention to the body, and use a sort of physical attention, but the field on its own makes my attention visual.

I tried expanding my attention to the room, and I noticed it happening through my mental screen/mind’s eye/visual field/forehead.

So I can expand it outwards from the body, which seems to take away from the effects of the field but not completely. It keeps working somehow.

But for sleeping or visuals, I think letting it go into your mind’s eye is the best choice. Then, if you extend your attention outside, it feels the same as if you did it within a dream. It’s all visual/mental.

Also, it felt different and gave different visuals in each loop.

I first mostly see/felt going at top speed flying over the ocean or even gliding over it. It was kind of like warp speed, hyperspace, vortex thingy.

Then it was me being in my room (I often dream I’m in the same room when sleeping…it’s the same with this field) and playing with the second attention thing.

Anyways…using it consciously helps me understand how to better use it sleeping or if at all.

And how it can be interesting to pair with other fields…after I’m using second sight.