The Dutasterided Scalp: New Release

I have an important question I want to start this field but I’m also looking to start topical finasteride would this be a problem?

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From my experience, it would not be a problem but rather benefical.
A while ago I decided to shave my head cuz I was so tired trying to save my hair. At that time, I was using Hair Serum, Lions Mane and Plasma Rich Hair along with using Biotin supplement.
Though the temple and the surrounding areas got darker and stronger, my hair kept falling and the bald spot on the crow was still there, it felt like the fields were trying to regrow the hair but then they just kept falling, like a vicious cycle. I was so frustrated.

I was thinking of being a bald person for the rest of my life. But only after shaving my head, I saw that my head skin wasn’t in its best condition, there were damages and acnes. I also started to seeing recommended videos on Youtube where guys with the same conditions talking about their journey getting their hair back. Basically, they use Minoxidil with Finasteride (a DHT blocker).
That’s when I decide that it’s not the end, there are other things I can do and I want to get my hair back.

After doing some research, I bought Hair4u Pro serum (mixed of minoxidil and finasteride) and a DHT Blocker advanced version.
Along with the old fields, I decided to add Dustarided Scalp in the stack, this field slipped from my mind before, though I have Hair Serum and the serum contains Dustaride as a subfield, I think the Dustaride would be stronger cuz it focuses solely on placing dustaride stimulant on your scalp.

But there’s on problem, the DHT Blocker I bought contains too much vitamin C (it was made from 100% plant and Amla was one of the ingredients), it kept me up at night and disturbed my sleep pattern (I had the same problem before when consuming too much vitamin C daily).
So I stopped using it, and luckily Captain has made the Hormone Regulate field which reduces testoterone and DHT production, so I started using it instead. I must say it works very well, the side effect is that my libido has decreased, but it doesn’t matter that much to me.

I’ve been doing this for nearly a month, and the inital result is very promising. The hair on my crown and M area is poping out, and my hair doesn’t fall that much, only 1-2 strands when I take a shower, which is a huge improvent.
I believe I will get my hair back even darker and stronger than before in several months.
One unexpected benefit from the reduce DHT field, my face and body skin is getting smoother with much less ances.
Just want to share my experience and hope it can help someone :pray:

P/s: Don’t overuse the reduce DHT field, from my experience, 2 listens everyday is the perfect amount (I did ask Tarot for the number), 1 is not strong enough while more than two would rather cause trouble, especially if you wanna be sexually active.


Just wanted to know whether this frequency take same time to work as dutasteride drug? Like original drug take few months to show some result.

Like 1 year?

Hi any updates on the decrease testosterone field?

This is really effective when I tabmax it with BN’s hair binaural
Hair is more fluffy and less shedding


I’m not sure if it is because of this field
But I think I’ve noticed side effects…
I will try to update
Stopped using it for now

I hope hair loss v3 can replace this field

side effects like?

I dont have anything

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Sperm production and libido
I didn’t try that again so I don’t know

dutasteride is basically just progesterone right?

Close but not quite

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What is the difference between?

They are chemically similar and similar in how they tend to act against certain androgens. But, I think, more specifically the fields have a different target. The “Dutasteride Scalp” targets the scalp. The Progesterone boost was systemic.


idk about you, but I’ve been using this field for the past 7 months regularly. It only targets the scalp. I haven’t noticed any side effects whatsoever


have you noticed any results

If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be using it religiously. It completely stopped my hairfall and receding hairline, which was due to DHT. I am always high on DHT and Test fields


Do You have hair growth?