The Empathic Smart Armor

Anyone can review yet? I had a hard time choosing between this and Smarter Rife but went with Rife. Might have to wait a little while before I can get another NFT.


Would be interesting to know how this compares to Dragon Bone Armor besides the draconic energy.


I don’t think it has the dominance aspect of Dragon @anon75179789

I’ve been using this for over 24 hours now. Which isn’t long. But my work day is full of potential to see how a thing like this might work.

I’ve been using it with Project Mental Health. So my results can be a little blurred. I think I can tell which is doing what. But there is room for error.

I’m using no other fields in this time period.

The closest thing to what Empathic Smart Armor does that Project Mental Health does is making offenses seem less significant to you. That’s the disambiguating marker I’m using to tell what this ESA is doing.

It seems like something is rotating around me. Or part of my spirit/aura/energy is rotating around me and scanning people. I notice it when interacting with people. There’s always an awareness that they could be or become “toxic” (rude offensive insulting etc) at any moment. But before the field there was only that conscious awareness. Now there is also this subtle sense described above as rotating or scanning.

It’s just sort of watching them. Or I am. Through that energetic method. And if or when they do step into toxic territory, the scanning moving energy seems to block the energy of what they are doing completely. It’s not exactly a hard block like Dragon Armor felt. And it’s not exactly a muting like another field I used. It’s sort of in between those two ways of describing what I’m sensing is going on energetically. It’s like a dampening field, a very strong one. It sort of absorbs the blow and just takes the power out of it. Like if someone tried to punch you but you were wearing a foot thick barrier of hard foam.

The emotional side of what I just described is feeling like my heart is saying “no thanks” to whatever they’re putting out. It’s just not open to it. Not receiving it. No participating in it.


Sounds like it´s more “passive” outwards but actively and automated on the inside, recognizing and disarming potential threats.

DBA felt exactly like this to me:

Stopping attachments/projections before they can reach you + some intimidation. It worked wonders against a very manipulative psychic. Definetly had an intercession/servitor feel to it.

I´m still trying to find out, why it worked so well in the beginning and lost power after that. Maybe bc my excitement diminished after that period.

Anyways, a very good review. Sounds like ESA is a bit more suited for situations where you have to be shielded but keep your ability to socialize.


It definitely feels more intelligent than DBA. “Smart”. With the scanning. DBA felt more like a hard shell stopping the negative energy right at the surface or before the surface of my skin.

This neutralizes it and feels like it starts doing it the moment it leaves the other person and if they’re standing three or four feet away from me it’s like the energy they were putting out is neutralized completely by the time it covers half that distance.

I can almost feel (or actually feel) the energy of this surrounding the energy of what they’re putting out and dwindling it down, neutralizing and absorbing it in a cone shape. Like it leaves them at full radius and is shrinking. By the time it covers half the distance between us it’s shrunk to nothing.

If they’re farther away it’s different and it’s gone long before the half way mark so it’s a different sensation like nothing is coming from them. I can mentally register how offensive they were but that’s all. The energy is gone way before.


I think DBA would combine better with something like Smilodon because you’re relying somewhat on that intimidation factor. ESA combines well with Project Mental Health with it’s cord cutting and other aspects.


I wear them both since oct. 22 and they seem to go well with each other.

Shielding + intimidation + assertiveness and physical strength. All this while being calm.

At least for the streets. I like it in social settings too, but for some it could create too much distance


Superb review @Atreides. I wanted to check on few aspects incase you have observed. How’s the experience in relatively personal space - family and extended family - since their energies might be more intertwined with our own. So does it bring in energetic distance with them - making us come across as less empathic than usual?

And how is your own empathetic projection towards others? Has your awareness further enhanced about the emotions you are projecting to those you are engaged with in a situation - at work and personal situation?

Thanks in advance :pray:


It increases emotional intelligence; making it even easier to be considerate.

I don’t believe you have to project emotions onto others.


That makes sense. Thx.

Oh my presumption was it happens naturally - we radiate the emotional energy from within. maybe the word “projecting emotions” wasn’t the correct articulation.

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is someone able to share the high-res file. unable to claim the NFT due to some issues at Solana network.

thanks in advance

Original image:

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Would this be like an extra line of defense if you have the Empath Protector NFT?
Like protection vs armor-
When I hear those two words the only difference i can come up is that armor is a form of protection- like on a more temporal level, whereas protection can be temporal but also cosmic…?
Idk lol so someone lmk please lol

Is that actually @Divine_Lotus in the NFT picture? :slightly_smiling_face:


Any more feedback on this?

i have it since a couple of hours.

bestest thing eva


note to self…not being an idiot and not acepting i am painfully uncontrollably sensitive to bullshit since birth.

leason learned (3 years since i now Sapien exists)…figures.

does more than it says.

dont miss it. i love it.

of course combine with emotional release and internal alchemical crucible after you owe this.

idk. best deffence against human toxicity. it works beautiffuly allows you free space to react.

really a gem.


Now that Shielding 3.0 cleared the brain fog, this one will be among the few next. Thank you for the review, very helpful.


Thank you so much for this ; it means a lot!

Any thoughts on how this compares or interacts with empath protector nft?

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you are welcome. i dont have it.
this shield has a very very stong connection when carried and is very careful to the sensitive soul. almost he understands what would hurt me and deflects it. and is allways present.

i wouldnot think of a reason for me to combine this with sth else on same subject. this is only my opinion